Andrew Fountain - Story of Acts in half an hour
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Story of Acts in half an hour
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Year: 2015-09-27
- Length: 40:57 minutes (16.43 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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Story of Acts in half an hour Sermon notes - Story of Acts in half an hour
- Jesus appears to them after his resurrection, tells them to wait
- Ascends to heaven
- Gathered regularly together
- Spirit Fell
- Tongues and Preaching
- 3,000 saved
- Amazing level of community and spending time with each other
- No persecution
- One day in the temple…
- Let to arrest and warning
- They pray for boldness and “2nd Pentecost”
- Incredible love and generosity to one another, which Satan tried to spoil
- Signs and wonders increased causing a second arrest, but an angel freed them all
- They went and found them but Peter said “we must obey God rather than men”
- The community had grown so large that it became too much for the apostles to look after practical things
- Chose Seven and laid hands on them
- The Seven received gifts: Stephen had a gift of understanding the Scripture that led to a radical conclusion
- Stoned to death for daring to teach it
- Saul ravages the church and they are forced to spread all over the nation
- Philip (another of the 7) at Samaria
- Philip and the African Prince
- But amazingly Saul (aka Paul) is saved
- growth continued
- Raising from the dead
- Cornelius
- Peter has a vision
- Spirit falls on Gentiles
- Antioch church established, so Jerusalem church sent Barnabas, who then recruited Paul
- Intense persecution in Jerusalem: James killed & Peter imprisoned
- Herod dies and there is peace and growth.
- The spotlight moves up the coast to Antioch
- Barnabas & Paul are commissioned
- Made a local trip into what is modern Turkey
- Preached first in synagogues, then to Gentiles
- Paul does his first miracle (same as Peter’s)
- Paul stoned and they assume he is dead, but…
- Church leaders in Jerusalem decided that Gentiles have no reason to keep the food/hygiene laws
- They make a second local trip and Timothy joins them
- Try to make a third local trip, but…
- Greek city of Philippi
- Lydia, possessed woman, thrown in jail, freed
- Went through many other cities, culminating in Athens, the capital (Ottawa)
- Ended up in Corinth (Toronto) where he set up a bible school for 18 months
- Moved to Ephesus (Montreal) where he set up another school for 2 years
- God was working signs and wonders, and there was a dramatic exposing of demonic occult magic
- Paul had been given a vision that he should go to Rome, but wanted to report back to Jerusalem first, to encourage them. (no twitter or facebook or blog)
- On the way back he survived a riot, preached for hours and someone fell asleep and died (same miracle as Peter)
- Tearful goodbye at Ephesus
- Hangs out with James and other leaders at J.
- Nearly killed by Jews because of a false rumour but saved by Romans
- Jewish leaders make accusation, so arrested
- Appeals to Caesar
- Sea voyage to Rome
- Shipwrecked at Malta, but amazing story
- Finally reaches Rome and given quite a bit of freedom
- I used to be taught “Apostolic Era”
- Message in Athens:
- God made everything
- He has always had his hand on your life, even though you have not been living for him
- He has now sent Jesus who died and rose from the dead
- He asks you to turn from a life trusting in other things
- and trust in the champion God has provided: Jesus
- Then you’ll have life instead of death and be part of this amazing story
Updated on 2015-09-28 by Andrew Fountain
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