Andrew Fountain - How the cross and the resurrection changed everything
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: How the cross and the resurrection changed everything
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 4
- Genre: Foundations of our Faith
- Year: 2019-06-02
- Length: 32:24 minutes (13.02 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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How the cross and resurrection changed everything - Union with Christ is the single most important idea in the whole of Christianity.
- If you truly understand what it means, and get a really firm grasp of it, then it will affect you profoundly.
Sermon Outline - How the cross and resurrection changed everything
- I didn’t understand this at all until 15 years after I became a Christian and it changed my Christian life.
- But first a recap:
- Summary of last three sermons
- Very important point—it was not eating this fruit that was the problem in itself,
- it was a symbol of stepping out of dependence, which broke the flow of order, love, harmony & power
- Another being in the universe came onto the scene and suggested to them that
- God did not have their best interests
- He could not be trusted
- They did not need him anyway
- The choice can by symbolized like this
- This sums up sin, and in a simple picture applies to every choice we have
- When Eve and Adam made this choice, it broke the carefully constructed universe they were in
- We don’t understand the details, but the harmony was smashed, and this extended to the animal and plant kingdom as well
- Led to shame
- Led most of all to a broken relatinship with God which resulted in brokenness everywhere
- But there is still beauty everywhere
- Problem is often framed in terms of individial sin
- Story of teaching kids in my early 20’s – scales
- But I had a problem finding very many verses that expressed it like this
- By his stripes we are healed” -Is 53:5
- So how does the Bible most commonly frame the problem and the solution?
1. Solution: The New Creation
- God offers to freely give us this new life.
- Just as we entered this world by being born,
- we enter the new reality with a new kind of “birth”.
- Just as we entered this world by being born,
- Jesus called this new creation the “Kingdom of God”. He explained this to a man who came to him:
- Jesus taught that when this world comes to an end,
- those who are part of his new creation will receive new bodies,
- like the new butterfly emerging from the old cocoon.
- Sickness, suffering and death will be gone forever.
- Read the passage:
Click link to Colossians 2:8–23
- The heart of this passage:
- In him you were also circumcised
with a circumcision made without hands,
in stripping off the body of the flesh,
in the circumcision of Christ,
- buried together with him in baptism,
in whom you were also raised together with him
through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. - And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
he made alive together with him,
forgiving us all trespasses, - wiping out the record of debt against us with its decrees,
that which was hostile to us, even this he has set aside,
nailing it to the cross.
Explain the verses
- death pictured as circumcision
- Even in the Old Testament, circumcision was a picture of a new beginning
- It was done on the “8th day”, the first day of a new week
- picturing the start of a new creation
- Israel were told that their hearts were to be circumcised
- they were told this mean to have a new and living heart
- bury—raised
- death—life
- “Together with him” Paul has actually coined new words here
- when someone was crucified, they would nail a list of their crimes to the cross
- Our crimes were nailed to Jesus’s cross
- Not transferred to him, as a separate entity
- but he put his arms around us and said “let’s do this together” and then he did it all
- The core message of the gospel is union with Christ
- Once I used to teach the Gospel in terms of scales
- I once made a pair of scales to teach this to children
- In one side goes our sin (heavy stone) and the other goes our good works (no substance)
- Then we take the righteousness of Jesus and it balances it out
- However much truth there is in this image, it is not how Paul presents the Gospel
- Not a cold, legal transaction with scales,
- but union with a living person
- This is the same as being “born again” (=born from above)
- The life of God is now in you
- You are literally his child, born from him (although not a God)
- Joined at the shoulder
- Implications of being united with Jesus
- Our destinies are inseparably connected
- Story of the sinking supertanker and the helicopter
- Let’s illustrate this with two people
- we are totally secure
- Story of the sinking supertanker and the helicopter
- We actually have died
- and we have been raised something else
- Our destinies are inseparably connected
3. What this means for us
Look at verses 8–10
- things they have to do, rituals, ceremonies, particularly from the Old Testament
- many of these things were not wrong in and of themselves, they just belonged to a previous life
- Sorting stuff out I found an old library card from when I lived in England
- A tax form was sent to my old address, years after I had moved here—no longer relevant
- many of these things were not wrong in and of themselves, they just belonged to a previous life
- Look at Paul’s answer: it sounds like he is almost saying we are divine
- He is not, of course, but we are a new kind of being
- filled with the fullness of Christ, who is fully divine
Quick Look at verses 15–23
- When someone dies, all their legal obligations are wiped clean, all their convictions etc.
- Lawsuite against a criminal is instantly dropped if he or she dies
- Jesus died by crucifixion—the most painful way to die known to the Romans.
- Yet the physical pain was nothing compared to what he suffering in his spirit.
- When Jesus died, he took on the guilt of a humanity in rebellion.
- He paid the price, and brought peace with God.
- It was what was needed for our forgiveness. That is how much Jesus loved us!
- How much he loves us to do this for us!
Updated on 2019-06-02 by Andrew Fountain
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