Andrew Fountain - Spiritual Gifts 5: Healing and the Gift of Faith
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: Healing and the Gift of Faith
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 5
- Genre: Spiritual Gifts
- Year: 2010-02-21
- Length: 51:15 minutes (18.55 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
(Part 5 of Series on the Gifts of the Spirit)
0. Review
- God can heal anybody, any time, anywhere by any means, with or without faith
- But most of the time there is some faith involved
- Faith is what the Father is looking for
- It is an object lesson of salvation
- Specifically it was faith in Jesus that the Father wanted to highlight
1. Promises of Faith and the Supernatural
- Statement from Jesus about faith
- Mark 11:22-24 — an extraordinary promise to the person who has faith
- The Gift of faith (and gift of healing)
2. What is Faith?
- Faith is a trusting response to a promise or commitment (which must come by revelation, e.g. preaching)
- Romans 10:14-17
- e.g. God said to Abraham: Hebrews 11:8
- So: There are two parts to faith
- the promise
- trust in that promise
- So what were the people who were healed responding to?
3. So what has God promised?
- Sam Storms’ five kinds of faith for healing (Spiritual Gifts p.56f)
- Faith that God is your sole source for blessing
- that he is your hope and he alone
- Faith in God’s ability to heal
- Faith in God’s heart for healing
- Faith in his goodness and desire to bless his children
- That God not only can heal today, but he actually does
- Faith that healing is part of God’s purpose and plan for his people today
- The faith that it is his will to heal right now
4. Application
- “gift of healings”
- What that means is that he consistently gives them revelations of his will to heal
- What if we are praying for someone but don’t have a word from God that he will heal them?
- Romans 12:4-8 — we exercise our gift in accordance with our faith
- We need teaching on healing as a basis for our faith
- We need to pray with whatever faith we have
- revelation of his will God has given us for that situation
- It seems from experience that if we keep using what faith we have, God will give us more
Updated on 2010-02-21 (r.147) by Andrew Fountain
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