Andrew Fountain - Living Right 6: Practical Love


  • Sixth of our series on “Doing what’s right without being legalistic” (second to last)

0. Review from previous times

  1. We asked the question: What does the word “holy” mean?
    • Jesus re-defines holiness:
      • His total denial of self as he poured out his life as a love-gift was the ultimate act of obedience
    • This does not contradict the law (love God, love your neighbour)
      • but goes way beyond what the Old Covenant ever commanded
  • Rom 12:1 makes it very clear:
    • I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your whole person as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God which is your spiritual worship.
  1. God’s main agenda for us at Newlife Church and for you as an individual
    • Being a community of love, with his loving presence in us
  • But what does this actually mean in practice?

1. What makes love valuable?

2. What does this love look like in practice?

3. What does this love NOT look like?

4. Love is sometimes tough


  • Ultimately love cannot be taught!
  • But our main teacher is the Holy Spirit

Updated on 2009-10-18 (r.84) by Andrew Fountain