Andrew Fountain - Living Right 7: Love and Law
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Love and Law
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 7
- Genre: Living Right
- Year: 2009-10-25
- Length: 38:27 minutes (13.95 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
- Seventh and final part of our series on “Doing what’s right without being legalistic”
0. Review from previous times
- We asked the question: What does the word “holy” mean?
- Jesus re-defines holiness:
- His total denial of self as he poured out his life as a love-gift was the ultimate act of obedience
- This does not contradict the law (love God, love your neighbour)
- but goes way beyond what the Old Covenant ever commanded
- Jesus re-defines holiness:
- Rom 12:1 makes it very clear:
- I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your whole person as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God which is your spiritual worship.
- God’s main agenda for us at Newlife Church and for you as an individual
- Being a community of love, with his loving presence in us
- But what does this actually mean in practice?
- In essence, it is self-giving & self-denying
- not our own interests, but the interests of the other
- In essence, it is self-giving & self-denying
1. Misconceptions about love
- What does the word “legalism” mean?
- discuss
A. We are to be against Legalism but not to be against Law
- Legalism
- in the worst case, you are saved by keeping a set of rules
- in many cases God’s love is dependent on your rule-keeping
- is often external, but does not have to be
- You can measure someone’s spiritual maturity by how well they conform to a written set of requirements
- the commands are not a means to an end (loving God) but an end in themselves
- the law tends to state things negatively, so there is a focus on the “thou shalt not”
- there is a tendency to add commands to Scripture, by inference or “fencing”
- e.g. Fasting is Biblical, so I must fast once a week
- watching TV can lead to covetousness or lust, so to be on the safe side Christians should never watch TV
- in the worst case, you are saved by keeping a set of rules
B. Love is above Law
- There are no absolute standards of right and wrong
- everything must be judged by love
- It all depends on the situation
- “situational ethics”
- what is wrong in one situation might be right in another
- I answer to God, not to any earthly government
- Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world”
- How would you answer that?
C. All you need is love
- It is the “inner voice” that guides us in all situations
- e.g. couple who believe God told them to live together, that “He had married them”
- Love will guide you in every question
- The Spirit will directly guide you?
- There is no need for any written commands,
- in fact, “the letter kills and the Spirit gives life”
- From 2 Cor 3:6 —Paul is contrasting a covenant based on letter (literally v.7 engraved in stone)
- with one based on the Spirit living in us
- he is not saying that any written commands will kill you!
- Law receives authority from the inward attestation of the Spirit
2. Romans 12 and 13
- One of the main themes of Romans is “A New People of God”
- Just as the first 5 books of the Bible, “The Law of Moses” defined the Old People
- So Romans defines the “New People”
- The Law of Moses is unable to justify you, bring you into a right standing before God
- This can only happen through faith in God’s promises
- Just as the first 5 books of the Bible, “The Law of Moses” defined the Old People
- So you enter the new People of God by faith (Rom 1-5)
- Romans 6-8 talk about the power to live as God’s people
- The Spirit gives power, but the Law does not
- Romans 9-11 is about what is to become of the “Old People of God”
- Romans 12-15 deals with how the New People are to live
- Look at these two chapters
- Sacrifices (12:1-2)
- Leadership (12:3-8) —Israel had official priests and prophets and God given rulers
- Government (13:1-8) —Israel had no secular government, religion was enforced
- What about the Ten Commandments? (13:9-10)
- “Obey your parents” been already dealt with implicitly in authority
- (13:11-13) Actually love will include all of these
- And it is not that Law is the ultimate revelation of God’s standards
- Jesus is! He ultimately replaces Law as the perfect standard
- Romans 14 —food laws, sabbath, etc.
- Do we still have to keep the food laws?
- What about special days and the Sabbath?
- What about clean/unclean laws?
- You are free, but the principle of love says don’t damage the weaker brother
3. The Spirit and laws or commands
- The Spirit also speaks to us from others
- Mainly through instruction he has caused to be written down
- But also through other Spirit-filled people in the community, the body
- We have to judge this of course
- It will make a huge difference how we see these commands
- if we see law as blocking our goal (living life how we want to)
- or if we see it as helping us achieve our ultimate goal
- Examle of book on Improving my squash
- David and Psalm 119
- Response:
- Read the Bible regularly
- Love must be stimulated
- Encouraged and fed
- Helps us recognize the flesh
- Learn to hear the Spirit’s voice in a quiet room
- We will do some training soon on how to read the Bible
- Try and put it to the test
- Take these two chapters this week, and pray over them...
Updated on 2009-10-25 (r.90) by Andrew Fountain
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