- People get fixated on the 153 fish, Peter’s clothes or odd behaviour, and miss the wondrous and life-changing point that this story is making.
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Sermon Outline - A Meal on the Beach with Jesus
To allow Jesus to reveal himself to us,
as he did to the disciples on the beach..
A Meal on the Beach with Jesus
- The beautifully woven story of what happened on the beach that morning
- Why has John told us this story?
- How can we receive this revelation of Jesus?
Last time: The first appearances
- Mary at the Tomb
- Twice to disciples in a locked room
- Mary missed him the most, and was the first he appeared to
- Be like Mary, and keep your eyes on Jesus
- read his words, spend time with him in prayer, hang out with him by thinking of him often.
Structure of John
1–12 ”Book of Signs” |
13–21 ”Book of Glory” |
John 13–21 “Book of Glory”
13 A meal with the disciples
14–17 New Teaching from Jesus to the disciples |
18–20 Arrest Trials Crucifixion Resurrection |
21 A meal with the disciples
John 21: How it matches John 13
- These are the only two places in John he calls them “Little Children”
- At the last supper: Little children, I am still with you for a little while. You will look for me… Where I am going you cannot come.
- Jesus humbly serves the disciples
- They eat a meal together at which Jesus passes out bread
- Peter: denial and restoration (next time)
- Some very close parallels with Peter & John
1. The beautifully woven story
John 21:1–14 Story Overview
- Jesus revealed himself to the disciples
At Sea
- Hungry
- Jesus present but unrecognized
- Jesus tells them what to do (to meet physical needs)
- massive haul of fish
- Peter responds to Jesus
- Bringing in the fish
- not far from land
On Land
(with Jesus)
- on the land
- Bringing in the fish
- Peter responds to Jesus
- massive haul of fish—counted
- Jesus tells them what to do (to meet physical needs)
- Jesus present and recognized
- Fed
- Jesus revealed himself to the disciples
- Now let’s read it, with some animation as we open it up
A Meal on the Beach with Jesus
- The beautifully woven story of what happened on the beach that morning
- Why has John told us this story?
- How can we receive this revelation of Jesus?
2. Why has John told us this story?
2. Why has John told us this story?
- Was it wrong to go fishing?
- Structure is so helpful:
- Movement from not recognizing Jesus is present, to seeing him
- Movement from hungry to full
- “He revealed himself in this way” v.1
- What was the self-revelation?
- His ongoing presence and care, even when we don’t see him
Is it ever God’s will for you to be hungry?
- Sometimes we are called to suffer for Jesus,
e.g. Paul in 2 Corinthians 6
- We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry,
- but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities,
- beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger;
The story is simply about Jesus’ ongoing love
- He knows your needs, and does not devalue physical needs
- like some of the early Christian groups.
- There is no rebuke for “not hearing him”
- He is present, not absent
- He is at work in circumstances
- He provides more than the minimum for you to survive, but a delicious meal
A Meal on the Beach with Jesus
- The beautifully woven story of what happened on the beach that morning
- Why has John told us this story?
- How can we receive this revelation of Jesus?
3. How can we receive this revelation of Jesus?
- The story is not telling us to make sure we are listening to Jesus telling us where to cast our nets
- It is not about us and our faith, but about him and his faithfulness
- Our response to this story is not to be anxious
- But believe in his ongoing presence and care, even when we don’t see him
- Allow Jesus to reveal himself to you through this story
Luke 12
- But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
- And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried.
- For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them.
- Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.
Receiving this Revelation of Jesus
- Our response to this story is not to be anxious
- But believe in his ongoing presence and care, even when we don’t see him
- Allow Jesus to reveal his loving care to you through this story
Updated on 2020-08-23 by Andrew Fountain