Andrew Fountain - Power to Live a New Life
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Power to Live a New Life
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Year: 2017-05-21
- Length: 36:55 minutes (14.81 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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Power to live a New Life Sermon notes - Power to live a New Life
- I’m going to just quickly go through some Scriptures about this power
- First to show that the Spirit is in all Christians
- Not to say we are all “filled with the Spirit” —the subject for another day
- But every Christian is born again by the Spirit who lives in them, as Paul says:
- Are you convinced?
- Now we will look at a couple of passages in Ephesians that clearly state that the power of the Spirit is really available to us:
- So it should be pretty clear from these verses that this power is not just theoretically ours but it really is actually available to us.
- We’ve looked at the beginning of Ephesians, then the end, and now to the middle:
- Is there a gap between these words and our experience? (there is for me)
- Does everyone agree that lack of power is a common problem?
- We don’t experience victory in our lives over the old way of living.
- How do we access this power?
- It’s not about spiritual gifts—the church at Corinth were abounding in gifts, but also abounding in sin.
- Ideas? (my reasons for asking questions)
- My suggestion for the answer:
- Two parts, asking for and receiving the Spirit’s wisdom, and surrendering to it.
- e.g. I’ll make a confession to you—If I have something stressful to do, I think “I’ll have a quick game of solitaire first (or some other similar thing)”
- And then I get distracted with something else and the stressful thing gets put off till tomorrow
- But if I say “God, do you want me to play solitaire right now...” usually I don’t even have to ask, I know the answer
- So the question comes down to a choice—do I surrender?
- e.g. do I phone that awkward person
- This is what you want me to do, so I trust you will give me the power as I step out in it
- life is made up of 1000’s of little choices.
- We are on autopilot most of the time, and that’s inevitable, but we should make surrendering our automatic default.
Explanation from Scripture
- Something in you knows what Jesus would do in this situation
- It is the new self, in the likeness of Jesus
- Used to be very shy, and still have trouble making smalltalk
- Worst possible thing for me was to talk to a visitor after church
- I just surrender to Jesus, and actually it’s not nearly as hard as I thought
- He has prepared all these good things for us to do, and we access them by giving over control to God
- It says put on the new self. —a different kind of being. (acoustic vs electric guitar)
- It seems like this is some alien power that is within us!
- Actually it is the new us but because it is totally a gift, we don’t even get merit points for it because it’s no credit to us
- Eph 4:9 said that we can’t boast (previous slide)
- How do we access this power? —surrendering
- This word has been misused: not flopping down and doing nothing, but our choice of what to do
- My problem is that I forget about this new way of living and realize I have been slipping back into the old for a few hours
- We need to put this way of living into practice until it becomes our second nature
- Key question: can I trust him? Does he have my best interests at heart?
- e.g. my map or GPS
- It feels like a kind of dying
- Another word for surrender:
- Presenting yourself as a slave sounds pretty much like surrendering
- Not a negative connotation, but a totally devoted and loyal servant
- But it’s not just waking up in the morning and saying “Jesus I present myself to you as a willing servant during this day”
- Conclusions
- In my experience, the sticking point is surrender. I use that word because this is what it feels like to me, and many others.
- There is a power in you that raised Jesus from the dead! Why not lay hold of it?
- How crazy to have this power and not to lay hold of it
- Surrender is trust (another word for faith)
- What it really comes down to is, do you trust Jesus?
- This message perfectly sums up how to become a Christian
- The truth that comes is about Jesus and how he can transform us
- Faith is saying “yes” and surrendering to Jesus
Prayer (stretch out your hands):
- I pray that you may know... what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe,
according to the working of his great mightthat he worked in Christ when he raised him from the deadand seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,
- far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,
- and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
- Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
that according to the riches of his glory he may grant youto be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being,so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...
- Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly
than all that we ask or think,according to the power at work within us,Amen
Updated on 2017-05-23 by Andrew Fountain
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