Andrew Fountain - New Clothes
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: New Clothes
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 8
- Genre: Colossians
- Year: 2016-11-06
- Length: 37:37 minutes (15.09 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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New Clothes - See the whole Colossians Series
Colossians 3:8–17
Key: metaphor behaviour to one another to God |
- But now you yourselves are to strip off all these:
anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language out of your mouth. - Do not lie to one another,
seeing as you have stripped off the old man with his practices, - and have clothed yourself with the new man that is renewed
to a grasp of the truth according to the image of him who created it, - where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free
but Christ is all and in all. - Therefore, as the chosen of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourself with
tender mercies, kindness, humility, gentleness, longsuffering;
- 13bearing with one another,
- and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another;
even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do; - 14and of top of all these things adding love, which is the bond of perfection.
- 15And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
- for which purpose you were chosen in one body;
- and be thankful [to God].
- for which purpose you were chosen in one body;
- 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly:
- in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another
- in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with thanks in your hearts to the Lord.
- in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
- in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another
- 17And whatever you do in word or deed,
- do all [to one another] in the name of the Lord Jesus,
- giving thanks to God the Father through him
- do all [to one another] in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Parallel in Ephesians 5:18–20
- 18And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery,
but be filled with the Spirit,- 19speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
- singing and making music to the Lord with your heart,
- 20giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, - 21submitting to one another out of allegiance to Christ.
- 19speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
Sermon notes - New Clothes
0. Intro
- News just in
- used to play for the penguins
- “Look, we have payed a lot of money for you, we would really appreciate it if you helped our team”
- “Please show your gratitude by not body-checking any of our players”
- “or trying to get the puck past our goalkeeper”
- “Your’s a leaf now! Our guys are wearing blue and white—go for it!”
- This is how Paul is speaking.
- He’s not trying to plead with us. He says—you’re on a different team now!
1. The Story so far
- There are some damaging errors creeping into the churches in this area
- Instead of answering them 1 by 1, Paul’s responds by making sure they understand the truth
- He gives a beautifully compact and exquisitely constructed presentation of Jesus and salvation
- He wrote it for more than just the Colossians —at the end he says “pass the letter on”.
- The first half is the roots
- Comes together in the trunk
- and the second half spreads out and brings fruit
- Two weeks ago I spoke about Union with Christ
- The second half of the book spreads out from this truth like ripples in a pond:
2. The Passage (Pt. 1)
- Show the passage:
- read 8–12
- notice the flow of argument:
- strip off (old behaviour)
- since you have stripped off the old man
- you have clothed yourself with the new man
- so clothe yourself with (new behaviour)
- notice the flow of argument:
- Explain the colours
- Paul does not tell them to put on the new man
- This has already happened to them—now they have to live out of their new identity
- Who is the new man? Who is the old?
- Our identity is so important
- My name is James and I’m an alcoholic
- Celebrating Sobriety
- My name is James and I’m a follower of Jesus (who has a problem with alcohol)
- This has already happened to them—now they have to live out of their new identity
- The two dogs theory
- The problem with the two dogs theory
- Who’s doing the feeding?
- We are part of the new man
- We have died to the old man
- But still have his clothes on!!!
- As we grow up we learn ways of behaving.
- And because the world is very broken, and we don’t have renewed hearts, we can learn some very bad patterns.
- e.g. if we have parents who are very critical...
- Your siblings might be greedy and you learn to fight for your own toys.
- [v.10] Renewed into an image, whose image?
- like drawing a shape around Jesus on the wall, and we grow up into it—what the new creation human should look like.
- The new identity we have looks very much like Jesus, in fact we bear his image [10b]
- Nothing like the “good dog” idea
- we tend to live out of our identity
- not a “filthy person with white clothes on”
- but nevertheless, there is a process [v.10] of being renewed
- the renewing is a process of grasping this truth and living out of it
- Some translations give the impression that we are renewed “by the truth”
- (It does say that in some places in the Scriptures)
- But here the idea is that we are renewed into the truth,
- and the truth is our new identity as the image of Christ
- [v.11] The new man is pictured as belonging to a new place—the new creation
- where there are no special interest groups and tensions between people
- because this place is defined by Jesus Christ (v.11b) who is all and is in all
- not subgroups within the church that we belong to
- The language he uses is all about clothes
- The idea is that there is a new person underneath, but the old clothes are still on.
- Now of course we have the same identity in the New Creation...
- Volunteer (pre-chosen)
- Descripe each sin:
- Anger: a deep and settled resentment and anger
- A 5-year old boy, suddenly felt numb from the waist down. Mom decided to take him to a big hospital...
- There is a good anger, say against injustice, but unresolved anger is one of the most damaging things there is.
- Rage: a sudden flair-up. Can become a habit that is part of us
- Grew up in a critical blame-culture. Criticism=worthlessness
- Very defensive and snaps back if there is a hint of criticism
- sensitive to being “devalued” (because of history)
- Malice: wanting to hurt another person maliciously, maybe revenge. Often it is by cutting remarks. Can become a habit.
- Slander: Talking behind people’s backs. Oooh, did you hear the latest about Bumo!
- Actually leaders are particularly vulnerable to this, because for some reason people think they are not human and therefore can’t be hurt by gossip
- This is a form of cowardice—not speaking to the person directly
- Filthy language: Can be part of an old set of habits
- Anger: a deep and settled resentment and anger
- The idea is that there is a new person underneath, but the old clothes are still on.
- Now we have to “put on”
- tender mercies: Literally a “heart of compassion” —you can sense that with some people
- You know what it is like if you feel hardness from a person, or a gentle heart
- kindness: Goodness, like the “good Samaritan”. He is such a kind person
- humility: Opposite of the false humility earlier
- this is about doing the lowly jobs, like cleaning the washrooms. Jobs that other people feel they are too important for.
- It is about serving others
- gentleness: (or meekness) Not a person who retaliates, but is soft (yet not weak)
- You know when something has happened to you that is so upsetting you don’t even want to talk about it
- If you were to talk about is, this the kind of person you would talk to
- You know when something has happened to you that is so upsetting you don’t even want to talk about it
- longsuffering: (expanded in [v.13])
- Willing to keep forgiving and to keep caring for someone who keeps getting on your nerves
- tender mercies: Literally a “heart of compassion” —you can sense that with some people
3. The Passage (Pt. 2)
- Read through and talk about it
- expansions of [v.12]
- bearing: sample word for word study: bad situation, or person, but always unpleasant
- Here’s it’s a person. You probably don’t know anyone like that
- [v.15] interesting that we were chosen for peace
- [v.16] peace, now word of Christ. —his teachings
- people have tried to classify psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, but none of them turn out to be specific words
- The reason he uses three different words is to emphasize diversity.
- people have tried to classify psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, but none of them turn out to be specific words
- [v.15,16,17] all give us
- A command
- Something for one another
- Something for God
- so [v.16] songs is for God, as [15 & 17]
- What about the Holy Spirit?
- There is only one mention in the whole book, and that’s at the beginning.
- Is Paul losing his touch as he gets older?
- For Paul, being “in Christ” and “in the Spirit” are the same thing
- To “put on Christ” and “be filled with the Spirit” are the same
- because the Spirit is the Spirit of Christ
- Paul often uses this name
- Not because the Spirit is not a separate person, but because his role is to bring Christ to us.
- Parallel in Ephesians
- Same teaching, but replace “put on Christ” with “be filled with the Spirit”
- A different metaphor for the same thing
4. Application
- If you are not part of this new creation, then no amount of effort will change you.
- Ask Jesus to create a new person in you.
- There are two steps
- identify the issues in your life (to put off and put on)
- Actually start living out your new identity by puting them off and on
- We can’t do all of that now, but we can start on the first part
- So right now we can start to identify the issues that we need to put off and put on, with the help of the Spirit.
- It’s important that we respond to this as soon as possible. Make a start right now.
- The problem is that we are all blind to our own issues
- But we have one another and we have the Holy Spirit
- Just read down this list
- Ask the Spirit to show you one piece of clothing you must take off
- And something he wants you to put on
- Then pray quietly for a minute or so
Updated on 2016-11-08 by Andrew Fountain
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