Keith Brooks - Anxiety (Psalm 131)
- Artist: Keith Brooks
- Title: Anxiety (Psalm 131)
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Year: 2010-02-28
- Length: 26:03 minutes (9.5 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
- Olympic anxiety
- What anxiety is
- What do we fear?
- Psalm 131 as a resource
- The anti-psalm 131
Outline of Psalm 131
- The result
- Stopped pursuing impossibilities
- An understanding of your proper relationship with God
- Control
- The process
- The role of pride—haughty eyes
- Ordinary tasks / humility
- Psychological tiredness
- Our hearts are filled with noise machines—we must still them
- How to compose and quiet your soul
- The reason
- Psalm 131:3: “O Israel, hope in the Lord, from this time forth and forevermore.”
- Glad submissive reliance leaves us free of anxiety
- We’re not trying to be self sufficient
- We’re not trying to be an equal of God
- We’re trying to be fed dependents
- Form habit of renouncing a prideful/haughty spirit. Release it and let it go.
- Life inventory—do you need to cut anything out to make life more unified?
- Compose your life by intentionally going into solitude and quiet
- Find a comfortable place in your office or home.
- Regularly sit there—anywhere from 5 min—1.5 hrs
- “Father, I receive you …” Over and over
- Tell the Lord about what’s distracting you and then tell him you’re going to set it aside and come back to it later
- Focus on being present with Jesus in the moment
- “Father I receive your peace”
- Pray Phil. 4:6-7, Psalm 131 or any other Scriptures you’ve memorized
Updated on 2010-03-02 (r.153) by Keith Brooks
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