- Jesus’ words move from comfort to challenge,
- from ‘Safe’ to ‘Sent’
- as this amazing prayer in John 17 moves towards it’s climax.

Sermon Outline - Safe and Sent — Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17
To feel the impact of the challenge in this prayer
but not be discouraged, but empowered.
Plan for today
- Recap of the prayer in John 17
- The 4th prayer: Safe from the world
- The 5th prayer: Sent into the world
Structure of John
1–12 ”Book of Signs” |
13–21 ”Book of Glory” |
John 13–21 “Book of Glory”
13 A meal with the disciples
14–17 New Teaching from Jesus to the disciples |
18–20 Arrest Crucifixion Resurrection |
21 A meal with the disciples
Prayers of John 17
- (1–5) I have completed your mission and brought eternal life to humanity, so the time has come for me to come back to your side in glory.
- (6–10) You entrusted me with your loved ones, so I fed them your words and they received them. I pray for them now because they belong to us both.
- (11–13) Now I am leaving them, please keep them safe, and especially give them the kind of unity that we have.
- (14–17) The world will hate them, but don’t take them out, rather keep them safe.
- (17–19) Dedicate them to the truth and send them out to continue the mission that you sent me on.
- (20–23) And as the mission grows, may the world see their love and unity and so believe in your love!
- (24–26) And finally, I want them to be with me forever, enveloped in our love.
Recap of last time (Prayer three)
John 17:11–13 (outline)
- I am no longer in the world,
- but I am coming to you.
- keep them safe
- so that they may be one
- just as we are one.
- I kept them safe
- but now I am coming to you,
- May they have my joy completed in them
2. The Fourth prayer: Safe from the world
Today we will be focusing on the fourth and fifth prayers, which are closely connected
A very natural form
- I wish I could support my friends who are in need
But I would need more income
which would mean a better job
So I am praying for this
so that when God answers my prayer
and gives me a better job
and I have more income
I can support those in need
John 17:14–17 (outline)
- I gave them your word
- the world rejects them, as it did me
- but don’t take them out
- just keep them safe
- the world rejects them, as it did me
- Your word is truth
3. The Fifth prayer: Sent into the world
John 17 – Jesus Prays to the Father
John 17:17–19 (outline)
- Make them 100% committed to the message
- Just as you sent me into the world
- So I send them
- And for their sakes
- I’m 100% committed
- So that then will be 100% committed to the message
How can we respond?
- This is a very challenging message
- Ask yourself if you are really 100% committed to Jesus’ mission?
- But don’t feel condemned by this message, because Jesus was so gently with his disciples, and is committed to you
- If you are challenged by these words, Jesus would love you to ask him to show you what they mean in your life right now.
- Jesus, I want to be 100% committed. Please help me!
- Goal: To feel the impact of the challenge in this prayer, but not be discouraged, but empowered.
- Let’s end by reading the verses again...
Updated on 2020-04-26 by Andrew Fountain