Andrew Fountain - Testimonies of Praise
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Testimonies of Praise
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Year: 2016-12-11
- Length: 25:20 minutes (10.15 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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Testimonies of Praise Sermon notes - What Praise is
- I recently read about how to approach English royalty—the “neck bow”
- That wounldn’t of cut it with Henry VII (what would have been cut would’ve been your head)
- What about God?
- Today you’re going to learn more about how God wants us to approach him
1. Worship
- What is the difference between “praise” and “worship”
- We tend to use the terms interchangbly nowadays
- That’s fine. Words are fluid and change meaning over time
- The Bible uses them much more specifically
- We’re going to see how the Bible uses them
- We tend to use the terms interchangbly nowadays
- It has the idea of going down, in recognition of their greatness
- to throw yourself down on the ground in front of them
- like an extreme form of bowing down before someone (neck bow)
- It is an acknowledgement of lordship That everything belongs to our king!
- to throw yourself down on the ground in front of them
- But this extends to the whole of our lives
- It does not involve singing or dancing, but it may involve offering gifts, and our own selves
- Please understand: I’m not trying to tell us we’re to stop calling our singing “worship”
- Nowadays we don’t make a distinction between praise and worship
- But the Bible does, and it’s useful to understand it
- So worship means literally to “lie on your face before God”
- But sometimes the Bible uses it of actions that carry the same message
- e.g. Giving gifts
- in fact our whole lives act this out
- Two examples of worship that was pure action
- e.g. The Elder’s threw their crowns down before the Lord in Revelation
- The woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with oil
- Definition:
2. Praise, the other side of the Coin
- This is what I want to focus on today
- There are a number of Hebrew words for praise
- The physical actions are completely opposite
- Exactly the same but in reverse order:
- Ronald B. Allen makes the following statement (quoting Westermann):
- You may say “that’s not true at all, I can do that…”.
- That’s not what he’s saying—he’s speaking of the O.T.
- Before we go any further, I’ll give you a couple of examples
- notice what David says here about praise (parallelism)
- just show v.1
- Praising God, is telling of his works. It is telling forth, declaring, proclaiming God’s works.
- In verse 11 the Psalmist encourages other people to join in…
- Same idea
- 1 Peter 2:9 —a very clear verse
- This is our
3. Examples
- Allen —apples in car (p.61.63)
- Read v.1–8
- and then God answers! v.22–25
- My example: keys lost
- Anyone here have some stories?
4. Praise is Public and vocal
- Summary: Praise is generally addressed to God, but it for others to hear
- I went through all 150 Psalms to see how many actually addressed God
- 99/150 (was hoping for 100)
- The others tell of what he has done—addressed to other people, but about God
- For the first half hour or so or our meetings we are singing to God
- Please don’t misunderstand—a difficult point to make without being taken the wrong way
- We often call it worship time, but technically it is praise
- You can do anything you want during this time—you can stand or sit or lie on the floow
- You can pray, or dance, or repent or kneel in worship, it is between you and God
- But if you want to praise God, understand you can’t praise him without moving your lips
- Also the idea is that it is public, so people should be able see you are praising God by looking at you
But am I making too much of a distinction?
- Isn’t there really a big overlap between praise and worship so that they amount to the same thing?
- It is true that when we are praising God, in some senses it is an act of worship
- But if we muddy them together, we will lose the intensity of each one
- Eating a meal—nothing to stop us mixing main dish and desert together
- e.g. David dance before the Lord in 2 Sam 6
- Half dance/half prostrate... Sit? Flop?
- dance with one leg and arm lying down?
- Lie down with a leg twitching
- God understands, we don’t want to be legalistic here
- But God likes intensity, not lukewarm-ness
Why sing? Why not just talk?
- The N.T, word “Psalm” literally means to “pluck a string”
- very strong idea in the Bible of singing to praise God
- Part of the way we are made is to express joy with singing
- English soccer match—no singing, just state your praise for your team
- We are going to do it now... (Possible songs:)
- God, You have Done Great Things (Let your Mercy Rain)
- From the Highest of Heights (Indescribable)
- I see your face (beautiful)
Updated on 2016-12-17 by Andrew Fountain
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