- Are you going through a storm?
- This is one of the most encouraging stories I have ever read.
- Even with little faith you can survive the worst storms in your life.
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Sermon Slides - Trusting Jesus in the Storms
I want to tell a story from Mark and see how it spoke to me and can speak to you.
Mark 4:35–41
- On the same day, when evening had come, he said to them,
“Let us cross over to the other side.”
- Now when they had left the multitude, they took him along in the boat as he was. And other little boats were also with him.
- And a great windstorm arose,
and the waves beat into the boat,
so that it was already filling.
- But he was in the stern, asleep on a pillow…
“Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee - 1695 by Ludolf Bakhuizen”

Image source: link
1. The Story
Mark 4:35–41 cont’d
- …And they awoke him and said to him,
“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”
- Then he arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!”
And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
- But he said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”
- And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another,
“Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey him!”
- What would you have done??
- What did they do that was so wrong??
- What should they have done??
2. What are storms for us?
- early church, persecution symbol:

- We may have dramatic storms
- Physical Storms -
•Sickness or Injury,
• Death (my Brother’s wife)
- Relationship problems -
•Unfair treatment from others
•Unpleasant boss at work, or teacher who makes things hard for us
•devastating marriage break-ups (parents)
•painful break-up of a friendship
- Persecution because of what we believe
- Some storms are not so dramatic, but can cut us very deeply, maybe over a long period of time, eating into us
3. Christian’s problems in Storms
- We have seen what the disciples did, and we have seen the kinds of storms that we have in this life.
Now I want to look at what we should do in storms.
- When these trials of life come upon us, what do we do ??
- Almost all Christians pray—I’m sure you pray, but what sort of prayer is it?
- If God doesn’t answer straight away, then our prayer may become
- resigned,...
- or desperate...
- or demanding
- or even accusing God... [as here]
Romans 8:31–32
- What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
- He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Mark’s Big Story
- Each part starts with a theme story for that section
- The end is marked with a similar story
A. The Kingdom Launched in Power
- John the Baptist & the first followers
- Kingdom Power & Conflict
- Kingdom Teaching
- -Parables of the sower, the lamp, the mystery of growth & the mustard seed
- -Four miracles: storm, legion & the pigs, Woman who is sick 12 years…
- Culminates with raising the dead
- Followers sent out & John dies
B. Greater miracles & more challenging teaching
- Jesus feeds 5000
- Walks on water
- Declares all food clean
- Heals in a Gentile city!
- Dramatic healing of deaf man
- Feeds 4000, but disciples “still do not understand”
How Mark fits together
Greater miracles, challenging teaching
B. 6:30–8:21
Kingdom Launched in Power
A. 1:1–6:29
C. From blindness to seeing—The Big Revelation
- Blind man receives sight in two stages
- Peter sees that Jesus is the Messiah
- Disciples see Jesus’ glory
- Sell everything and follow Jesus
- Jesus reveals three times that he is going to die and rise again but the disciples don’t get it
- Blind Bartimaeus receives sight
How Mark fits together
The Big Revelation
C. 8:22–10:52
Greater miracles, challenging teaching
B. 6:30–8:21
Kingdom Launched in Power
A. 1:1–6:29
D. Jesus visits the Temple, predicting he’ll replace it
- Jesus comes to the temple and finds no fruit
- Parable of the fruitless vineyard. Jesus is the new cornerstone
- Two attempts to trap Jesus with words
- Jesus responds, pointing out some good fruit
- The Temple will be destroyed
- Jesus will return one day, so stay alert!
E. “Truly this man is the Son of God”
- A woman comes to anoint Jesus
- Last supper, and betrayal
- Prayer and betrayal in Gethsemane
- Jesus is tried and Peter denies him
- Jesus is tried by Pilate
- Jesus is crucified and a centurion believes
- Women come to anoint Jesus, but he has been raised from the dead
How Mark fits together
This man is the Son of God
E. 14:1–16:8
Replacing the Temple
D. 11:1–13:37
The Big Revelation
C. 8:22–10:52
Greater miracles, challenging teaching
B. 6:30–8:21
Kingdom Launched in Power
A. 1:1–6:29
6. But what if Jesus is not in your boat?
- What if you have never trusted him?
- What if you think your life is far too important to trust everything to some invisible being ?
- Well, the news is very bad
- Your ship will sink
But Jesus offers:
- to be in your ship -> unsinkable
- even in the storm of death —He died and rose again
- even in the storm of judgement —He has already paid the penalty on the cross-, and the resurrection was a declaration of vindication
- -Do you intend to weather life’s storms alone?
- -Do you reject his kind offer?
- -to be with you through thick and thin
- don’t reject him
- ask him to come and take over your boat
- trust him that he is good and loving as well as infinitely powerful
- pray to him and don’t give up till you know he is within you with his resurrection power.
Updated on 2021-08-22 by Andrew Fountain