Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 2: A Model for Healing
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: A Model for Healing
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 2
- Genre: Spiritual Gifts
- Year: 2010-01-31
- Length: 31:52 minutes (11.53 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
(Part 2 of Series on the Gifts of the Spirit)
1. The Old Testament Concept of Holiness
- Leviticus 11:32
- So what happens if something clean touches something unclean?
- So what happens if something holy touches something non-holy?
- So what kinds of things were holy
- Everything to do with God’s presence Exodus 19:12,13
- the whole nation were holy in that they were dedicated to God Leviticus 11:44, 45
2. Jericho
- Concept of Chêrem —devoted to God (usually as a sacrifice)
- Closely associated with being holy (Lev 27:20-21,28)
- Leviticus 27:28 “every devoted thing (chêrem) is most holy to the Lord.
- Closely associated with being holy (Lev 27:20-21,28)
- Jericho, as a city was declared by God to be chêrem
- a few things could be purified: silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron
- They became holy Joshua 6:17-19
- The holy touched the non-holy and the evil was destroyed
- a few things could be purified: silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron
3. Now the punch-line
- Old Testament
- 2 Kings 4:32-35 — Elisha raises a dead boy to life
- 2 Kings 13:20,21 — A dead man’s body touched the bones of Elisha
- New Testament
- I was very surprised by the number of times Jesus healed with just a touch
- He didn’t utter a single word, but his touch healed
- Here are some examples:
- Matthew 8:14-15 and other references
- I was very surprised by the number of times Jesus healed with just a touch
- Did the Apostles heal in the same way? —often they did
- Acts 5:15-16 and other references
4. Holiness in the New Covenant?
5. What does this mean in practice?
- I am not claiming that this is the only way God heals!
- But there does seem to be a strong pattern
- I am not going to guarantee that if you radically following Jesus in loving others and denying yourself that you will become an amazing healer
- But on the other hand, if you do want to heal then my best answer is to pursue love
- After all why heal?—out of a heart of compassion?
- Matthew 20:32-34 Heart of Compassion
Updated on 2010-01-31 (r.128) by Andrew Fountain
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