Andrew Fountain - Living Right 2: A Spirit Filled People
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: A Spirit Filled People
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Track: 2
- Genre: Living Right
- Year: 2009-08-23
- Length: 30:35 minutes (11.09 MB)
- Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 50Kbps (VBR)
- Second of a new series on “Doing what’s right without being legalistic”
- For most of the ideas here I have borrowed from New Covenant Morality in Paul
Review from Last Time
- God did an amazing thing by chosing a nation to be his special people
- In a remarkable way, we inherit this relationship
- so our self-identity can be defined as “the People of God”
- Looking as how God and the nation of Israel related to each other can be a real help for us
Three things in particular relating to holiness:- We are pure and united because: God’s special dwelling place is with/in us
- We are pure and united because: We represent God to the nations
- We are pure and united because: God’s presence actually makes us pure
An immediate application to our lives:
- It is God’s Presence that makes us holy and requires us to be holy
- Two facts, flowing in opposite directions:
- It is because God is present with us and has put his name on us (as in a marriage), that we need to be faithful to him
- It is his presence that actually produces the holiness
- Two conclusions
- If we want more of his presence, then give attention to being faithful to him
- Spending time in his presence will actually have the effect of purifying us, so spend time worshipping, praying, and enjoying his presence
1. The New is Really New
- Jeremiah 31:32 says the New Covenant is “not like the covenant that I made with their fathers”
The Nation of Israel | Us, the New People | |
Law of God | Written on stone tablets and stored in the temple at Jerusalem |
Written on our hearts by God himself by means of the Holy Spirit |
Holy Presence of God which makes us holy |
In the Temple at Jerusalem They were to go there 3 times a year to encounter God’s presence |
God presence is within us and among his people through the Spirit |
2. New Testament Passages
- 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
- It is important to note that in v.8 God’s activity is continuous (present tense)
- the Christian is not simply sanctified and then left alone with a now transformed personality
- they remains in constant union with God’s a source of activity
- So how does this sometimes go wrong?
- v.8 “disregard”
- Exactly the same idea can be seen in Phil 2:12-13
- Therefore, my beloved… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
- for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
- Now have a look a final passage with the same teaching:
3. Conclusion
- “Be what you Are?”
- instead: ‘let God be what he is’
- i.e. the one ‘who works in you’ (Phil 2:13)
- the one ‘who gives his Holy Spirit to you’
- instead: ‘let God be what he is’
- Response
- Maybe you do not belong to Jesus?
- Maybe you have blockages to the flow of the Spirit?
Updated on 2009-08-30 (r.45) by Andrew Fountain
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