Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 6: Healing and Sin
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Healing and Sin
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 6
- Genre: Spiritual Gifts
- Year: 2010-03-14
- Length: 39:05 minutes (14.18 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
1. Original Sin
- Why is there suffering and death in the world?
- The Bible Does address this problem in Romans 5
- The best solution is to understand the difference between guilt and consequences
- Jesus has come to totally reverse all the evil that has come about as a consequence of Adam’s sin
2. Sickness and Sin
- all pain, suffering and death is ultimately due to sin
- Sometimes there is a direct connection, often there is not John 9:2-3
- We must distinguish between consequences and punishment
- The goal of discipline is that we should grow and mature, whereas punishment is about justice
- Places in the Bible where sickness is linked to sin
3. What kinds of Sin?
- Personal relational sin
- Rebellion against God Deuteronomy 28:58-61
- True believers who backslide into rebellion Psalm 107:17-20
- Jealousy and anger against Moses Numbers 12:1-15
- Rebellion against God Deuteronomy 28:58-61
- Self-centredness and lack of love
- How do we know what the sin is?
- Jesus didn’t need to tell the man who had been disabled 38 years: John 5:14
- James seems to assume the person knows: James 5:14-16
- In some cases it may be revealed prophetically: Revelation 2:21-22
- Sometimes there is a connection with demonic oppression
4. What do we do about it?
(I don’t agree with too much emphasis on confessing sin to others)
- Ask God to show you if you have sinned
- Be willing and open to what he has to say
- particularly with relational-type sins like causing disunity or unforgiveness
- but also sins like rebellion or sexual sins
- Confess the sin to God and ask for forgiveness
- with a determination in the heart to turn from it (even though you might slip back from time to time)
- If it is against another person, and appropriate, confess it to them and ask for forgiveness
- Ask for healing
- If you think that demonic powers may be involved, then you need help from others
Updated on 2010-03-14 (r.156) by Andrew Fountain
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