Andrew Fountain - Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 5
- Genre: Colossians
- Year: 2016-10-16
- Length: 26:17 minutes (10.56 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure - See the whole Colossians Series
Sermon notes - Passionate about Christ—the Hidden Treasure
- There is a difference between knowing a fact, and having an true insight into what it means.
- Story of the “Failed robbery attempt Australia”
- Two masked men with machetes attempted to rob Regents Park Sporting and Community Club
- Local newspaper reported: “we don’t know if they spotted the row of 50 bikes outside, but they failed to have a ‘penetrating insight’ into what that might mean”
- Have the information in your head, but not deeply grasp the implications
- The theme of the book:
0. The Story so far
- There are some damaging errors creeping into the churches in this area
- Instead of answering them 1 by 1, Paul’s responds by making sure they understand the truth
- He gives a beautifully compact and exquisitely constructed presentation of Jesus and salvation
- He wrote it for more than just the Colossians —at the end he says “pass the letter on”.
- The first half is the roots
- Comes together in the trunk
- and the second half spreads out and brings fruit
1. Last week
Paul’s Prayer:
- and asking
that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will
in all spiritual wisdom and understanding - so as to walk worthy of the Lord,
in all ways to please him,
in all good work bearing fruit and increasing in the knowledge of God, - in all power being empowered, through his glorious strength,
in all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father
- Would you like those things?
- Most Christians want more power...
- So what do we need to do to get these things?
- be filled with knowledge, spiritual wisdom and understanding
- We saw that Paul is not talking about some cold and indifferent knowledge of God
- but a penetrating insight that leads to a change of life
- This then is the first story of the building Paul is erecting
- It leads us to ask, “What is this great truth, Paul, that is so life-transforming ?”
- And so for the next three sections, Paul unfolds this truth.
- Last time we looked at [1:13–22] about our extraordinary, amazing, Jesus Christ
- It is probably the highest decription of Jesus Christ in the entire Bible
- Just to remind you, here it is in the form of a song:
- And having built this incredible, extraordinary picture of Jesus
- Paul needs to build a bridge between
- him, who is the beginning and the end, and has all things in his hands
- and us, who have to get up on Monday morning and face another day
- And today’s passage is the first part of the bridge
- Paul needs to build a bridge between
2. The Hidden Treasure is Revealed
- Chapter boundaries are artificial (except in the Psalms)
A. 23–25 Paul’s passion to communicate the truth
- What is all this about Paul filling up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ?
- Did Paul think that Jesus’ suffering on the cross was insufficient, and needed Paul’s sufferings to complete it?
- Paul cannot possibly mean that, since only a few verses later [2:13–14] he says that Jesus’ death totally cancelled our sins
- In Isaiah 49, It was prophecied that Jesus would be a light to the Gentiles
- But when he ascended to heaven, this work was hardly started
- Jesus work on the cross was finished, but the work of taking the Gospel to the nations had hardly started
- We do not help Jesus do his work on the cross—it is done!
- but we do help him with the work of spreading the gospel
- and this often entails suffering
- But when he ascended to heaven, this work was hardly started
- So the picture in [1:24] is of a container that represents the whole work of salvation
- It is mostly full—Christ has completed a full payment for sin
- All that is required to fill up the container it to spread the gospel
- And Jesus has graciously invited us to participate in this task
- Paul is entrusted with a “stewardship”
- he is given the great responsibility of God directly revealing the gospel to him
- What is it?
B. 26–27 The truth: hidden treasure revealed
- notice how he builds it up to a climax, leaving the revelation to the end
- In the O.T. there was a very hazy understanding of what the Messiah would be like
- It is hard for us (who know) to take ourselves back to that time
- a king was promised, in the line of David
- but there was also mention of a prophet like Moses
- and there were prophecies that hinted of a new priest
- yet Isaiah talks about a suffering servant who would be sacrificed
- Some Jews in the Qumran community (Dead Sea Scrolls) even speculated 3 Messiah’s!
- But nobody would ever have guessed that God himself would become a man
- and then die as a sacrifice
- Paul speaks of it as a “mystery”
- Now if I was come up to you and tell you I was entrusting you with a great mystery
- that had been kept secret since the beginning of the world
- you might think that you had to keep it quiet
- But for Paul it is the opposite, because what God was trusting him to do
- was not to keep it quiet
- quite the opposite—he was to proclaim it all over the world
- So what was this “mystery” ?
- a “mystery” is something we would never have known unless God had revealed it to us
- the heart of this truth is Christ in you
- This is how Paul is building a bridge from the last passage (amazing Jesus)
- to our struggle on a Monday morning
- This Christ is in us —and that is the basis for our hope
- This is how Paul is building a bridge from the last passage (amazing Jesus)
- But there is another level to this mystery, which he goes on to explain
- SKip over the middle verses for now
D. 2–3 The truth: hidden treasure revealed
- Not only is Jesus hidden in us,
- but all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Jesus
- So we are carrying around inside us, all the wealth and glory imaginable
- inside us!
- with the result that we have
- encouragement, love that knits us together, riches of assurance, riches of understanding
- Do you really know what you have?
- Do you remember when the angel told Mary that she would become pregnant with the son of God?
- Can you imagine what it must have been like for her, knowing that the new life inside her body was actually God!!!
- (probably harder for us guys... :)
- In some ways it is like that for us, but only more so
- Mary couldn’t communicate with the Jesus living in her,
- But we can communicate with Jesus who is in us
- Is this a bit complicated? —yes —well Paul will explain what it actually means in the next part of Colossians
- Can you imagine what it must have been like for her, knowing that the new life inside her body was actually God!!!
- But let’s go back for a moment:
C. 28–2:1 – Why so much about Paul?
- Now here is a problem (you might have noticed it)
- Why is there so much about Paul?
- Show sections 1, 3 & 5
- Imagine if you are at the church at Colosse and you are reading this letter together
- It has quite an impact
- You certainly get the idea that Paul is very emotional about what he is teaching
- If I say to you
- “Algonquin Park is very beautiful, you should go there for a visit”
- You may or may not decide to go
- “Algonquin Park is very beautiful, you should go there for a visit”
- If I say
- I am captivated by the beauty of the place
- It consumes my every waking moment, it is the jewel of Canada
- I spend the winters, planning how I can spend my summers in the park
- My life’s destiny is to tell others about the park
- I will do whatever it takes to get you there, no matter how much time or energy it takes me
- Now you take me a bit more seriously—maybe I should go there sometime
- We cannot separate our message from ourselves
- Paul cannot talk objectively about the Gospel!!!!
- This message drives his life, down to the core of his being!
- The word here translated “struggling” is actually taken from the athletic competitions
- Now (in [2:4]) we get to see where Paul is going with this:
3. The Application
E. 4–7 Paul’s passion to communicate the truth
- The problem is that they might get deluded by persuasive arguments [2:4]
- And so this is why they need to know what treasure they already have
- If I gave to Anne a diamond necklace, mode of the largest and most valuable diamonds in the world
- Could someone else tempt her to buy some immitation cut-glass baubles?
- You will always have people telling you about some amazing new thing that is the answer to problems in the Christian life
- Let me tell you: You already have everything!
- You have Jesus living inside you
- And he is the ruler of the universe
- He has in his right hand all wealth and wisdom and power and beauty and victory
- and He is in you!!!!
- I want to end with verses 6 & 7
- Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
- rooted and built up in him and established in the faith,
just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
- Three things to remember
- Be rooted, built up and established in Jesus
- by simply grasping hold of the truth, that this extraordiary being we call Jesus is in you
- and he is yours, so what more do you need
- by simply grasping hold of the truth, that this extraordiary being we call Jesus is in you
- Be as excited as Paul, that you get to be part of the process of spreading salvation
- this is not intended to be a guilt-trip —How many people have you led to Christ this week?
- but to be an infectious excitement that others can’t help notice
- Thanksgiving is a constant theme in Colossians
- occurring 7 times in these four short chapters
- This is how I want us to respond right now.
Everyone stand and call out your individual thanks to God, either aloud or quietly, however you want
- Be rooted, built up and established in Jesus
Updated on 2016-10-19 by Andrew Fountain
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