Andrew Fountain - The Gospel 6: What does a person do to become a Christian?
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: What does a person do to become a Christian?
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 6
- Genre: The Gospel
- Year: 2009-06-21
- Length: 32:38 minutes (11.85 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
A. The Big Picture (review)
- There is a cosmic struggle between God and the forces of evil
- The Battle
- God’s Battle Plan
- We are all caught up in this
B. What actually happens when we are saved
- The Holy Spirit is working in us
- Faith / Repentance
- We become a new creation
C. What do we tell people to do?
- Repent and Believe
- What exactly do you have to believe?
1. Who God is:
- Abilities (things that are not like us)
- Character (ways that he wants us to be like him)
2. What Does God Offer?
- Simply, he offers us Jesus. A description of what he offers: Matthew 12:15-23
- Another description: Matthew 10:29-39
3. What Does God Require?
- Acknowledging Jesus—we publicly declare we are following him
- Put Jesus before everything
- To “take up your cross”, in other words, to follow his example of selfless love, even if it means suffering
- Jesus says it again in Matthew 16:24-26
4. How Do We Respond?
- essential to recognize your need and helplessness
- to completely trust Jesus to care and provide for you
- Rest: We have heavy burdens: Matthew 23:4
- Jesus says come to him for rest: Matthew 11:28-30
- You can say something like:
- “Please forgive me God for living my life as if I didn’t belong to you”
- “Please give me your amazing gift of new life in Jesus”
- “I want to follow Jesus for the rest of my life”
5. How Do We Know it has Happened?
- Evidence of Jesus living in us
- love for other Christians—wanting to be with them
- hunger to learn more of him
- desire to pray and talk to God
Updated on 2009-06-21 (r.8) by Andrew Fountain
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