Andrew Fountain - The Gospel 5: Gods Right to Our Allegiance (Repentance)
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Gods Right to Our Allegiance
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 5
- Genre: The Gospel
- Year: 2009-06-14
- Length: 41:59 minutes (15.25 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
1. The Big Picture
- There is a cosmic struggle between God and the forces of evil
- It is not a balanced struggle, God is far stronger
- By evil we mean:
- cruelty, injustice & oppression
- cheating, stealing, deceit and corruption
- sickness, suffering, pain & death
- But God is determined to root out every hint of evil in the universe
- So there can be no more suffering or injustice or sorrow or pain —totally banished
- The Battle
- What right does God have to fight evil?
- He is the creator, and everything was created for the purpose of good
- He intended everything to be good, and he has a right since he made it
- The response of the forces of evil is:
- God has no right to tell us what to do
- He is evil and deceitful himself (Satan to Eve)
- Actually it is rebellion against God that brings happiness and submission brings sorrow
- There is a clever game that goes on in the mind that we call “rationalization”
- That makes evil good and good evil: Possessions cartoon
- So the battle is mainly fought in the area of belief and allegiance
- When someone changes sides
- they stop believing lies about God
- change their allegiance to him
- start to trust and follow him
- When someone changes sides
- What right does God have to fight evil?
- God’s Battle Plan
- The central idea of God’s plan is to focus evil in one place and then destroy it
- If you have an infestation of insects like moths or roaches, you don’t destroy the whole house, but put down a bait that draws them into a trap which you then destroy
- God’s first way of focusing evil was by giving laws
- This effective because rebels have nothing to rebel against unless there are laws
- Parable of the vineyard workers
- The next thing God does is to reveal his love
- How does this focus evil?
- It actually raises the stakes and forces polarization
- People cannot remain neutral any more, they either accept or reject
- So in this parable it forced evil to the surface
- John 1:1-18 describes this happening
- But although the evil comes to the surface, ultimately God’s love wins
- This is because when Jesus died and rose from the dead
- He made a way to take evil on himself and destroy it in his own body
- and then to offer that freedom from evil to anyone who wanted it
- but there was one thing that they had to do: they had to change sides
- This means changing allegiance from those opposed to God to God
- It means recognizing God’s rights as a creator
- It means acknowledging him as God
- The central idea of God’s plan is to focus evil in one place and then destroy it
- We are all caught up in this
- There is no way that we can be neutral
- Everything turns on whether we
- recognise God’s rights
- that his creation show allegiance to him and not to his enemies
- Living a life that does not respect his authority is actually siding with the enemy
- We are either for him or against him
2. What actually happens when we are saved
- The Holy Spirit is working in us
- No body can say “I am a Christian because I was smart enough to figure out that Jesus was the way”
- Jesus told Peter that God had revealed it
- God draws people to himself
- Jesus said...
- But we can still resist God up to a point
- If God is really determined to show us his love (Paul)...
- Faith / Repentance
- We put our trust in Jesus
- giving him our allegiance
- We turn away from the wrong things in our lives
- desiring not to do them (even though we may fail much of the time)
- We put our trust in Jesus
- We become a new creation
- We are united with Jesus, getting the blessings from his death and resurrection
- Our sins are forgiven through his death
- We are no longer enemies of God, but are fully reconciled with him
- We become a “new creation” through his resurrection (“born from above”)
- The Spirit comes to live in us
- bringing us into experience of the love of the Father and of the Son
- A new heart is created within us that wants to please God
- We are adopted by the Father and become his beloved children
- A new resurrection body is promised to us, along with an eternal inheritance
- The Spirit comes to live in us
- We are united with Jesus, getting the blessings from his death and resurrection
3. What do we tell people to do?
- Repent and Believe
- Acknowledge God’s kingship
- ask forgiveness for not doing this in the past
- ask for this gift of new life
- keep on asking till you receive
Updated on 2009-10-05 (r.81) by Andrew Fountain
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