Audio by album newlife_church_toronto

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts: Healing

19:56 minutes (6.35 MB)

The video shown at the end of this message can be found here: Healed from a Stroke

Dwaine Senechal - True Greatness

35:58 minutes (15.05 MB)

Roger Bye - The good news of the Kingdom

25:25 minutes (9.39 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Vision for Newlife Church

22:26 minutes (8.29 MB)

I was mulling over my thoughts about our vision for Newlife Church and I came up with some key concepts. We want the church to be diverse in culture, age and social level. We want all the gifts in operation. We want evangelism and growth, a strong teaching foundation, and a love and care for people that addresses the huge social problems of the city and gives hope to the hopeless.

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts: Learning Christ

42:57 minutes (15.71 MB)

The handout is available as a word file here: handout of Eph 4:17-5:21

Andrew Fountain - Romans 6-The Two Worlds

34:47 minutes (13.08 MB)

For notes and visuals for this sermon, please see Notes on Romans 6-The Two Worlds

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts: The Kingdom and Healing

30:29 minutes (11.13 MB)

Sermon Notes

1. The 12 are sent out

  • Luke 9
    1. And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
    2. and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.

Andrew Fountain - Evangelism: What it means to repent - Acts 17

29:23 minutes (10.88 MB)

1. Acts 17

  1. So Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I see that you are very religious in all respects.

Clyde Matava - A Portrait of Worship

32:21 minutes (12.14 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What Holiness Really Means

31:19 minutes (11.78 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Why Psalm 90 is not in the least bit depressing

30:21 minutes (11.16 MB)

Psalm 90

A Prayer of Moses, the man of God

Andrew Fountain - Truth that brings life

32:22 minutes (12.21 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Power over Sins of the Flesh

32:37 minutes (12.27 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Living as Part of the New Body

33:45 minutes (12.65 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Colossians - Part 8

36:44 minutes (12.66 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Thankfulness

33:04 minutes (12.06 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Delighting in God 2: Experiencing the Presence Of God

36:30 minutes (13.22 MB)

1. The Facts

Keith Brooks - The Return of the Lost Son

27:49 minutes (10.32 MB)

Richard Bristow - Kingdom of God - My New Identity

20:27 minutes (7.31 MB)


Many of us as believers in Jesus Christ are not walking in our new Identity and are therefore are not fully embracing and walking in all of God’s authority, benefits, promises and ‘gifts’ that are available to us as “King Kids”; sons and daughters of the “Most High”.

Andrew Fountain - The Gospel 2: The Preaching of Peter

34:28 minutes (12.51 MB)

The events of Acts Chapter 3

  • We are going to read Acts 3:1-4:4 and then in a few mins we will watch it on video from the Visual Bible
    • The healing
    • The Message

What we can learn?

1. Not everything in this account can be directly applied to our situation

  • Differences

2. But some things can

Andrew Fountain - Belonging and Rejection

30:33 minutes (11.07 MB)

1. Belonging and Rejection


Andrew Fountain - The Gospel 3: Presenting the Gospel to Pagans

41:33 minutes (15.06 MB)
  • Two witnesses in Luke
    • Two examples of preaching to Gentiles who come from a pagan background (unlike Cornelius)
    • We will watch first, go through passages and then watch the second
  • Watch video: (disk 2, 01_1-04:10) 13:44—>14:20 (8:02)
  • Only twice do we have a record of Paul’s preaching to Gentiles who have little or no contact with the Old Testament.

Richard Bristow - The Parable of the Sower

25:15 minutes (9.74 MB)

Keith Brooks - Persistence in Prayer (Luke 11)

31:57 minutes (12.38 MB)

Keith Brooks - Spiritual Disciplines

36:11 minutes (14.06 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Living Right 1: Our Identity as a Holy People

32:48 minutes (11.91 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Living Right 2: A Spirit Filled People

30:35 minutes (11.09 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Living Right 3: Holiness and Love

33:34 minutes (12.17 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Forgiveness of Sin - the Woman who Loved Jesus

39:11 minutes (14.2 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Love Truth and Power in Evangelism

31:55 minutes (11.55 MB)


Our micro “values-pack”

The Envelope/Cover

Newlife Valuse Pack Envelope

Newlife Valuse Pack Welcome Card - Page 1

Don Garlington - Seeking the Kingdom

34:17 minutes (12.33 MB)

Richard & Tricia Bristow - God's Father Heart

41:28 minutes (15.18 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Stories of Fulfilled Prophecies

26:49 minutes (9.72 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Singing Praise to God

30:36 minutes (11.04 MB)


Link to Cartoon

Richard & Tricia Bristow - Forgiveness

45:39 minutes (16.61 MB)


Graham Bretherick - Anxiety

48:38 minutes (17.63 MB)

Graham Bretherick - Anger and Depression

43:40 minutes (15.79 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 2: A Model for Healing

31:52 minutes (11.53 MB)


(Part 2 of Series on the Gifts of the Spirit)

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 3: Examples of Healing

32:04 minutes (11.59 MB)


(Part 3 of Series on the Gifts of the Spirit)

Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 5: Healing and the Gift of Faith

51:15 minutes (18.55 MB)


(Part 5 of Series on the Gifts of the Spirit)

Keith Brooks - Anxiety (Psalm 131)

26:03 minutes (9.5 MB)


Stephen Best - Jesus

41:07 minutes (15.05 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Baptism

11:55 minutes (4.41 MB)


Richard Bristow - The Cross

32:25 minutes (11.88 MB)

We apologize for the poor sound quality in this recording.

Don Garlington - Death and Resurrection

43:01 minutes (15.78 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Happiness, Thankfulness and God's Inexpressible Gift

30:16 minutes (9.52 MB)


Your browser does not support iframes so the slides are not visible. Follow this link to view them on a separate page

Andrew Fountain - What the humanity of Jesus means for us

29:11 minutes (9.36 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Eating Christ's Flesh and Drinking His Blood

30:57 minutes (9.64 MB)


Andrew Fountain - How does Someone become a Believer? - Stories of Trust

39:11 minutes (12.51 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Paul, consumed with the New Creation

33:29 minutes (10.83 MB)


Richard Bristow - Why Church?

0:05 minutes (30.46 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - The Purpose of Worship

22:57 minutes (7.43 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Thankfulness and Faith

33:14 minutes (10.98 MB)


Scott Dalton - Restoring God's Plan

0:05 minutes (30.46 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

David, Denese & Rob - John 11, Gen 32 & Ps 131

0:05 minutes (30.46 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Don Garlington - It's all how you look at it

0:05 minutes (30.46 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Overview of the End Times

35:10 minutes (11.74 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Revelation Pt2 - The Story

46:58 minutes (16.68 MB)


Don Garlington - Psalm 3

0:07 minutes (36.13 KB)

Don Garlington - Psalm 1

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

Richard Bristow - Father's Day

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

Andrew Fountain - The Problem of Unanswered Prayer

33:44 minutes (11.21 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Answered Prayer

39:33 minutes (13.12 MB)

During the sermon, this James O. Fraser trailer video is shown.


Andrew Fountain - Temptations

44:02 minutes (14.83 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The New Creation

34:14 minutes (11.51 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Why Jesus' Commands are not Legalism

37:18 minutes (12.64 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Gospel: A Story

38:01 minutes (12.13 MB)


Richard Bristow - The Race - Learning from Elijah

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Receiving more of Christ

29:43 minutes (9.55 MB)


Bruce Smith - The Good Samaritan

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Link to full sermon notes for The Good Samaritan

Bumo, Tim & Andy - Scriptures that have spoken to us

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Link to full sermon notes for Scriptures that have spoken to us

Andrew Fountain - The Christmas Story

41:10 minutes (13.37 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The New Creation (An Introduction)

35:36 minutes (11.67 MB)


Andrew Fountain - A New Life

29:49 minutes (9.87 MB)


Richard Bristow - Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Love, Truth & Power from the Holy Spirit

37:41 minutes (12.43 MB)


Don Garlington - The New Creation in Paul

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Good News

25:10 minutes (8.39 MB)


Andrew Fountain - What Does "Faith" Mean

22:49 minutes (7.4 MB)


Andy Lee - Worship

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Answering Atheists

30:49 minutes (10.33 MB)


Richard Bristow - Dead or Alive? How is your Faith

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available.

Andrew Fountain - Breaking Bread (Communion) pt2--Where the church went wrong

32:22 minutes (10.04 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The True Seeker

39:00 minutes (12.84 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Responding to God

27:37 minutes (9.36 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Not under Law?

31:48 minutes (10.6 MB)


Doug Cryer - God is the Father I Have Always Wanted

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andy Lee - The Father's Love

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Doug Cryer - Importance of Forgiveness

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - My Testimony

35:41 minutes (14.3 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Becoming a Christian

12:42 minutes (5.09 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Church

40:31 minutes (16.23 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Grace & Salvation

34:58 minutes (14.01 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Truth and the Bible

31:48 minutes (12.74 MB)

To watch the video clips shown during the sermon, see the links below


Andrew Fountain - Filled with the Holy Spirit

31:52 minutes (12.77 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Central Message of Christianity

32:47 minutes (13.14 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Almost Unbelievable Prayer

33:59 minutes (13.62 MB)


Doug Nix - Giving

46:23 minutes (18.58 MB)

David Campbell - Leadership in the Local Church

36:24 minutes (14.58 MB)

No notes available.

Brad Lewis - Outward Looking

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andy Lee - Why be a member?

47:13 minutes (18.91 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Love - God's agenda for us

46:21 minutes (18.57 MB)


Tope Koleoso - Living by Faith

54:32 minutes (18.73 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's Power

36:39 minutes (14.68 MB)


Brad Lewis - I commend you to God and to the word of his grace

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's Justice

31:09 minutes (12.48 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's Faithful Love

33:22 minutes (13.37 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Stories of God who Knows Everything

38:22 minutes (15.37 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Stories of a God who is Holy

40:13 minutes (16.11 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Stories of a God who is Three in One

45:43 minutes (18.32 MB)


Brad Lewis - Pray the Psalms, I dare you!

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

David Campbell - Lazarus

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Andrew Fountain - Led by the Spirit

36:07 minutes (14.47 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Jesus, the Light, is born into this World

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No Audio Available. Click here for video.

Full sermon notes - The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story


Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's creativity and beauty

40:32 minutes (16.24 MB)


Andy Lee - Moving in Faith

48:11 minutes (19.31 MB)


Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)

by Chris Tomlin © 2010

Tafari Hibbert - Discipleship

41:24 minutes (16.58 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Stories of a God who is Transcendent yet Humble

36:44 minutes (14.71 MB)


Don Garlington - Introduction to the Parables

38:42 minutes (15.5 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Camel and the Eye of a Needle

34:36 minutes (13.86 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Good Shepherd

34:04 minutes (13.65 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Sower

38:30 minutes (15.43 MB)


David Campbell - Being filled with the Spirit

46:06 minutes (18.46 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Mustard Seed

33:43 minutes (13.51 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

33:48 minutes (13.54 MB)


Here are the two YouTube videos that I mentioned in the sermon:

Andy - Signs

49:27 minutes (13.85 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Enemy who sowed Tares

49:32 minutes (19.85 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Anxiety, Fear & Security - the Rich Fool

42:50 minutes (17.16 MB)


Andy - The Parable of the Talents

40:37 minutes (16.27 MB)

Chris McLean - Leave room for the miracles only God can do

49:04 minutes (16.67 MB)

Group Leaders please note

  • On Sunday we looked together at the Feeding of the five thousand. Our desire was to look at this familiar passage with fresh eyes and consider how we can grow in our confidence that God is a God of supernatural provision.
  • Use the Questions and thoughts below to aid discussion in our groups from the teaching we received
  • Please note that is not about completing all the questions but stirring faith filled dialogue among the group.

Reading: Matthew 14:13–21 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

David Campbell - What makes a church?

39:36 minutes (12.32 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Learning How to Pray in Faith

40:03 minutes (16.05 MB)


Ant Dube - The God of the City

42:24 minutes (13.79 MB)

David Campbell - Light in the Darkness

29:58 minutes (12.01 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What does it mean to Eat the Bread of Life?

32:16 minutes (12.93 MB)


Andrew Fountain - A modern take on the Parable of the Dishonest Manager

32:23 minutes (12.97 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Love: Our New Identity. Parable of the Sheep and Goats

35:14 minutes (14.11 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Real Truth about the Resurrection

34:36 minutes (13.87 MB)


Tafari Hibbert - Strength in Trials - James 1

30:02 minutes (12.03 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Our 'Need' to be in Control

31:44 minutes (12.71 MB)


Tafari Hibbert - Attitudes to Wealth

38:50 minutes (15.56 MB)

Andy - Building: The Tower of Babel

26:01 minutes (10.42 MB)

J.D. Sherman - Obedience

48:23 minutes (16.61 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Jesus' promise of his presence with us

44:08 minutes (17.68 MB)

Jesus' promise of his presence with us


Tafari Hibbert - The Power of our Words

40:50 minutes (16.36 MB)

Stories of Trusting God: What is He asking You to do?

36:11 minutes (14.5 MB)
  • What about your story?
  • What is God asking you to do?


Andrew Fountain - Improving our Prayer Lives

35:45 minutes (14.32 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Prayers that Get Answered

49:39 minutes (19.89 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Prayer in Practice

43:03 minutes (17.24 MB)


Tafari Hibbert - Where Do You Stand?

48:27 minutes (19.41 MB)

David Campbell - The Challenge of Change

37:10 minutes (14.89 MB)

Andrew Fountain - How to become a Thankful Person

39:25 minutes (15.79 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Jesus Sets his Followers a Challenge

32:03 minutes (12.84 MB)


Tafari Hibbert - The Problem of Partiality

38:23 minutes (15.38 MB)

Andrew Fountain - How to Speak Words of Life

34:19 minutes (13.75 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Rituals or Reality

21:41 minutes (8.69 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Wise Men

23:32 minutes (9.43 MB)


Tafari Hibbert - Is it Faith or Works?

36:04 minutes (14.45 MB)

David Campbell - The Turning Point of History

45:00 minutes (18.03 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Fifteen ways to love

41:13 minutes (16.51 MB)


Homeric Arvanitis - The Humble Heart

29:33 minutes (11.85 MB)

You can view the mind maps from the links to pdfs below:

Tafari - Controlling our Words

40:38 minutes (16.29 MB)

Aislinn - Persistent Prayer

15:48 minutes (6.34 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Seven Myths about Christianity

33:43 minutes (13.6 MB)


Josh Nadeau - Finally Home: The Safety and Joy of Eternity

40:04 minutes (16.07 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Seven More Myths about Christianity

35:33 minutes (14.28 MB)


Tafari - Women of Influence

30:17 minutes (12.14 MB)

Andrew Fountain - How to Get More out of Reading the Bible

42:30 minutes (17.08 MB)


Olesia - Every Good Gift comes from Above

13:47 minutes (5.53 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Extraordinary Effect of being Joined to Jesus

31:48 minutes (12.87 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Shame

26:58 minutes (10.84 MB)


Andrew Fountain - If anyone is thirsty - John 7:37-39

25:56 minutes (10.44 MB)


Andrew Fountain - New Life in the Spirit -Rom 6

29:52 minutes (11.99 MB)


Tafari - Choose This Day

0:07 minutes (49.66 KB)

There is no audio for this sermon, just video

Tafari - Humility or Boasting, You Decide

0:07 minutes (49.66 KB)

There is no audio for this sermon, just video

Andrew Fountain - Story of Acts in half an hour

40:57 minutes (16.43 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Mission of the Church

32:48 minutes (13.19 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant

46:21 minutes (18.59 MB)


Chris McLean - How I Found my Father

39:05 minutes (15.68 MB)


Danfi - Can God be trusted to be fair?

13:26 minutes (5.4 MB)

Josh - The Journey

14:34 minutes (5.85 MB)

Tafari - Snapshot of Christian Living

40:26 minutes (16.2 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Roadblocks in Reading the Old Testament

33:52 minutes (13.61 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Prayer and God's Power

33:28 minutes (13.44 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Parable of the Talents

34:58 minutes (14.04 MB)


Stephen Best - Christs Glorious Church

33:08 minutes (13.27 MB)

April Best - Our Adventure with God

28:46 minutes (11.55 MB)

Danfi Parker - Blessed are those who Limp

29:17 minutes (11.75 MB)

Chris McLean - The Great Exchange

40:06 minutes (16.08 MB)

Jeremy Simpkins - Encouragement

35:06 minutes (14.07 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Leadership and Elders in the N.T. Church

43:07 minutes (17.32 MB)
  • download

Ian Galloway - Spirit filled church

33:08 minutes (13.29 MB)

Chris McLean - Thanksgiving

0:07 minutes (39.3 KB)

No audio available. Please see video link

Andrew Fountain - Why a Church Needs Home-Groups

29:58 minutes (12.04 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - God Chooses the Weak

42:02 minutes (16.89 MB)
  • download

Ian Galloway - A Generous People

48:39 minutes (19.51 MB)

Ian Galloway - Building the Church

37:33 minutes (15.06 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Love, Truth & Power through the Holy Spirit

28:50 minutes (11.58 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Truth that brings life - Col 1:1-9

38:31 minutes (15.47 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - A Letter in the Shape of a Tree: Colossians

33:06 minutes (13.27 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Power of Thankfulness

31:56 minutes (12.83 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Song hidden in Colossians

28:30 minutes (11.44 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure

26:17 minutes (10.56 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Source of our New Life: United with Christ

40:42 minutes (16.39 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Defeating Temptation with a New Identity and Destiny

27:45 minutes (11.14 MB)

Andrew Fountain - New Clothes

37:37 minutes (15.09 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Bringing Heaven down into Family & Relationships

47:29 minutes (19.05 MB)

Anne Fountain - What Joshua had for Breakfast

34:29 minutes (13.85 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Two Simple Keys for Living in the World

43:55 minutes (17.62 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Testimonies of Praise

25:20 minutes (10.15 MB)
  • download

Danfi Parker - Seek First the Kingdom of God

35:46 minutes (14.34 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Can a Christian fall away? - Hebrews pt.4

37:27 minutes (15.02 MB)

The Central Message of Hebrews (pt.5)

29:14 minutes (11.74 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The New Covenant Meal

34:09 minutes (13.7 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The New Covenant (Hebrews pt.6)

51:54 minutes (20.82 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Washed clean, once for all (Hebrews pt.7)

38:52 minutes (15.62 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What is your reality? (Hebrews pt.9)

40:28 minutes (16.23 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Winning the Race of Life (Hebrews pt.10)

36:02 minutes (14.49 MB)

Luke Fountain - Becoming who God made us to be

32:11 minutes (12.9 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Don't Choose the Stew (Hebrews pt.11)

27:23 minutes (11.04 MB)

Chris McLean - Coming Home

51:02 minutes (11.69 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - The Unshakable Kingdom of Love (Hebrews pt.12)

33:54 minutes (13.62 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Power to Live a New Life

36:55 minutes (14.81 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - When our Conscience Turns Rogue - The God of all Comfort

41:21 minutes (16.59 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Abandonment & Belonging

33:46 minutes (13.54 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Do not Judge?

37:50 minutes (15.18 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - The Great Prayer of Jesus

31:29 minutes (12.64 MB)
  • download

Andrew Fountain - Jude: The book you never hear preached

43:20 minutes (17.4 MB)

view the handout

Download pdf of the handout

Ian Galloway - Suffering and the Kingdom of God

45:07 minutes (18.09 MB)


Moe Bergeron - I've had enough Lord--Elijah's Depression

44:32 minutes (17.87 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Why follow Jesus?

38:03 minutes (15.25 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Living the Christian Life: at Work

34:47 minutes (13.96 MB)


Link to sermon notes for Living the Christian Life: at Work

Andrew Fountain - Manging your time

41:47 minutes (16.78 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Forming Helpful Habits

36:48 minutes (14.76 MB)


Anne Fountain - Hannah's Prayer: There's more happening than we think when we pray

39:48 minutes (15.95 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Brain Revolution: New Ideas About Mental Health, Healing and Therapy, With a Christian Response

43:42 minutes (17.52 MB)


Link to video and notes

Andrew Fountain - Having Healthy Boundaries

45:26 minutes (18.26 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Facing Suffering

31:47 minutes (12.77 MB)


David Campbell - Seven Tools to Make Sense of Suffering

48:28 minutes (19.42 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Rebuilding Jerusalem / Mobilizing the Church

39:39 minutes (15.92 MB)


Elliot & Andrew - How am I choosing to live my life?

38:24 minutes (15.39 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Learning to live free from condemnation

33:06 minutes (13.26 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What makes Philippians so unusual

34:23 minutes (13.81 MB)


Anne - Hospitality: An opportunity to be like God

39:54 minutes (16.04 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Paul shows us how he deals with his own anxiety

30:44 minutes (12.34 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Be captivated by Jesus

38:56 minutes (15.61 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Awe and Wonder at God's Plan for Us

35:30 minutes (14.27 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Making Sense of the Present in Light of the Future

42:12 minutes (16.93 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Five ways to stand firm

46:08 minutes (18.51 MB)


Andrew Fountain - God supplies our needs

36:29 minutes (14.65 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Philippians: End of series wrap-up

16:51 minutes (6.77 MB)

Anne - What's Surprising about Dorcas

34:43 minutes (13.93 MB)


In Christ - connecting with power in your life

35:49 minutes (14.39 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Four Kinds of Prayer

38:25 minutes (15.41 MB)


Darryl Dash - The Good Life and Money

41:32 minutes (16.65 MB)


Moe Bergeron - "The Last Days" (Isaiah 2:1-3)

38:49 minutes (15.56 MB)


God how long will you hide your face? Do you even care?

32:32 minutes (13.04 MB)


Andrew Fountain - God, why are you not listening? Answering the Psalms of Desperation

45:23 minutes (18.22 MB)


Andrew Fountain - An Honest Look at some Surprising Scriptures

30:31 minutes (12.26 MB)


Andrew Fountain - What on earth does it mean to be "Filled with God"?

39:31 minutes (15.87 MB)


Andrew Fountain - How to have more of God's life in you

45:17 minutes (18.22 MB)


Andrew Fountain - The Dirge, the Dance, and the End of the World

37:59 minutes (15.28 MB)


Bruce Smith - Grit and Grace - Lessons from Amos

41:25 minutes (16.61 MB)


Anne Fountain - For such a time as this: The story of Esther

46:22 minutes (18.63 MB)
  • The story line of Esther is engaging, gripping, and full of expected twists and turns.
  • More than anything else we see God’s hand in every detail (in a book which does not even mention him by name).
  • Just as God was with Esther, he is with you “for such a time as this”

Evert Heskes - Kindness: the glue that holds the body together

42:21 minutes (17 MB)


Braden - Following Jesus

25:56 minutes (10.42 MB)


Andrew Fountain - Remarkable Stories of Fulfilled Prophecies

27:54 minutes (11.23 MB)


Andrew Fountain - How the Church Grows Up—Why every person needs to play their part

39:28 minutes (15.83 MB)

I’m optimistic about the future of the church. That’s because in Eph 4, God says that we’re moving out of childhood and into maturity. But how?


Andrew Fountain - Empowered to Use your Gifts - Victory in the Christian Life

39:10 minutes (15.73 MB)

For centuries many have struggled with this, and 100’s of books have been written. Is there an answer?

Many people struggle with feeling that their Christian life is a failure—a lack of power, joy, or victory over sin.

Andrew Fountain - Seven Values of Newlife Church, using the church at Antioch as a model

38:15 minutes (15.37 MB)

How do you build something without plans?

Andrew Fountain - 7 Things you might not know about Breaking Bread (Communion)

35:02 minutes (14.09 MB)

Most Christians have a rather limited understanding of this central part of the Christian church’s activity. How many of these did you know?


Andrew Fountain - What God is Like

40:40 minutes (16.33 MB)
  • Can these both be true? and if so then how can we really be close to him?
  • Some parts of the Bible show God as really scary and other parts gentle and comforting.


Andrew Fountain - God and the Spirit World

36:07 minutes (14.56 MB)
  • The Different Kinds of Beings in Existence
  • The Pagan world view and avoiding it
  • Evil & Suffering—It’s Origin & Destiny


Andrew Fountain - How the World got Broken

36:01 minutes (14.49 MB)
  • Most people will agree that there is something very wrong with this world
  • How did it get this way?
  • And how can we personally avoid falling into temptation in our lives?


Andrew Fountain - How the cross and the resurrection changed everything

32:24 minutes (13.02 MB)
  • Union with Christ is the single most important idea in the whole of Christianity.
  • If you truly understand what it means, and get a really firm grasp of it, then it will affect you profoundly.

Andrew Fountain - Jesus' Design for the Christian Life

33:57 minutes (13.65 MB)
  • In his last words to his disciples before he died, Jesus laid out for them a plan.

Andrew Fountain - The End of the World amd the Age to Come

50:17 minutes (20.22 MB)
  • We answer 12 common questions about the events leading up to Christ’s return, the day of judgement, and the age to come, with a focus on Matthew 24 & 25. We then consider what the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins really means, and how it challenges us.

Andrew Fountain - A Psalm that will change your life

29:32 minutes (11.91 MB)
  • There are amazing connections between Eden, the temple, Jesus’ teaching, and the book of Revelation.
  • Grasping the power of the temple imagery throughout the Bible will impact our own lives and mission.

Andrew Fountain - The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 verses of John

33:04 minutes (13.34 MB)

Download a PDF of the handout here: John 1 handout

Andrew Fountain - Why the very first believers were so drawn to Jesus

40:41 minutes (16.31 MB)

Video cover image from Kids on the Move (permission given)

Andrew Fountain - A Different take on turning Water into Wine

40:30 minutes (16.28 MB)
  • Why does Jesus answer Mary in such an odd way? It is almost rude and seems very out of character.
  • Yet it turns out that this answer is what unlocks the challenge to us in the story.


Andrew Fountain - Anger and Love in the Temple

31:12 minutes (12.59 MB)
  • What exactly made Jesus so angry?
  • Why did he gave such a strange answer to the Pharisees?
  • When we can truly resonate with Jesus’ anger and feel his love, we can get what this story is all about.

Andrew Fountain - Born from Above

49:21 minutes (19.81 MB)
  • Jesus challenged Nicodemus to think outside his religious box.

Andrew Fountain - God's Love for Humanity

40:20 minutes (16.17 MB)
  • John 3:16 is probably the best known verse in the Bible, but it has a hidden depth and richness that makes it (and the rest of the passage) well worth studying.


Andrew Fountain - The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your Deepest Need

38:49 minutes (15.6 MB)

Andrew Fountain - New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by some radical claims

36:01 minutes (14.47 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What on earth does it mean to 'feed on Jesus' and why this is one of the most important things you can ever learn

38:15 minutes (15.36 MB)
  • After feeding the 5000 and walking on water, Jesus was asked to provide more food. The answer he gave was very strange, and resulted in many people walking away from him.


Andrew Fountain - A deeper look at the strange words: 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood'

39:25 minutes (15.85 MB)
  • These strange sounding words can be, for your, a deep source of life.


Andrew Fountain - If anyone is thirsty

38:07 minutes (15.32 MB)
  • Are you feeling dry and thirsty? Jesus is offering cool refreshing water: abundant, life-giving and free. Come and drink!


Andrew Fountain - Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us into Darkness

44:16 minutes (17.75 MB)
  • There is a voice inside you that is telling you lies!
  • Experience what it is like to have the truthful words of Jesus bringing freedom from this darkness.


Andrew Fountain - How the Man Born Blind challenges you and me

30:23 minutes (12.21 MB)
  • On the surface this is a simple healing story,
  • but John has beautifully put together a series of events and conversations that build up to a startling revelation from Jesus
  • that his light can actually lead people to become blind,
  • and we ourselves need to pay close attention.

Andrew Fountain - The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of the Good Shepherd

41:22 minutes (16.63 MB)

Andrew Fountain - How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? --The Good Shepherd in Action

42:48 minutes (17.16 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Jesus' last days of teaching: Why so few really 'got' him. Can you?

34:49 minutes (13.98 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The God who will Love You to the End and Wash Your Feet

34:30 minutes (13.86 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Let not your Hearts be Troubled - Jesus Reveals Surprising Things about the Father

33:42 minutes (13.53 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New Dimension of Connection to with God

33:25 minutes (13.43 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The Flow of God's Energy - Jesus Explains how to be Connected to the Vine

31:08 minutes (12.54 MB)

Andrew Fountain - My peace I give to you... Do not let your hearts be troubled or be fearful

36:21 minutes (14.6 MB)

Andrew Fountain - What does the Promise of the Spirit of Truth mean for us?

43:34 minutes (17.47 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Do This... so that Your Joy may be Full

41:49 minutes (16.77 MB)

Andrew Fountain - John 17: THe Greatest Prayer in the Bible

39:34 minutes (15.86 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Safe and Sent: Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17

31:21 minutes (12.6 MB)

Andrew Fountain - The High Point in the whole of Jesus' Teachings

36:13 minutes (14.55 MB)
  • Jesus highest teachings, given just to his disciples in John 14–17 come to a climax in his prayer at the end,
    and now we reach the very pinnacle of the prayer


Andrew Fountain - Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Love - John 17

32:37 minutes (13.11 MB)
  • We are a gift from the Father to Jesus: his beloved ones
  • He gives our love back to the Father as a gift:
    to be revealers of God’s self-giving love to the world (and universe)
  • This is the highest expression of the Christian faith you will ever hear.

Andrew & Anne Fountain - How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54, 142)

30:09 minutes (12.11 MB)
  • A third of the book of Psalms is devoted to bringing complaints to God.
  • But the form of these complaints is very specific.
  • By giving us so many psalms in this form, God is telling us that he wants to hear the honest cries of our heart,
  • but also teaching us how he wants us to bring complaints to him.

Andrew Fountain - Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denied and Abused - John 18

41:11 minutes (16.55 MB)
  • Jesus was betrayed, arrested, abandoned, denied and abused.
  • Yet those were the very people he came to die for!
  • What manner of love is this?


Andrew Fountain - Bread & Wine: the Body of Christ United

33:34 minutes (13.5 MB)
  • The simple celebration to remember Jesus is so often misunderstood.
  • If we get what was so terribly wrong with the way the Corinthian church was breaking bread,
  • then we have the key to bringing joy to the heart of Jesus.

Andrew Fountain - What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate

38:25 minutes (15.43 MB)
  • Pilate was faced with a choice that in some ways is very similar to ours, even if we are a Christian.


Andrew Fountain - Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion

40:15 minutes (16.16 MB)
  • John is very selective, but this is because he is very focused in the unique way he wants us to relate to Jesus as he suffers and dies on the cross, a way that we miss if we don’t follow his references

Andrew & Anne Fountain - Jesus' Burial, with some Insights from Archeology

40:40 minutes (16.32 MB)
  • We believe the Bible because it is God’s word, but nevertheless it is encouraging to our faith so see the strength of the evidence.
  • Plus it helps us to visualize and conceptualize what actually happened at a real place and date.

Andrew Fountain - How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empowers Us

24:42 minutes (9.93 MB)
  • The resurrection of Jesus was not simply coming back to life, but the start of a new kind of humanity.
  • It gives us access to a new kind of life within us—empowered for victory.


Andrew Fountain - What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb

37:57 minutes (15.25 MB)
  • Life from the resurrected Jesus brought life to those around him.
  • You can experience more of that life, as Mary did.


Andrew Fountain - A Meal on the Beach with Jesus

31:41 minutes (12.73 MB)
  • People get fixated on the 153 fish, Peter’s clothes or odd behaviour, and miss the wondrous and life-changing point that this story is making.


Andrew Fountain - From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesus Restored Peter

27:40 minutes (11.12 MB)
  • This story helps us understand how Jesus deals with our failure.
  • Come to him and let him gently restore you and give you strength.
  • Just honestly tell him about it, and accept it is the same gentle Jesus that talked with Peter on the beach that morning.

Andrew Fountain - Meeting Jesus in the pages of John

28:13 minutes (11.34 MB)
  • John’s desire is that we should meet Jesus through his writing.
  • Even if we are Christians, we can meet him in a new and powerful way as we engage in these pages with the one who is both God and human.

Andrew Fountain - What the David and Goliath story is really about

39:47 minutes (15.98 MB)

Andrew Fountain - Giving Thanks Always and for Everything

33:57 minutes (13.67 MB)
  • The best remedy for Covid-19 depression is to increase our daily level of thankfulness by taking some practical steps.
  • Here are some suggestions of things you can do.


Andrew Fountain - When Thanksgiving Leads to Victory

28:15 minutes (11.35 MB)
  • There is strong Biblical support for the power of weaving thanksgiving into the story of our lives.
  • In more than one place, victory and answer to prayer are linked to giving thanks.


Andrew Fountain - Celebrating Thanksgiving

33:06 minutes (13.29 MB)
  • We start with the origins of our Thanksgiving Day,
  • work through the kind of things Jesus gave thanks for,
  • and look briefly at modern discoveries of how thanksgiving changes your brain.
  • Then we do it!

Andrew Fountain - Why Study the Old Testament?

32:51 minutes (13.17 MB)
  • The purpose of this talk is to convince you of the value of exploring the Old Testament,/n-and to begin the journey.


Andrew Fountain - Creation

30:36 minutes (12.3 MB)
  • We read the creation account, and then look at how the rest of the Bible reflects on, and adds to, the event.
  • We end with the key question:
  • How are WE to respond to the creation?

Andrew Fountain - The "Fall" and the Big Story

27:48 minutes (11.16 MB)
  • It is so important to grasp the Big Story of the Old Testament so as to make sense of the hundreds of small stories.
  • To just watch the 4 min animation, go to

Andrew Fountain - Old Testament Shadows and Types

36:23 minutes (14.62 MB)
  • Why did the disciples get so excited when Jesus opened up the meaning of the Old Testament to them?
  • Learn about types and shadows and you will see!


Andrew Fountain - Making Sense of the Flood

39:59 minutes (16.05 MB)
  • How we can make sense of the Flood account in Genesis,
  • see how it connects with Jesus,
  • and how it still speaks to us today.


Andrew Fountain - The Covenants - the Backbone of the Old Testament

39:57 minutes (16.04 MB)
  • To understand the covenants is both the beginning and the end of the quest for truth.
  • For in them we can grasp how the Creator relates to humanity.


Andrew Fountain - Has Jesus done away with the Law? - Answering the problems that come up

40:40 minutes (16.34 MB)
  • If the Law was for the Jews, what about everyone else?
  • Does the Law have any value in the New Covenant under Jesus?
  • Plus other questions.


Andrew Fountain - Jesus, the Light of the World

27:33 minutes (11.09 MB)
  • Light is a key theme in Scripture, and as we put together references from the whole Bible, we see a beautifully unified theme what brings hope, and direction for living.


Andrew Fountain - God's Gift of Everything

28:09 minutes (11.32 MB)
  • If God has given you his own beloved Son, Jesus, then will he withhold anything from you?

In Romans 8 Paul gives us some of the most encouraging words in the Bible


Andrew Fountain - "I will be with you!" - The Era from Abraham to Joseph"

30:26 minutes (12.23 MB)
  • There’s a fresh start for humanity with Abraham and Sarah, a new Adam and Eve but with a very different requirement.
  • Instead of law, they are under faith, with the requirement of simply trusting that he will be with them.

Andrew Fountain - New Creation - The Big Story of the Bible

31:48 minutes (12.78 MB)
  • If we can grasp the big picture of God’s plan for humanity, it will not only help us understand the Bible, but hugely empower and energize us for the Christian life.


Andrew Fountain - New Creation (2) - How it started with a New Eden

34:55 minutes (14.05 MB)
  • When we see how the images of Eden in the Bible all hang together in a beautiful way, it bring us so much hope and leads us towards victory.


Andrew Fountain - New Creation (3) - How to live in the New Creation while still in the Old

36:44 minutes (14.75 MB)
  • All our problems as Christians, come down to the fact that although we are a New Creation, we are still living in the Old.
  • Answering this problem leads to true victory.


Anne Fountain - The Bible and Archeology

42:33 minutes (17.09 MB)
  • Archeology shows us that Bible history and world history are the same.
  • We don’t need evidence from archaeology to prove to us that God is real but it can be a great encouragement to see where things match up.

Andrew Fountain - Why Idolatry is such a big theme in the Old Testament

38:02 minutes (15.27 MB)
  • Behind idolatry is our fear, and a need to gain control when we are powerless.
  • Once we get how it worked in the Old Testament it is very easy to see how we fall into this trap ourselves on a daily basis.

Andrew Fountain - The Exodus theme through the Bible

35:23 minutes (14.26 MB)
  • Seeing this theme throught the Bible will help us to take encouragement from some very powerful words from God in the Old Testament.
  • We now see how they speak into our lives.


Andrew Fountain - The Story of Israel and the Heart of God

33:14 minutes (13.35 MB)
  • Seeing the big story of Israel allows us to get a glimpse into the heart of God that is deeply revealing and affecting.


Andrew Fountain - The Rest of the Story of Israel - Past and Future

42:38 minutes (17.12 MB)
  • When we see how God’s promises and prophecies to Israel fit with the New Testament and beyond,
    like Paul we will not be able to help bursting out in praises to God.


Andrew Fountain - The Empty Tomb

35:17 minutes (14.2 MB)
  • When we see what a strong foundation our faith is built on, the joy of that truth will well up inside us


Andrew Fountain - Why are we told to fear God if love casts out fear?

30:05 minutes (12.07 MB)
  • Many people feel that the Old Testament God wanted to be feared but there’s a different God in the New who has banished fear.
  • The solution to this problem is very rarely understood, even by Christians, and extremely important.

Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's Compassion and Grace

35:59 minutes (14.45 MB)
  • Understanding God’s compassion is vital for living an authentic Christian life.
  • It shines most brightly in the N.T. in Jesus, but there are some remarkable stories in the Old, demonstrating that God does not change.

Andrew Fountain - Roadblocks when Reading the Old Testament

38:39 minutes (15.54 MB)
  • Quite often, when people start reading the Old Testament. they hit roadblocks such as
    • obscure language,
    • stories that seem to condone violence or abuse,
    • and moose strange or problematic laws, for example regarding women.

Andrew Fountain - Holy - The most Misunderstood Word in the Bible

32:45 minutes (13.19 MB)
  • A word that is so rich, so precious, and so heart-warming has been tragically misunderstood in recent centuries.
  • God’s holiness a positive quality very closely linked to his love, and it is so important that we connect with this.

Andrew Fountain - Why I Love Jesus

29:45 minutes (11.95 MB)

Let’s focus on why we love Jesus,

  • not just for what he has done for us,
  • but because he is the most fascinating, wonderful, awesome and lovely person that has ever existed.


Holy — Answering Problems with Correctly Understanding this Word (pt.2)

34:09 minutes (13.69 MB)

we clear up some problems with other Old Testament passages
and dig deeper into the meaning.

  • Having presented a new understanding of this incredibly important word,


Andrew Fountain - The Misunderstanding of Holiness — Part 3: Tying it All Together

39:42 minutes (15.98 MB)
  • How does our new understanding of holiness fit with some N.T. passages that seem to be equating it with purity.
  • By making an extra step in our definition, we can tie everything together in a way that not only makes sense but is helpful and motivating,

Andrew Fountain - The Silver Trumpets

33:06 minutes (13.39 MB)
  • What if we had a silver trumpet that we could blow at any time and God would come to our rescue?
  • Actually such trumpets really existed!
  • We have effectively the same thing if we can understand it.

Moe Bergeron - The Story of Barzillai

27:06 minutes (10.87 MB)

Andrew Fountain - A Surprising Invitation to a Banquet

27:19 minutes (11.02 MB)
  • Do you want to be part of a supernatural kingdom, built in an impossible way?
  • You have to step up to God’s call!
  • Stop telling yourself you are nothing and can’t do anything
  • “I can do all things through him who strengthens me!”

Andrew Fountain - Trusting Jesus in the Storms

34:15 minutes (13.76 MB)
  • Are you going through a storm?
  • This is one of the most encouraging stories I have ever read.
  • Even with little faith you can survive the worst storms in your life.


Andrew Fountain - Hints of the Trinity and Jesus in the O.T.

29:38 minutes (11.91 MB)
  • Why did God not tell us everything about himself right at the start?
  • Because it is only in the context of an unfolding relationship that we can begin grasp the richness of who he is.
  • Join us in this exciting journey!

Andrew Fountain - Can God be Trusted in the Darkest Situation? - Isaiah 37

42:01 minutes (16.93 MB)
  • Have you ever been in a situation when it looks like something really bad could happen? We take an example of how to relate Old Testament stories to our own lives in a way that is faithful to the context, and also immensely encouraging!

Andrew Fountain - Stories of Endurance and the Motivations that Got People Through

33:19 minutes (13.38 MB)
  • From Abraham and Moses to the ‘Stanford Marshmallow Experiment’, endurance is a common human experience.
  • The Bible gives us three ways that not only help us endure, but turn it from a negative to a positive experience.

David Campbell - Personal Freedoms and Love - How New Testament Churches Handled Contentious Issues

31:23 minutes (12.64 MB)
  • It so is sad to see churches experiencing divisions regarding response to the pandemic.

Andrew Fountain - Trusting God in Hard Times - Reading the O.T. in a way that lets it speak truly into our lives: Is. 55

34:40 minutes (13.94 MB)
  • Have you had times of darkness in your life?
  • We work through how we should read Old Testament passages so that they speak accurately into our situation./n-God says, “just hold on to me and I will never forsake you”

Andrew Fountain - The Presence of God: Then and Now

37:45 minutes (15.15 MB)
  • Part 1 is the unfolding story of the presence of God with humanity, from the beginnig of Genesis through the Bible.
  • Then the second part in about experiencing him right now, using Psalm 16 as a guide.
  • Come on this journey with us now!

Andrew Fountain - Open your mouth wide and I will fill it (Psalm 81)

26:47 minutes (10.79 MB)
  • God has so much for you, and longs to satisfy you with the very best
  • So what is stopping him?
  • The same thing as in Psalm 81 where he longed to bless Israel, but they did not “shema”.
  • This word is the key that will open all the blessings.

Andrew Fountain - Stories of God's Creativity and Love of Beauty

31:01 minutes (12.51 MB)
  • Sometimes we think of God as being too serious to be interested in beauty.
  • But creating beauty is core to his very nature, and when we do the same, we are being God-like.
  • Yet there in an extra dimension of beauty that comes by the Spirit.

Andrew Fountain - The Beauty and Power of Old Testament Poetry

35:36 minutes (14.31 MB)
  • The goal is to provide an understanding of how Hebrew Poetry works
  • so we can be better able to take in it’s beauty and power
  • so as to fill us with joy in our amazing God.


Andrew Fountain - Psalm 20 - Poetry with Power

39:05 minutes (15.67 MB)
  • We cam understand Psalm 20 at three levels:
  • the Artistry,
  • the Truth it expresses,
  • and the Powerful Message that speaks to our hearts.


Andrew Fountain - Profiting from the Prophets

42:10 minutes (16.97 MB)
  • This message aims to help us get more out of reading the Prophetic books in the O.T.
  • by understanding what they are about
  • and how they can speak to us.


Andrew Fountain - Jesus' shocking words about the O.T. - The Camel & Eternal Life (Luke 18:18-30)

35:11 minutes (14.16 MB)
  • When you see what Jesus is really claiming here, it is both shocking and motiviating.
  • An incredible parable that is often misunderstood.


Andrew Fountain - Important things to know about the Birth of Jesus

31:56 minutes (12.85 MB)
  • With all the sentimental caricatures of the birth of Jesus, it’s good to focus on what really happened and why.
  • Even most Christians don’t truly understand why he had to be a human.


Andrew Fountain - The Golden Thread - The Story of the Dragon's Attacks from Genesis to Revelation

25:53 minutes (10.41 MB)
  • There is a golden thread that runs through the Bible from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation.
  • It is the story of the battle between the Serpent and the line of the promised Saviour, full of drama and climaxes in total victory.

Andrew Fountain - A Story of Attacks and Discouragement turning into Joy

37:54 minutes (15.24 MB)
  • Life can bring discouragements, and Satan loves to pull us away from God.
  • In this extraordinary story from the book of Ezra that is exactly what happened.
  • But what is so encouraging for us is the surprising way that God turned defeat into victory.

David Campbell - The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the Coming of the Messiah

39:33 minutes (15.88 MB)
  • Rather than being someone who was hidden till Pentecost,
  • the Holy Spirit was an active agent in the Old Creation,
  • worked tirelessly to prepare the way for Jesus,
  • and is now working in us,
  • bringing dry bones to life in the New Creation.

Andrew Fountain - Be Strong and Very Courageous

36:08 minutes (14.54 MB)
  • This is an incredible promise, but can we take it personally?
  • If we understand the context, the meaning, and our part in it, the answer is yes!
  • What an encouragement!


Andrew Fountain - Circumcision - A topic you rarely hear explained

37:23 minutes (15.02 MB)
  • Circumcision: Meaning, Significance and Practical Insights
  • When we see how neatly the Old and New Testaments connect together on this issue, it brings such clarity, not only to understanding the Bible, but also our own identity.

Andrew Fountain - A New Beginning - Directions for this New Season of our Lives from Joshua 4 & 5

32:18 minutes (13.03 MB)
  • This story of a new beginning for Israel has a compelling message for our own lives as we move forward into a new season, with precise New Covenant parallels to the Old Covenant symbols.


Andrew Fountain - The Psalm with No Hope: Psalm 44 - when God doesn't even seem to be listening

37:09 minutes (14.94 MB)
  • The Psalm does not directly provide an answer, but there is an answer which is beyond our dreams.


Andrew Fountain - Stories of God Responding to Prayer

37:08 minutes (14.93 MB)
  • Seven suggestions about the kinds of prayers that God responds to, based on stories found in the Bible.


Andrew Fountain - Why the Story of Naaman is so Disruptive and Challenging

38:02 minutes (15.28 MB)
  • As we dive deeper into this account, we see more and more of the challenges, conceptual reversals and artistry in the narrative composition, with an exciting conclusion.


Andrew Fountain - The God Who Offers Secure Attachment

28:34 minutes (11.5 MB)
  • A core teaching of the Bible that is often missed, and that is deeply encouraging.


Andrew Fountain - Three Men and an Arrogant Emperor - Daniel 3 and its relevance for us today

38:42 minutes (15.57 MB)
  • Let’s take this distant story in a distant land at a distant time under a hot sun
  • and connect it to us right hear and now in Toronto
  • so that it means something very directly and specifically to us.

Andrew Fountain - A Living Sacrifice - gaining a clear understanding of one of the key texts in Romans

34:35 minutes (13.89 MB)
  • In two beautifully compact verses, Paul gives us a new “rule of life” for living under the New Covenant and lays a foundation to everything that follows about the gifts of the Spirit.
    —a perfect summary of what it means to be part of the new people of God.

Andrew Fountain - The God who Carries Us — Isaiah 46

30:31 minutes (12.27 MB)
  • God says, “Even when you have grey hair, I will carry you.
    I made you and I will support you;” (Is 46:4)
  • Do you believe this, or are you investing everything in the idols of this age which will not be there for you in the end?

Andrew Fountain - The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 1: Convincing Evidence for the Truth above all other Truths

32:18 minutes (12.98 MB)
  • The truth of the resurrection is at the foundation of everything we believe.
  • When we see how strongly supported this evidence is, it can be a great encouragement to our faith, our joy and our hope.

Andrew Fountain - The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 2: Jesus is Risen! and what that means for you and me

27:31 minutes (11.11 MB)
  • We will do some digging and strengthen the roots of our faith in resurrection,
    then we can enjoy the fruits and feel the richness of the blessing.
  • Here are three roots and three fruits

Andrew Fountain - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

34:52 minutes (14.04 MB)
  • This is such an encouraging verse, but it seems to big. What does ‘all things’ include?
  • Learn what it means and how to access this power.


Andrew Fountain - When God doesn't seem to keep his promises

31:10 minutes (12.52 MB)
  • How is it that the events of our lives don’t always seem to match up with the promises of God?
  • It turns out that this is not just a personal struggle for a few, but one of the central themes of the Bible.

Andrew Fountain - When God doesn't seem to keep his promises (Pt.2)

49:36 minutes (19.92 MB)
  • Sometimes we can feel God was leading us, but end up in a bad place.
  • How should we understand this if this happens?
  • and guard against it happening to us?


Andrew Fountain - Read & Understand the Prophets pt.2 (Isaiah 5)

39:24 minutes (15.85 MB)
  • Learning a few basic ideas about how to read the Prophets can make a huge difference in how well we can understand and connect with the message.
  • Many people today think the Old Testament God is harsh and angry, but a correct reading of Isaiah 5 paints an entirely different picture.

Andrew Fountain - Problems with Prophecies Against Other Nations, and some Good Answers (Isaiah 15-16; 19-20 & Jonah)

37:28 minutes (15.07 MB)
  • On the surface these prophecies against other nations can seem like unrelenting destruction,
    but on closer inspection there is a surprising revelation of the true heart of God in love and mercy,
    which culminated in the sending of his own son to die for the sins of his enemies.

Andrew Fountain - Understanding O.T. Prophecies of the Future (Prophets pt.4/4)

35:29 minutes (14.29 MB)
  • The goal is to help us notice themes when we are reading the O.T. prophets, and capture the hope and excitement of their vision of the future.


Andrew Fountain - Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant (Gen 15 & Jer 31)

38:08 minutes (15.33 MB)
  • When you really understand the New Covenant, it will transform your life, bring you into a new freedom, and enrich your relationship with God.
  • Sadly it is rarely explained, and most Christians are not entirely free from the Old.

Andrew Fountain - Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant part 2 (Jer 31 & Heb 8)

46:42 minutes (18.76 MB)
  • When you really understand the New Covenant, it will transform your life, bring you into a new freedom, and enrich your relationship with God.
  • Sadly it is rarely explained, and most Christians are not entirely free from the Old.

Devid Campbell - The Glory of the Lord - then and now

37:24 minutes (15.04 MB)
  • Our ultimate goal in life is to manifest the glory of God: to give God glory.
  • Wherever we are now, what we want to move toward is a greater manifestation of the glory in our lives.

Andrew Fountain - Elijah is Suicidal--God's Response and the New Covenant pt.3

37:43 minutes (15.2 MB)
  • In this extraordinary story, God replaced his old way of speaking with a new way, through Jesus.
  • It is imperative that you learn to hear this voice.


Andrew Fountain - The New Covenant brings a New Commandment - Love

31:48 minutes (12.78 MB)
  • While simple on the surface, some interesting and important questions come up, like
  • ‘What about this is actually new?’ and
  • ‘If it is part of our new nature, why should it require effort?’
  • together with asking what it might look like in our lives.

Andrew Fountain - How Passover became Breaking Bread, and how to Celebrate it

34:46 minutes (14 MB)
  • Passover was the central memorial feast of the Old Covenant,
  • and while celebrating it with his disciples, Jesus replaced it with a new feast,
  • saying ‘this is the New covenant in my blood, do this in remembrance of me!’
  • We explore 7 ways in which it connects with us.

Andrew Fountain - From Feeling Stressed to Peace & Confidence (Psalm 27)

31:44 minutes (12.77 MB)
  • All of us sometimes feel stressed, feel alone or vulnerable.
  • Let’s examine the process David went through in Psalm 27 so that we can learn how to go from feeling stressed to peace and confidence.

Andrew Fountain - How we Grow - A Surprising Answer from Colossians

31:14 minutes (12.54 MB)
  • Virtually all of us recognize there are areas where we need to grow and mature.
  • But how does this happen?
  • I was surprised when I first looked at Colossians because to start with the answer didn’t seem to make sense.

Andrew Fountain - Fitting Together the Old Testament Stories

28:16 minutes (11.38 MB)
  • If we can see how it all fits together, not only does it make more sense, but it speaks to us in a new way.


Andrew Fountain - Three Parables that Challenge our Beliefs about Prayer

29:26 minutes (11.84 MB)
  • In Luke 11 & 18, Jesus gives us several strong motivations to pray, including an example, a parable and some very clear teaching that challenges our core beliefs about prayer.
  • Listen to Jesus and be motivated by him today!

Andrew Fountain - Having a Passion for the Kingdom

29:53 minutes (12.04 MB)
  • The Kingdom message of Jesus was deeply challenging.
  • He told the story of a man who saw a priceless pearl and sold every he had to buy it.
  • Does that describe your passion for the Kingdom? and what would life look like if it did?

Andrew Fountain - The Kingdom of Heaven

34:54 minutes (14.06 MB)
  • After centuries of waiting. the King burst on the scene and announced the kingdom.
  • But is wan nothing like people were expecting, and right from the start Jesus was very challenging.
  • If we really listen to Jesus then we will be deeply challenged as well – every one of us!