2025-03-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews |
What is your reality? — Hebrews 11:1-3 (pt.13) |
audio /notes |
What is your reality? — Hebrews 11:1-3 (pt.13) |
2025-02-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 12 |
Washed Clean, Forever, by a Single Offering — Hebrews pt.12 (10:1-23) |
audio /notes |
Washed Clean, Forever, by a Single Offering — Hebrew... |
2025-02-16 |
Andrew & Anne Fountain |
How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54 & 142) |
audio /notes |
How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psa... |
2025-02-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 11 |
A New Place to Meet with God: Hebrews 9 — Heb pt.11 |
audio /notes |
A New Place to Meet with God: Hebrews 9 — Heb pt.11... |
2025-02-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 10 |
The Beautiful, Balanced and Brilliant Structure to the Book of Hebrews - Heb pt.10 |
audio /notes |
The Beautiful, Balanced and Brilliant Structure to t... |
2025-01-26 |
Cyril Guerette |
Guard your Heart: Proverbs 4:23 |
audio /notes |
Guard your Heart: Proverbs 4:23 |
2025-01-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 9 |
The Amazing O.T Background to the New Covenant Meal — Hebrews pt.9 |
audio /notes |
The Amazing O.T Background to the New Covenant Meal... |
2025-01-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 8 |
The Most Important 8 Verses in Hebrews, and maybe the Bible —The New Covenant. Heb pt.8 (8:6-13) |
audio /notes |
The Most Important 8 Verses in Hebrews, and maybe th... |
2025-01-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 7 |
Intro to The Central Message of Hebrews -- Heb pt.7 (ch.5-7) |
audio /notes |
Intro to The Central Message of Hebrews -- Heb pt.7... |
2024-12-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 6 |
Followup Teaching on: Can a Christian Fall Away? Hebrews pt.6 (6:1-12 & 8:9-12) |
audio /notes |
Followup Teaching on: Can a Christian Fall Away? Heb... |
2024-12-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 5 |
Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness (Hebrews pt 5) |
audio /notes |
Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly... |
2024-12-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 4 |
Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away? Hebrews pt.4 (6:1-12 & 10:26-39) |
audio /notes |
Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away? Hebrews pt.4... |
2024-12-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 3 |
Jesus our Sympathetic Priest, giving confidence and support to our prayers. Hebrews pt.3 (4:12-5:10) |
audio /notes |
Jesus our Sympathetic Priest, giving confidence and... |
2024-11-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 2 |
Making an Effort to Rest —The very core of being a Christian. Hebrews pt.2 (ch 3-4) |
audio /notes |
Making an Effort to Rest —The very core of being a C... |
2024-11-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Hebrews 1 |
Jesus is Better than Everything! —The Message of Hebrews pt.1 |
audio /notes |
Jesus is Better than Everything! —The Message of Heb... |
2024-11-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Healing Shame 2 |
A Biblical Understanding of Shame Part 2: Undoing it! (John 4 & Luke 15) |
audio /notes |
A Biblical Understanding of Shame Part 2: Undoing it! (... |
2024-11-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Every Part Needed—Discovering and Using your Gifts in the Body of Christ (Eph 6 & Rom 12) |
audio /notes |
Every Part Needed—Discovering and Using your... |
2024-10-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Compelling reasons why you should develop a habit of giving thanks (Col 3 & 4) |
audio /notes |
Compelling reasons why you should develop a habit... |
2024-10-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Healing Shame 1 |
Introduction to a Biblical Understanding of Shame |
audio /notes |
Introduction to a Biblical Understanding of Shame |
2024-09-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
God Saves and Uses Messed-Up People (Genesis 20) |
audio /notes |
God Saves and Uses Messed-Up People (Genesis... |
2024-09-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 8 |
New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined to Jesus (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5-14) |
audio /notes |
New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined... |
2024-09-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 7 |
How did Jesus Express the Gospel message? —since he hadn't yet died (Luke 14, Mark 8, John 10) |
audio /notes |
How did Jesus Express the Gospel message? —since he h... |
2024-09-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 6 |
The Three Steps to Becoming a Christian (John 1 & Matt 10,11) |
audio /notes |
The Three Steps to Becoming a Christian (J... |
2024-08-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 5 |
How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everything — Col 2:8-19 |
audio /notes |
How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everyt... |
2024-08-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 4 |
Truth that Brings Life — Col 1:1-9 |
audio /notes |
Truth that Brings Life — Col 1:1-11 |
2024-07-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism |
What is Faith? (Acts 17) |
audio /notes |
What is Faith? (Acts 17) |
2024-07-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 2 |
Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus—A Helpful Example in John 4:43-54 |
audio /notes |
Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus—A Helpful E... |
2024-07-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 1 |
Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — John 3 & 4 |
audio /notes |
Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — Jo... |
2024-06-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Father Heart of God part 2: Three Steps (John 16 & 17; Rom 5 & 8) |
audio /notes |
The Father Heart of God part 2: Three Steps (John... |
2024-06-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Testimonies of Answered Prayer (Col 4:2-4) |
audio /notes |
Testimonies of Answered Prayer (Col 4:2-4) |
2024-06-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Father Heart of God (Part 1 - Luke 12 & 15) |
audio /notes |
The Father Heart of God (Part 1 - Luke 12 & 15... |
2024-06-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Ephesians 3:14-21) |
audio /notes |
Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Ephesians... |
2024-06-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
'The Lord is my Shepherd' brought to life with David's Own Stories (Psalm 23) |
audio /notes |
"The Lord is my Shepherd" brought to life wit... |
2024-05-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Is Tithing for Today, and if not, how much should we give now in the New Covenant? |
audio /notes |
Is Tithing for Today, and if not, how much should we giv... |
2024-05-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Pentecost and being Filled with the Spirit (Acts 1:8; Eph 5:18) |
audio /notes |
Pentecost and being Filled with the Spirit (Acts... |
2024-05-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
When God Speaks like a Mother (Is 49 & 66; Matt 23) |
audio /notes |
When God Speaks like a Mother (Is 49 & 66;... |
2024-05-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Exploring the Deep Encouragement in one of the Richest Psalms: Psalm 103 |
audio /notes |
Exploring the Deep Encouragement in one of the Riches... |
2024-04-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
A New Revelation of Love (1 John 4:7-11) |
audio /notes |
A New Revelation of Love (1 John 4:7-11) |
2024-04-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
What the Bible says about Blessing |
audio /notes |
What the Bible says about Blessing |
2024-04-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Baptism: Leaving the Old and Entering the New (Romans 6:3–11) |
audio /notes |
Baptism: Leaving the Old and Entering the New (... |
2024-04-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Chesed - A Word for Love Stronger than Any Other (Is 54:10; Ps 136 +) |
audio /notes |
Chesed - A Word for Love Stronger than Any Other... |
2024-03-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Life of the Resurrection in Us Today (John 20, 1 Cor 15, Col 3) |
audio /notes |
The Life of the Resurrection in Us Today (Joh... |
2024-03-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Old Testament Devotions 1 |
Reading the Old Testament in our Devotions |
audio /notes |
Reading the Old Testament in our Devotions |
2024-03-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 6 |
Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us (Mark 14-16) |
audio /notes |
Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us (Ma... |
2024-03-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 5 |
Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23-24 & ch.13) |
audio /notes |
Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23-24 & ch.... |
2024-02-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 4 |
The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark (Mark 8:22-10:52) |
audio /notes |
The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark (Mark... |
2024-02-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 3 |
Making Sure our Hearts are not Hard, and our Ears are Ready to Hear (Mark 4:9-13, 8:17-19) |
audio /notes |
Making Sure our Hearts are not Hard, and our Ears... |
2024-02-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 2 |
Daily Reading through Mark - The Big Story and Structure |
audio /notes |
Daily Reading through Mark - The Big Story and Str... |
2024-02-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mark in a Month 1 |
Hearing God Speak to you Personally Through the Bible (Matt 5:13-16 & Mark 1:1-20) |
audio /notes |
Hearing God Speak to you Personally Through the Bi... |
2024-01-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
What God Loves to Do (Mark 5:1-20) |
audio /notes |
What God Loves to Do (Mark 5:1-20) |
2024-01-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Setting up Stones to Remember what God has Done (Joshua 4 & 1 Samuel 7) |
audio /notes |
Setting up Stones to Remember what God has Done... |
2024-01-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
A Different Take on How to Please God (Rom 4 & Gen 15) |
audio /notes |
A Different Take on How to Please God (Rom 4 & G... |
2024-01-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 26 |
Pulling Together the Overall Message of Ephesians that will Change your Life (Eph 6:21-24) |
audio /notes |
Pulling Together the Overall Message of Ephe... |
2023-12-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
"I Will be With You!" - The most important thing to know in 2024 |
audio /notes |
"I Will be With You!" - The most i... |
2023-12-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human (Heb 4:15-16) |
audio /notes |
Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human (... |
2023-12-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 25 |
How to Put On God's Armour (Eph 6:14-20) |
audio /notes |
How to Put On God's Armour (Eph 6:14-20) |
2023-12-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 24 |
You're Taller and Stronger than You Think You Are (Eph 6:10-13) |
audio /notes |
You're Taller and Stronger than You... |
2023-11-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 23 |
Slaves and Masters - on Earth and in Heaven (Eph 6:5-9) |
audio /notes |
Slaves and Masters — on Earth and in Heaven (Eph 6... |
2023-11-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 22 |
How do we Honour Parents with Problems? (Eph 6:1-4) |
audio /notes |
How do we Honour Parents with Problems? (Eph 6:1... |
2023-10-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 21 |
.What does it mean that we are the Bride of Christ? (Eph 5:25-32) |
audio /notes |
What does it mean that we are the Bride of Christ?... |
2023-10-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 20 |
Wives and Husbands - Addressing the Difficulties with this Passage (Eph 5:22-33) |
audio /notes |
Wives and Husbands - Addressing the Diffic... |
2023-10-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 19 |
Understanding the Will of the Lord (Eph 5:17) |
audio /notes |
Understand the Will of the Lord |
2023-10-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 18 |
Singing: the link with being filled by the Spirit (Eph 5:15-21) |
audio /notes |
Singing: the link with being filled by the Spirit... |
2023-10-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 17 |
The Seven Walks that Shape Ephesians - Walk in the Light (Eph 5:7-14) |
audio /notes |
The Seven Walks that Shape Ephesians —Walk in th... |
2023-09-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 16 |
Two Big Threats to Love, and How to Overcome Them (Eph 5:1-6) |
audio /notes |
Two Big Threats to Love, and How to Overc... |
2023-09-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 15 |
You Can Choose (Eph 4:17-5:2) |
audio /notes |
You can Choose! |
2023-09-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 14 |
The Ephesians Sermon you Almost Never hear Preached |
audio /notes |
The Ephesians Sermon you Almost Never hear Preac... |
2023-09-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 13 |
Jesus' Gifts to the Church and the Tragedy of Misunderstanding them |
audio /notes |
Jesus' Gifts to the Church and the Tragedy of... |
2023-08-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 12 |
Pleasure and Delight in God |
audio /notes |
Pleasure and Delight in God |
2023-08-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Replacing your Inner Bully with the Gentle Voice of Jesus |
audio /notes |
Replacing your Inner Bully with the Gentle... |
2023-07-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 11 |
Jesus' Defeat of the Powers of Darkness (Eph 4 & Col 2) |
audio /notes |
Jesus' Defeat of the Powers of Darkness (Ephe... |
2023-07-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 10 |
Why be part of a Church? (Eph 4 & 5) |
audio /notes |
Why be Part of a Church? |
2023-07-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 9 |
Deepening our Relationship with Father, Son & Spirit |
audio /notes |
Deepening our Relationship with Father, Son &... |
2023-07-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
By This We Know Love (1 John 3:16-18 & 4:9-11) |
audio /notes |
By This We Know Love |
2023-06-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 8 |
God-like Behavior in Seven Steps (Eph 4:1-6) |
audio /notes |
God-like Behavior in Seven Steps |
2023-06-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 7 |
A Prayer we would all love to receive (Eph 3:14-21) |
audio /notes |
A Prayer we would All Love to Receive |
2023-05-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 6 |
The Secret: Hidden through the Ages and Now Revealed (Eph 3:1-13) |
audio /notes |
The Secret: Hidden through the Ages and Now Revea... |
2023-05-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 5 |
The Sum is Greater than the Parts (Eph 2:11-22) |
audio /notes |
The Sum is Greater than the Parts |
2023-05-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 4 |
A New Identity Card from Ephesians 2 |
audio /notes |
A New Identity Card from Ephesians 2 |
2023-04-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 3 |
God Joined with Us, in a Love Stronger than Death |
audio /notes |
God Joined with Us, in a Love Stronger than Death... |
2023-04-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 2 |
Paul's Easter Prayer - For Us! |
audio /notes |
Paul's Easter Prayer — For Us! |
2023-03-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 1 |
The Epic Poem that Opens Ephesians |
audio /notes |
The Epic Poem that Opens Ephesians |
2023-03-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
An Overwhelming Experience of Joy and Peace |
audio /notes |
An Overwhelming Experience of Joy and Peace... |
2023-03-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Power of Finding our Identity in Scripture |
audio /notes |
The Power of Finding our Identity in Scriptu... |
2023-03-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Joined to Jesus—A Truth that can have a Massive Impact if we get it |
audio /notes |
Joined to Jesus—A Truth that can have a Massive... |
2023-02-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Truth behind Sabbath - Rarely Taught, but Transformational |
audio /notes |
The Truth behind Sabbath—Rarely Taught, but Transf... |
2023-02-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Guidance 5 |
Guidance Part 5: Signs: Unusual Events/Coincidences |
audio /notes |
Guidance Part 5: Signs: Unusual Events/Coincidences... |
2023-02-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Guidance 4 |
Guidance Part 4: Extraordinary/Supernatural Direction |
audio /notes |
Guidance Part 4: Extraordinary/Supernatural Directio... |
2023-02-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Guidance 3 |
Guidance Part 3: The Three Steps for Finding God's Will |
audio /notes |
The Three Steps for Finding God's Will |
2023-01-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Guidance 2 |
Guidance Part 2: Does God direct us, and if so, how? |
audio /notes |
Guidance Part 2: Does God direct us, and if so, how?... |
2023-01-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Guidance 1 |
How NOT to find a wife, and other stories |
audio /notes |
Guidance Part 1: How NOT to find a wife, and other s... |
2023-01-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
New Year's Resolutions -- What does the Bible say? |
audio /notes |
New Year's Resolutions — What does the Bible s... |
2022-12-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Coming of Jesus 5 |
The Unseemly Birth Circumstances of the Messiah |
audio /notes |
The Unseemly Birth Circumstances of the Messiah... |
2022-12-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Coming of Jesus 4 |
The Christmas Story in the Four Gospels |
audio /notes |
The Christmas Story in the Four Gospels |
2022-12-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Coming of Jesus 3 |
John's version of the Christmas Story (usually missed) |
audio /notes |
John's version of the Christmas Story (wh... |
2022-12-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Coming of Jesus 2 |
God Takes a Human Body |
audio /notes |
God Takes a Human Body |
2022-11-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Coming of Jesus 1 |
Prophecies and Preparations for Jesus's Coming |
audio /notes |
Prophecies and Preparations for Jesus's C... |
2022-10-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
What does it mean to Walk in the Spirit? (Gal 5 & 6) |
audio /notes |
What does it mean to Walk in the Spirit? |
2022-10-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
A Different Way of Reading the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) |
audio /notes |
A Different Way of Reading the Parable of the... |
2022-10-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Victory over Condemnation (Romans 8:31-39) |
audio /notes |
Victory over Condemnation |
2022-10-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's Joy over You (Luke 15 and the Lost Sheep) |
audio /notes |
God's Joy over You (Luke 15 and the Lo... |
2022-09-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Kingdom of Heaven 3 |
"Your Kingdom Come" - What are we to do? |
audio /notes |
'Your Kingdom Come' — What are we t... |
2022-09-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Kingdom of Heaven 2 |
The Kingdom of Heaven |
audio /notes |
The Kingdom of Heaven |
2022-09-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Kingdom of Heaven 1 |
Having a Passion for the Kingdom |
audio /notes |
Having a Passion for the Kingdom |
2022-09-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Three Parables that Challenge our Beliefs about Prayer |
audio /notes |
Three Parables that Challenge our Beliefs abo... |
2022-08-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 60 |
Fitting Together the Old Testament Stories |
audio /notes |
Fitting Together the Old Testament Stories |
2022-08-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
How we Grow - A Surprising Answer from Colossians |
audio /notes |
How We Grow—A Surprising Answer from Colossians |
2022-08-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
From Feeling Stressed to Peace & Confidence (Psalm 27) |
audio /notes |
From Feeling Stressed to Peace & Confidence... |
2022-07-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 59 |
How Passover became Breaking Bread, and how to Celebrate it |
audio /notes |
How Passover became Breaking Bread, and how to Cele... |
2022-07-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 58 |
The New Covenant brings a New Commandment - Love |
audio /notes |
The New Covenant brings a New Commandment — L... |
2022-07-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 57 |
Elijah is Suicidal--God's Response and the New Covenant pt.3 |
audio /notes |
Elijah is Suicidal--God's Response and t... |
2022-06-26 |
Devid Campbell |
The Glory of the Lord - then and now |
audio /notes |
The Glory of the Lord — then and now |
2022-06-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 56 |
Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant part 2 (Jer 31 & Heb 8) |
audio /notes |
Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant Pt.... |
2022-06-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 55 |
Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant (Gen 15 & Jer 31) |
audio /notes |
Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant (Ge... |
2022-06-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 54 |
Understanding O.T. Prophecies of the Future (Prophets pt.4/4) |
audio /notes |
Understanding O.T. Prophecies of the Future (Prop... |
2022-05-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 53 |
Problems with Prophecies Against Other Nations, and some Good Answers (Isaiah 15-16; 19-20 & Jonah) |
audio /notes |
Problems with Prophecies Against Other Nations, a... |
2022-05-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 52 |
Read & Understand the Prophets pt.2 (Isaiah 5) |
audio /notes |
Read & Understand the Prophets pt.2 (Isaiah 5... |
2022-05-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 51 |
When God doesn't seem to keep his promises (Pt.2) |
audio /notes |
When God doesn't seem to keep his promises (... |
2022-05-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 50 |
When God doesn't seem to keep his promises |
audio /notes |
When God doesn't seem to keep his promises... |
2022-05-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me |
audio /notes |
I can do all things through Christ who stre... |
2022-04-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Resurrection 2 |
The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 2: Jesus is Risen! and what that means for you and me |
audio /notes |
Jesus is Risen! and what that means for yo... |
2022-04-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Resurrection 1 |
The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 1: Convincing Evidence for the Truth above all other Truths |
audio /notes |
The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 1: Con... |
2022-03-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 49 |
The God who Carries Us — Isaiah 46 |
audio /notes |
The God who Carries us — Isaiah 46 |
2022-03-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
A Living Sacrifice - gaining a clear understanding of one of the key texts in Romans |
audio /notes |
A Living Sacrifice — Gaining a clear understan... |
2022-03-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 48 |
Three Men and an Arrogant Emperor - Daniel 3 and its relevance for us today |
audio /notes |
Three Men and an Arrogant Emperor - Daniel 3... |
2022-03-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 47 |
The God Who Offers Secure Attachment |
audio /notes |
The God Who Offers Secure Attachment |
2022-02-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 46 |
Why the Story of Naaman is so Disruptive and Challenging |
audio /notes |
Why the Story of Naaman is so Disruptive and Challeng... |
2022-02-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 45 |
Stories of God Responding to Prayer |
audio /notes |
Stories of God Responding to Prayer |
2022-02-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 44 |
The Psalm with No Hope: Psalm 44 - when God doesn't even seem to be listening |
audio /notes |
The Psalm with No Hope: Psalm 44 - when God doesn... |
2022-02-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 43 |
A New Beginning - Directions for this New Season of our Lives from Joshua 4 & 5 |
audio /notes |
A New Beginning - Directions for this New Seas... |
2022-01-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 42 |
Circumcision - A topic you rarely hear explained |
audio /notes |
Circumcision — A topic you rarely hear explaine... |
2022-01-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 41 |
Be Strong and Very Courageous |
audio /notes |
Be Strong and Very Courageous (Josh 1) |
2022-01-09 |
David Campbell |
Understanding the Old Testament 40 |
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the Coming of the Messiah |
audio /notes |
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and... |
2022-01-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 39 |
A Story of Attacks and Discouragement turning into Joy |
audio /notes |
A Story in 5 acts, of Attack and Discourag... |
2022 |
Andrew Fountain |
Is the Last Supper Missing in John? --How and Why |
audio /notes |
Is the Last Supper Missing in John? --How and... |
2021-12-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 38 |
The Golden Thread - The Story of the Dragon's Attacks from Genesis to Revelation |
audio /notes |
The Golden Thread - The Story of the Dragon... |
2021-12-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Important things to know about the Birth of Jesus |
audio /notes |
Important things to know about the Birth of Je... |
2021-12-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 37 |
Jesus' shocking words about the O.T. - The Camel & Eternal Life (Luke 18:18-30) |
audio /notes |
Jesus' shocking words about the O.T. —The... |
2021-11-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 36 |
Profiting from the Prophets |
audio /notes |
Profiting from the Prophets |
2021-11-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 35 |
Psalm 20 - Poetry with Power |
audio /notes |
Psalm 20 — Poetry with Power |
2021-11-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 34 |
The Beauty and Power of Old Testament Poetry |
audio /notes |
The Beauty and Power of Old Testament Poetry |
2021-10-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 33 |
Stories of God's Creativity and Love of Beauty |
audio /notes |
Stories of God's Creativity and Love of Beauty... |
2021-10-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 32 |
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it (Psalm 81) |
audio /notes |
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it (Psalm 81)... |
2021-10-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 31 |
The Presence of God: Then and Now |
audio /notes |
The Presence of God, Then and Now |
2021-10-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 30 |
Trusting God in Hard Times - Reading the O.T. in a way that lets it speak truly into our lives: Is. 55 |
audio /notes |
Trusting God in Hard Times - Reading the O.T. in a... |
2021-09-19 |
David Campbell |
Personal Freedoms and Love - How New Testament Churches Handled Contentious Issues |
audio /notes |
Personal Freedoms and Love - How New Testament C... |
2021-09-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 29 |
Stories of Endurance and the Motivations that Got People Through |
audio /notes |
Stories of Endurance and the Motivations that Got... |
2021-09-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 28 |
Can God be Trusted in the Darkest Situation? - Isaiah 37 |
audio /notes |
Can God be Trusted in the Darkest Situation?... |
2021-08-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 27 |
Hints of the Trinity and Jesus in the O.T. |
audio /notes |
Hints of the Trinity and Jesus in the Old Testament... |
2021-08-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Trusting Jesus in the Storms |
audio /notes |
Trusting Jesus in the Storms |
2021-08-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
A Surprising Invitation to a Banquet |
audio /notes |
A Surprising Invitation to a Banquet |
2021-07-25 |
Moe Bergeron |
The Story of Barzillai |
audio /notes |
The Story of Barzillai |
2021-07-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Silver Trumpets |
audio /notes |
The Silver Trumpets |
2021-06-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 24 |
The Misunderstanding of Holiness — Part 3: Tying it All Together |
audio /notes |
Misunderstanding Holiness -- Part 3: Tying it All... |
2021-06-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 23 |
Answering Problems with Correctly Understanding this Word (pt.2) |
audio /notes |
Holy — Answering Problems with Correctly Understa... |
2021-05-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Why I Love Jesus |
audio /notes |
Why I love Jesus |
2021-05-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 22 |
Holy - The most Misunderstood Word in the Bible |
audio /notes |
Holy — The most Misunderstood Word in the Bible |
2021-05-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 21 |
Roadblocks when Reading the Old Testament |
audio /notes |
Roadblocks when Reading the Old Testament |
2021-04-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 20 |
Stories of God's Compassion and Grace |
audio /notes |
Stories of God's Compassion & Grace |
2021-04-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 19 |
Why are we told to fear God if love casts out fear? |
audio /notes |
Why are we told to fear God if love casts out fear?... |
2021-04-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Empty Tomb |
audio /notes |
The Empty Tomb |
2021-03-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 18 |
The Rest of the Story of Israel - Past and Future |
audio /notes |
The Rest of the Story of Israel - Past and Future... |
2021-03-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 17 |
The Story of Israel and the Heart of God |
audio /notes |
The Story of Israel and the Heart of God |
2021-03-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 16 |
The Exodus theme through the Bible |
audio /notes |
The Exodus theme through the Bible |
2021-02-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 15 |
Why Idolatry is such a big theme in the Old Testament |
audio /notes |
Why Idolatry is such a big theme in the Old... |
2021-02-21 |
Anne Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 14 |
The Bible and Archeology |
audio /notes |
The Bible and Archaeology |
2021-02-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 13 |
New Creation (3) - How to live in the New Creation while still in the Old |
audio /notes |
How to live in the New Creation while still i... |
2021-01-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 12 |
New Creation (2) - How it started with a New Eden |
audio /notes |
New Creation (2) — How it started with a New... |
2021-01-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 11 |
New Creation - The Big Story of the Bible |
audio /notes |
New Creation--The Big Story of the Bible |
2021-01-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 9 |
"I will be with you!" - The Era from Abraham to Joseph" |
audio /notes |
"I will be with you!" - The Era from Abra... |
2020-12-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's Gift of Everything |
audio /notes |
God's gift of Everything |
2020-12-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 8 |
Jesus, the Light of the World |
audio /notes |
Jesus, the Light of the World |
2020-12-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 7 |
Has Jesus done away with the Law? - Answering the problems that come up |
audio /notes |
Has Jesus done away with the Law? —Answering th... |
2020-11-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 6 |
The Covenants - the Backbone of the Old Testament |
audio /notes |
The Covenants—the Backbone of the Old Testament... |
2020-11-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 5 |
Making Sense of the Flood |
audio /notes |
Making Sense of the Flood |
2020-11-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 4 |
Old Testament Shadows and Types |
audio /notes |
Old Testament Shadows and Types |
2020-11-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament 3 |
The "Fall" and the Big Story |
audio /notes |
The 'Fall' and The Big Story |
2020-10-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament? 2 |
Creation |
audio /notes |
Creation |
2020-10-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the Old Testament? 1 |
Why Study the Old Testament? |
audio /notes |
Why Study the Old Testament? |
2020-10-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Thankfulness |
Celebrating Thanksgiving |
audio /notes |
Celebrating Thanksgiving |
2020-10-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Thankfulness 2 |
When Thanksgiving Leads to Victory |
audio /notes |
When Thanksgiving Leads to Victory |
2020-09-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Thankfulness 1 |
Giving Thanks Always and for Everything |
audio /notes |
Giving Thanks Always and for Everything |
2020-09-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
What the David and Goliath story is really about |
audio /notes |
What the David and Goliath story is really about... |
2020-09-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 37 |
Meeting Jesus in the pages of John |
audio /notes |
Meeting Jesus in the pages of John |
2020-08-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 36 |
From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesus Restored Peter |
audio /notes |
From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesu... |
2020-08-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 35 |
A Meal on the Beach with Jesus |
audio /notes |
A Meal on the Beach with Jesus |
2020-08-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 34 |
What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb |
audio /notes |
What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the E... |
2020-08-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 33 |
How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empowers Us |
audio /notes |
How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empower... |
2020-07-19 |
Andrew & Anne Fountain |
Gospel of John 32 |
Jesus' Burial, with some Insights from Archeology |
audio /notes |
Jesus' Burial, with some Insights from Archeol... |
2020-07-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 31 |
Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion |
audio /notes |
Why John is so selective when telling the stor... |
2020-06-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 30 |
What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate |
audio /notes |
What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate... |
2020-06-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Bread & Wine: the Body of Christ United |
audio /notes |
Bread & Wine: the Body of Christ United... |
2020-06-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 29 |
Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denied and Abused - John 18 |
audio /notes |
Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denie... |
2020-05-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 28 |
Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Love - John 17 |
audio /notes |
Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Lo... |
2020-05-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 27 |
The High Point in the whole of Jesus' Teachings |
audio /notes |
The High Point in the whole of Jesus... |
2020-05-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 26 |
Safe and Sent: Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17 |
audio /notes |
Safe and Sent: Coming to Grips with the Chal... |
2020-04-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 25 |
John 17: THe Greatest Prayer in the Bible |
audio /notes |
John 17: The Greatest Prayer in the Bible... |
2020-04-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 24 |
Do This... so that Your Joy may be Full |
audio /notes |
Do This… so that Your Joy may be Full... |
2020-03-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 23 |
What does the Promise of the Spirit of Truth mean for us? |
audio /notes |
What does the Promise of the Spirit of Tru... |
2020-03-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 22 |
My peace I give to you... Do not let your hearts be troubled or be fearful |
audio /notes |
My peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be tr... |
2020-03-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 21 |
The Flow of God's Energy - Jesus Explains how to be Connected to the Vine |
audio /notes |
The Flow of God's Energy—Jesus Explains how to b... |
2020-03-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 20 |
The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New Dimension of Connection to with God |
audio /notes |
The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New... |
2020-03-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 19 |
Let not your Hearts be Troubled - Jesus Reveals Surprising Things about the Father |
audio /notes |
Let not your Hearts be Troubled—Jesus... |
2020-02-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 18 |
The God who will Love You to the End and Wash Your Feet |
audio /notes |
The God who will Love You to the End and Wash... |
2020-02-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 17 |
Jesus' last days of teaching: Why so few really 'got' him. Can you? |
audio /notes |
Jesus' last days of teaching: Why so few reall... |
2020-02-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 16 |
How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? --The Good Shepherd in Action |
audio /notes |
How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? —The... |
2020-02-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 15 |
The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of the Good Shepherd |
audio /notes |
The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of... |
2020-01-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 14 |
How the Man Born Blind challenges you and me |
audio /notes |
How the Man Born Blind challenges you and m... |
2019-12-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 13 |
Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us into Darkness |
audio /notes |
Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us i... |
2019-12-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 12 |
If anyone is thirsty |
audio /notes |
If Anyone is Thirsty |
2019-12-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 11 |
A deeper look at the strange words: 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood' |
audio /notes |
A deeper look at the strange words:... |
2019-11-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 10 |
What on earth does it mean to 'feed on Jesus' and why this is one of the most important things you can ever learn |
audio /notes |
What on earth does it mean to 'feed on J... |
2019-11-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 9 |
New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by some radical claims |
audio /notes |
New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by s... |
2019-11-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 7 |
The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your Deepest Need |
audio /notes |
The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your De... |
2019-10-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 6 |
God's Love for Humanity |
audio /notes |
God's Love for Humanity |
2019-10-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 5 |
Born from Above |
audio /notes |
Born from Above |
2019-10-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 4 |
Anger and Love in the Temple |
audio /notes |
Anger and Love in the Temple |
2019-09-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 3 |
A Different take on turning Water into Wine |
audio /notes |
A Different Take on turning Water into Wine... |
2019-09-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 2 |
Why the very first believers were so drawn to Jesus |
audio /notes |
Why the very first believers were so drawn... |
2019-09-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel of John 1 |
The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 verses of John |
audio /notes |
The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 ver... |
2019-09-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Temple, from Eden to Revelation |
audio /notes |
The Temple, from Eden to Revelation |
2019-08-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
A Psalm that will change your life |
audio /notes |
A Psalm that will change your life |
2019-08-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith |
The End of the World amd the Age to Come |
audio /notes |
The End of the World and the Age to Come |
2019-07-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith |
Jesus' Design for the Christian Life |
audio /notes |
Jesus' Design for the Christian Life |
2019-06-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith 4 |
How the cross and the resurrection changed everything |
audio /notes |
How the cross and resurrection changed every... |
2019-05-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith 3 |
How the World got Broken |
audio /notes |
How the World got Broken |
2019-05-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith 2 |
God and the Spirit World |
audio /notes |
God and the Spirit World |
2019-05-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Foundations of our Faith 1 |
What God is Like |
audio /notes |
What God is like |
2019-03-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
7 Things you might not know about Breaking Bread (Communion) |
audio /notes |
7 Things you might not know about Breaking Bread (C... |
2019-03-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Developing our Gifts 4 |
Seven Values of Newlife Church, using the church at Antioch as a model |
audio /notes |
Seven Values of Newlife Church, using the church a... |
2019-02-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Developing our Gifts 3 |
Empowered to Use your Gifts - Victory in the Christian Life |
audio /notes |
Empowered to Use your Gifts--Victory in the Chr... |
2019-02-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Developing our Gifts 1 |
How the Church Grows Up—Why every person needs to play their part |
audio /notes |
How the Church Grows Up--Why every person nee... |
2019-02-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Stories of Trusting God: What is He asking You to do? |
audio /notes |
Stories of Trusting God: What is He asking You... |
2018-12-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Wise Men |
audio /notes |
The Wise Men |
2018-12-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Remarkable Stories of Fulfilled Prophecies |
audio /notes |
Remarkable Stories of Fulfilled Prophecies... |
2018-11-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Psychotherapy Revolution: Accelerated healing of mental illness |
audio /notes |
The Psychotherapy Revolution: Accelerated healing of mental il... |
2018-11-25 |
Braden |
Following Jesus |
audio /notes |
Following Jesus |
2018-11-04 |
Evert Heskes |
Kindness: the glue that holds the body together |
audio /notes |
Kindness: the glue that holds the body together... |
2018-10-28 |
Anne Fountain |
For such a time as this: The story of Esther |
audio /notes |
For such a time as this: The story of Esther |
2018-10-21 |
Bruce Smith |
Grit and Grace - Lessons from Amos |
audio /notes |
Grit and Grace - Lessons from Amos |
2018-10-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Dirge, the Dance, and the End of the World |
audio /notes |
The Dirge, the Dance, and the End of... |
2018-10-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Connected with God 4 |
How to have more of God's life in you |
audio /notes |
How to have more of God's life in you |
2018-09-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Connected with God 3 |
What on earth does it mean to be "Filled with God"? |
audio /notes |
What on earch does it mean to be "Filled with... |
2018-09-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Connected with God 2 |
An Honest Look at some Surprising Scriptures |
audio /notes |
An Honest look at some Surprising Scriptures |
2018-09-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Pactical Prayer 4 |
God, why are you not listening? Answering the Psalms of Desperation |
audio /notes |
God, why are you not listening? Answering th... |
2018-08-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Practical Prayer 3 |
God how long will you hide your face? Do you even care? |
audio /notes |
God how long will you hide your face? Do you... |
2018-08-19 |
Moe Bergeron |
"The Last Days" (Isaiah 2:1-3) |
audio /notes |
“The Last Days” (Isaiah 2:1–3) |
2018-08-12 |
Darryl Dash |
The Good Life and Money |
audio /notes |
The Good Life and Money |
2018-07-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Practical Prayer 1 |
Four Kinds of Prayer |
audio /notes |
Four Kinds of Prayer |
2018-07-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
In Christ - connecting with power in your life |
audio /notes |
"In Christ" - connecting with power in your... |
2018-06-17 |
Anne |
What's Surprising about Dorcas |
audio /notes |
What's Surprising about Dorc... |
2018-06-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 9 |
Philippians: End of series wrap-up |
audio /notes |
Philippians: End of series wrap-up |
2018-04-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 8 |
God supplies our needs |
audio /notes |
God supplies our needs |
2018-04-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 7 |
Five ways to stand firm |
audio /notes |
Five ways to stand firm |
2018-04-01 |
Chris McLean |
An encounter with the risen Jesus makes all the difference |
audio /notes |
An encounter with th... |
2018-03-25 |
Luke Fountain |
What is God doing with my life? |
audio /notes |
What is God doing with my life? |
2018-03-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 5 |
Making Sense of the Present in Light of the Future |
audio /notes |
Making Sense of the Present in Light of the Futu... |
2018-03-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 4 |
Awe and Wonder at God's Plan for Us |
audio /notes |
Awe and Wonder at God's Plan for Us |
2018-03-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 3 |
Be captivated by Jesus |
audio /notes |
Be captivated by Jesus |
2018-02-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 2 |
Paul shows us how he deals with his own anxiety |
audio /notes |
Paul shows us how he deals with his own anxiety... |
2018-02-18 |
Anne |
Hospitality: An opportunity to be like God |
audio /notes |
Hospitality: An opportunity to be like God |
2018-02-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Philippians 1 |
What makes Philippians so unusual |
audio /notes |
What makes Philippians so unusual |
2018-02-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mobilize 3 |
Learning to live free from condemnation |
audio /notes |
Learning to live free from condemnation |
2018-01-27 |
Elliot & Andrew |
How am I choosing to live my life? |
audio /notes |
How am I choosing to live my lif... |
2018-01-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Mobilize 1 |
Rebuilding Jerusalem / Mobilizing the Church |
audio /notes |
Rebuilding Jerusalem / Mobilizing the Church |
2017-12-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 8 |
Our 'Need' to be in Control |
audio /notes |
Our 'Need' to be in Control |
2017-12-17 |
David Campbell |
Living as a Christian in the real world |
Seven Tools to Make Sense of Suffering |
audio /notes |
Seven Tools to Make Sense of Suffering |
2017-12-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 6 |
Facing Suffering |
audio /notes |
Facing Suffering |
2017-11-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 5 |
Having Healthy Boundaries |
audio /notes |
Having Healthy Boundaries |
2017-11-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Brain Revolution: New Ideas About Mental Health, Healing and Therapy, With a Christian Response |
audio /notes |
The Brain Revolution |
2017-11-19 |
Anne Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 4 |
Hannah's Prayer: There's more happening than we think when we pray |
audio /notes |
Hannah's Prayer: There's more happenin... |
2017-11-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 3 |
Forming Helpful Habits |
audio /notes |
Forming Helpful Habits |
2017-11-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 2 |
Manging your time |
audio /notes |
Managing your Time |
2017-10-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living as a Christian in the real world 1 |
Living the Christian Life: at Work |
audio /notes |
Living the Christian Life: at Work |
2017-10-22 |
Bruce Smith |
6 great reasons to get up and dance! |
audio /notes |
6 great reasons to get up and dance!... |
2017-09-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Why follow Jesus? |
audio /notes |
Why follow Jesus? |
2017-08-20 |
Moe Bergeron |
I've had enough Lord--Elijah's Depression |
audio /notes |
I've had enough Lord--Elijah's Depr... |
2017-08-13 |
Ian Galloway |
Suffering and the Kingdom of God |
audio /notes |
Suffering and the Kingdom of God |
2017-08-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jude: The book you never hear preached |
audio /notes |
Jude: The book you never hear preached |
2017-07-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Great Prayer of Jesus |
audio /notes |
The Great Prayer of Jesus |
2017-07-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Do not Judge? |
audio /notes |
Do not Judge? |
2017-06-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Abandonment & Belonging |
audio /notes |
Abandonment & Belonging |
2017-06-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
When our Conscience Turns Rogue - The God of all Comfort |
audio /notes |
When our Conscience Turns Rogue - The God of a... |
2017-06-04 |
Richard & Tricia Bristow |
The Father Heart of God |
audio /notes |
The Father Heart of God |
2017-05-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Power to Live a New Life |
audio /notes |
Power to live a New Life |
2017-05-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Mission of the Church |
audio /notes |
The Mission of the Church |
2017-04-23 |
Danfi |
Are Christians to be pitied? - The Resurrection |
audio /notes |
Are Christians to be pitied? - The Resurrect... |
2017-04-16 |
Chris McLean |
Coming Home |
audio /notes |
Coming Home |
2017-04-02 |
Luke Fountain |
Becoming who God made us to be |
audio /notes |
Becoming who God made us to be |
2017-01-15 |
Danfi Parker |
Seek First the Kingdom of God |
audio /notes |
Seek First the Kingdom of God |
2016-12-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Testimonies of Praise |
audio /notes |
Testimonies of Praise |
2016-11-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 10 |
Two Simple Keys for Living in the World |
audio /notes |
Two Simple Keys for Living in the World |
2016-11-20 |
Anne Fountain |
What Joshua had for Breakfast |
audio /notes |
What Joshua had for Breakfast |
2016-11-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 9 |
Bringing Heaven down into Family & Relationships |
audio /notes |
Bringing Heaven down into Family & Relations... |
2016-11-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 8 |
New Clothes |
audio /notes |
New Clothes |
2016-10-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 7 |
Defeating Temptation with a New Identity and Destiny |
audio /notes |
Defeating Temptation with a New Identity and Des... |
2016-10-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 6 |
The Source of our New Life: United with Christ |
audio /notes |
The Source of our New Life: United with Christ... |
2016-10-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 5 |
Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure |
audio /notes |
Passionate about Christ - the Hidden Treasure... |
2016-10-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 4 |
The Song hidden in Colossians |
audio /notes |
The Song hidden in Colossians |
2016-10-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 3 |
The Power of Thankfulness |
audio /notes |
The Power of Thankfulness |
2016-09-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 2 |
A Letter in the Shape of a Tree: Colossians |
audio /notes |
A Letter in the Shape of a Tree: Colossians |
2016-09-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians 1 |
Truth that brings life - Col 1:1-9 |
audio /notes |
Truth that brings life - Col 1:1-9 |
2016-09-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Love, Truth & Power through the Holy Spirit |
audio /notes |
Love, Truth & Power through the Holy Spiri... |
2016-08-14 |
Ian Galloway |
Building the Church |
audio /notes |
Building the Church |
2016-08-07 |
Ian Galloway |
A Generous People |
audio /notes |
A Generous People |
2016-07-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
God Chooses the Weak |
audio /notes |
God Chooses the Weak |
2016-07-24 |
Josh |
The Living Machine - Community with Purpose |
audio /notes |
The Living Machine - Community with Purpose... |
2016-07-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Why a Church Needs Home-Groups |
audio /notes |
Why a Church Needs Home-Groups |
2016-06-12 |
Danfi Parker |
Faith alone saves, but faith that saves is not alone |
audio /notes |
Faith alone saves, but faith that saves is no... |
2016-06-05 |
Chris McLean |
Thanksgiving |
audio /notes |
Thankgiving |
2016-05-29 |
David Campbell |
A Crowd does not make a Church |
audio /notes |
A Crowd does not make a Church |
2016-05-15 |
Ian Galloway |
Spirit filled church |
audio /notes |
Spirit filled church |
2016-05-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Leadership and Elders in the N.T. Church |
audio /notes |
Leadership and Elders in the N.T. Church... |
2016-04-03 |
Jeremy Simpkins |
Encouragement |
audio /notes |
Encouragement |
2016-03-27 |
Chris McLean |
The Great Exchange |
audio /notes |
The Great Exchange |
2016-03-06 |
Danfi Parker |
Blessed are those who Limp |
audio /notes |
Blessed are those who Limp |
2016-02-28 |
April Best |
Our Adventure with God |
audio /notes |
Our Adventure with God |
2016-02-21 |
Stephen Best |
Christs Glorious Church |
audio /notes |
Christ’s Glorious Church |
2016-02-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Parable of the Talents |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Talents |
2016-01-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer and God's Power |
audio /notes |
Prayer and God's Power |
2016-01-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Roadblocks in Reading the Old Testament |
audio /notes |
Roadblocks in Reading the Old... |
2016-01-10 |
Tafari |
James 11 |
Snapshot of Christian Living |
audio /notes |
Snapshot of Christian Living |
2015-12-13 |
Josh |
The Journey |
audio /notes |
The Journey |
2015-12-13 |
Danfi |
Can God be trusted to be fair? |
audio /notes |
Can God be trusted to be fair? |
2015-11-29 |
Bruce Smith |
What does Following Jesus look like? |
audio /notes |
What does Following Jesus look l... |
2015-11-15 |
Chris McLean |
How I Found my Father |
audio /notes |
How I Found my Father |
2015-10-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant |
audio /notes |
2015-10-18 |
Tafari |
James 10 |
Riches, Patience & Steadfastness |
audio /notes |
James 5:1-12: Riches,... |
2015-09-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Story of Acts in half an hour |
audio /notes |
Story of Acts in half an hour |
2015-09-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
New Life in the Spirit -Rom 6 |
audio /notes |
New Life in the Spirit (Rom 6) |
2015-09-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
If anyone is thirsty - John 7:37-39 |
audio /notes |
If anyone is thirsty - John 7:37-39 |
2015-08-23 |
Tafari |
James 9 |
Humility or Boasting, You Decide |
audio /notes |
Humility or Boasting, You Decid... |
2015-08-16 |
Tafari |
James 8 |
Choose This Day |
audio /notes |
Choose This Day |
2015-07-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Shame |
audio /notes |
Shame |
2015-06-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Extraordinary Effect of being Joined to Jesus |
audio /notes |
The Extraordinary Effec... |
2015-06-21 |
Braden |
Word Team |
The God who is active behind the scenes |
audio /notes |
The God who is active behind the s... |
2015-06-21 |
Olesia |
Word Team |
Every Good Gift comes from Above |
audio /notes |
Every Good Gift comes from Above... |
2015-06-21 |
Mark |
Word Team |
Faith: the good, the bad and the ugly |
audio /notes |
Faith: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly... |
2015-06-07 |
David Campbell |
The one-sentence guide to powerful prayer |
audio /notes |
The one-sentence guide to po... |
2015-05-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
How to Get More out of Reading the Bible |
audio /notes |
How to Get More out of Reading t... |
2015-05-10 |
Tafari |
Women of Influence |
audio /notes |
Women of Influence |
2015-05-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Seven More Myths about Christianity |
audio /notes |
Seven More Myths about Chri... |
2015-04-19 |
Josh Nadeau |
Finally Home: The Safety and Joy of Eternity |
audio /notes |
Finally Home |
2015-04-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Seven Myths about Christianity |
audio /notes |
Seven Myths about Christianity... |
2015-04-05 |
Heather, Andrew & Tafari |
How I Found Jesus and He Changed my Life: Four stories |
audio /notes |
How I Found Jesus and He Changed my L... |
2015-03-22 |
Ainsley |
Word Team |
The Syrophoenician Woman |
audio /notes |
Word Team: Mark 7:24-30 - The Syrophoenici... |
2015-03-22 |
Aislinn |
Word Team |
Persistent Prayer |
audio /notes |
Word Team: Luke 18:1-8 - Persistent Prayer... |
2015-03-22 |
Dan |
Word Team |
Isaiah 35 |
audio /notes |
Word Team: Isaiah 35 - Sorro... |
2015-03-15 |
Tafari |
James |
Controlling our Words |
audio /notes |
Controlling our Words |
2015-03-08 |
Homeric Arvanitis |
The Humble Heart |
audio /notes |
The Humble Heart |
2015-02-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Fifteen ways to love |
audio /notes |
Fifteen Ways to Love |
2015-02-08 |
David Campbell |
The Turning Point of History |
audio /notes |
The Turning Point of History |
2015-01-25 |
Anne Fountain |
Empowered by Jesus the Bridegroom |
audio /notes |
Empowered by Jesus the Bridegroom... |
2015-01-25 |
Tafari Hibbert |
Apologetics - A tool for building faith |
audio /notes |
Apologetics - A tool for buildi... |
2014-12-28 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 6 |
Is it Faith or Works? |
audio /notes |
Is it Faith or Works? |
2014-12-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Rituals or Reality |
audio /notes |
Rituals or Reality |
2014-11-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
How to Speak Words of Life |
audio /notes |
How to Speak Words of Life |
2014-11-16 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 5 |
The Problem of Partiality |
audio /notes |
The Problem of Partiality |
2014-11-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 19 |
Jesus Sets his Followers a Challenge |
audio /notes |
Jesus sets his Followers a C... |
2014-10-26 |
Adrian Birks |
Fresh starts - the recommissioning of Elijah |
audio /notes |
Fresh starts - the recommis... |
2014-10-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
How to become a Thankful Person |
audio /notes |
How to become a Thankful Person |
2014-10-05 |
Jeremy Little |
You're richer than you think you are (Eph 1) |
audio /notes |
You're richer than yo... |
2014-09-14 |
David Campbell |
The Challenge of Change |
audio /notes |
The Challenge of Change |
2014-08-31 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 4 |
Where Do You Stand? |
audio /notes |
Where Do You Stand? (James pt. 4) |
2014-08-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer 3 |
Prayer in Practice |
audio /notes |
Prayer in Practice |
2014-08-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer 2 |
Prayers that Get Answered |
audio /notes |
Prayers that Get Answered |
2014-08-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer 1 |
Improving our Prayer Lives |
audio /notes |
Improving our Praye... |
2014-07-13 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 3 |
The Power of our Words |
audio /notes |
The Power of our Words (James pt 3)... |
2014-06-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jesus' promise of his presence with us |
audio /notes |
Jesus' promise of his presen... |
2014-06-01 |
J.D. Sherman |
Obedience |
audio /notes |
Obedience |
2014-05-25 |
Andy |
Building: The Tower of Babel |
audio /notes |
2014-05-18 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 2 |
Attitudes to Wealth |
audio /notes |
Attitudes to Wealth (James pt 2)... |
2014-05-04 |
David Campbell |
Faith: the substance of things hoped for |
audio /notes |
Faith: the substance of things hop... |
2014-04-27 |
Tafari Hibbert |
James 1 |
Strength in Trials - James 1 |
audio /notes |
Strength in Trials (James 1) |
2014-04-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Real Truth about the Resurrection |
audio /notes |
The Real Truth abo... |
2014-04-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 18 |
Love: Our New Identity. Parable of the Sheep and Goats |
audio /notes |
Love: Our New Identity. Parable of the... |
2014-04-06 |
David Campbell |
2 Peter 1:2-3 - The power of grace |
audio /notes |
2 Peter 1:2-3 - The power of grace |
2014-03-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 17 |
A modern take on the Parable of the Dishonest Manager |
audio /notes |
A modern take on the Para... |
2014-03-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
What does it mean to Eat the Bread of Life? |
audio /notes |
What does it mean to Eat the B... |
2014-03-02 |
David Campbell |
Light in the Darkness |
audio /notes |
Light in the Darkness |
2014-02-23 |
Ant Dube |
The God of the City |
audio /notes |
The God of the City |
2014-02-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 13 |
Learning How to Pray in Faith |
audio /notes |
Learning How to Pray in Faith |
2014-02-02 |
David Campbell |
What makes a church? |
audio /notes |
What makes a church? |
2014-01-26 |
Chris McLean |
Leave room for the miracles only God can do |
audio /notes |
Leave room for the miracles... |
2014-01-12 |
Andy |
Parables 11 |
The Parable of the Talents |
audio /notes |
2013-12-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 10 |
Anxiety, Fear & Security - the Rich Fool |
audio /notes |
Anxiety, Fear & Securit... |
2013-12-01 |
David Campbell |
Simeon - Walking in God's Will |
audio /notes |
Simeon - Walking in God's Will... |
2013-11-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 9 |
The Parable of the Enemy who sowed Tares |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Enemy who sowe... |
2013-11-17 |
Andy |
Signs |
audio /notes |
2013-11-03 |
David Campbell |
The Biblical Foundation of Worship |
audio /notes |
The Biblical Foundation of Worship... |
2013-10-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 7 |
The Parable of the Seed that Died |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Seed that Died |
2013-10-20 |
Jeremy Simpkins |
If anyone's thirsty - be filled with the Spirit |
audio /notes |
If anyone's thirsty -... |
2013-10-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 6 |
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Unforgiving Serv... |
2013-10-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 5 |
The Parable of the Mustard Seed |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Mustard Seed |
2013-09-29 |
David Campbell |
Being filled with the Spirit |
audio /notes |
Being filled with the Spirit |
2013-09-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 4 |
The Parable of the Sower |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Sower |
2013-09-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 3 |
The Parable of the Good Shepherd |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Good Shepherd |
2013-09-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Parables 2 |
The Parable of the Camel and the Eye of a Needle |
audio /notes |
The Parable of the Camel and the E... |
2013-09-01 |
Don Garlington |
Parables 1 |
Introduction to the Parables |
audio /notes |
Introduction to the Parables |
2013-08-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 10 |
Stories of a God who is Transcendent yet Humble |
audio /notes |
Stories of a God who is... |
2013-08-04 |
Tafari Hibbert |
Discipleship |
audio /notes |
Discipleship |
2013-07-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 7 |
Stories of God's creativity and beauty |
audio /notes |
2013-07-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 6 |
Stories of a God who is Three in One |
audio /notes |
Stories of a God who is Three in One... |
2013-06-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 5 |
Stories of a God who is Holy |
audio /notes |
Stories of a God who is Holy |
2013-06-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 4 |
Stories of God who Knows Everything |
audio /notes |
Stories of God who knows every... |
2013-06-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 3 |
Stories of God's Justice |
audio /notes |
Stories of God's justice |
2013-06-09 |
Brad Lewis |
I commend you to God and to the word of his grace |
audio /notes |
The Word of His Grace (Acts 20) |
2013-06-02 |
Tope Koleoso |
Living by Faith |
audio /notes |
Living by Faith |
2013-05-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 2 |
Stories of God's Faithful Love |
audio /notes |
Stories of God's faithful love... |
2013-05-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
God's character revealed through stories 1 |
Stories of God's Power |
audio /notes |
Stories of God's Power |
2013-05-05 |
Andy Lee |
Newlife Values 10 |
Moving in Faith |
audio /notes |
Moving in Faith |
2013-04-14 |
Brad Lewis |
Pray the Psalms, I dare you! |
audio /notes |
Pray the Psalms, I dare you! |
2013-02-24 |
David Campbell |
Lazarus |
audio /notes |
Lazarus |
2013-02-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
Led by the Spirit |
audio /notes |
Led by the Spirit |
2013-02-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Love - God's agenda for us |
audio /notes |
Love - God's agenda for us |
2013-01-20 |
Brad Lewis |
Newlife Values 8 |
Outward Looking |
audio /notes |
Outward Looking |
2012-12-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 5 |
The Almost Unbelievable Prayer |
audio /notes |
The Almost Unbelievable Prayer (Ephe... |
2012-12-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jesus, the Light, is born into this World |
audio /notes |
2012-12-16 |
Andy Lee |
Newlife Values 7 |
Why be a member? |
audio /notes |
Why be a member? |
2012-12-02 |
Doug Nix |
Newlife Values 6 |
Giving |
audio /notes |
2012-11-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Newlife Values 4 |
Filled with the Holy Spirit |
audio /notes |
Filled with the Holy Spirit |
2012-11-18 |
David Campbell |
Newlife Values 5 |
Leadership in the Local Church |
audio /notes |
Leadership in the local Church |
2012-11-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Newlife Values 3 |
Truth and the Bible |
audio /notes |
2012-11-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Newlife Values 2 |
Grace & Salvation |
audio /notes |
2012-10-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Newlife Values 1 |
The Church |
audio /notes |
2012-09-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
Ephesians 1 |
The Central Message of Christianity |
audio /notes |
2012-09-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
My Testimony |
audio /notes |
2012-07-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Becoming a Christian |
audio /notes |
2012-06-24 |
Doug Cryer |
Importance of Forgiveness |
audio /notes |
The Importance of Forgiveness |
2012-06-03 |
Andy Lee |
The Father |
The Father's Love |
audio /notes |
The Father's Love |
2012-05-27 |
Doug Cryer |
The Father |
God is the Father I Have Always Wanted |
audio /notes |
God is the Father I Have Always... |
2012-05-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Not under Law? |
audio /notes |
Not under Law? |
2012-05-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Responding to God |
audio /notes |
Responding to God |
2012-05-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
The True Seeker |
audio /notes |
The True Seeker |
2012-04-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Breaking Bread (Communion) 2 |
Breaking Bread (Communion) pt2--Where the church went wrong |
audio /notes |
Breaking B... |
2012-04-15 |
Richard Bristow |
Dead or Alive? How is your Faith |
audio /notes |
Dead or Alive - How is your faith?... |
2012-04-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Answering Atheists |
audio /notes |
Answering Atheists |
2012-03-18 |
Luke, Hlengiwe & Doug |
Scriptures that have spoken to us |
audio /notes |
Word-Team Videos for March 18, 2012 |
2012-03-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
What Does "Faith" Mean |
audio /notes |
2012-02-26 |
Andy Lee |
Worship |
audio /notes |
Worship |
2012-02-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Good News |
audio /notes |
Good News |
2012-02-12 |
Don Garlington |
The New Creation in Paul |
audio /notes |
The New Creation in Paul |
2012-02-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Love, Truth & Power from the Holy Spirit |
audio /notes |
Love, Truth & Power from the H... |
2012-01-22 |
Richard Bristow |
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus |
audio /notes |
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus |
2012-01-15 |
Andrew Fountain |
A New Life |
audio /notes |
A New Life |
2012-01-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
The New Creation (An Introduction) |
audio /notes |
The New Creation - An Introduction... |
2011-12-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Christmas Story |
audio /notes |
The Christmas Story |
2011-11-27 |
Bumo, Tim & Andy |
Scriptures that have spoken to us |
audio /notes |
Word-Team Videos for Nov 27, 2011 |
2011-10-30 |
Richard & Tricia Bristow |
Healing Life's Hurts: Performing vs. Excellence |
audio /notes |
Performance vs Excellence |
2011-10-16 |
Bruce Smith |
The Good Samaritan |
audio /notes |
The Good Samaritan |
2011-09-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Receiving more of Christ |
audio /notes |
Receiving More Of Christ |
2011-09-18 |
Richard Bristow |
The Race - Learning from Elijah |
audio /notes |
The Race - Learning from Elijah |
2011-09-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel: A Story |
audio /notes |
The Gospel: A Story |
2011-08-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jesus 4 |
Why Jesus' Commands are not Legalism |
audio /notes |
Why Jesus' Commands ar... |
2011-07-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jesus 3 |
The New Creation |
audio /notes |
The New Creation - 1 Corinthians... |
2011-07-24 |
Joji, Grace and Martin |
Scriptures that have spoken to us |
audio /notes |
Word-Team Videos for July 24, 2011 |
2011-07-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Jesus 1 |
Temptations |
audio /notes |
Temptations |
2011-07-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer 2 |
Answered Prayer |
audio /notes |
Prayers that God Answered |
2011-06-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Prayer 1 |
The Problem of Unanswered Prayer |
audio /notes |
The Problem of Unanswered Prayer |
2011-06-19 |
Richard Bristow |
Father's Day |
audio /notes |
Father's Day |
2011-06-12 |
Don Garlington |
Psalm 1 |
audio /notes |
Psalm 1 |
2011-06-05 |
Don Garlington |
Psalm 3 |
audio /notes |
Psalm 3 |
2011-05-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Revelation 2 |
Revelation Pt2 - The Story |
audio /notes |
Revelation Pt2 - The Story |
2011-05-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Revelation 1 |
Overview of the End Times |
audio /notes |
Revelation Pt1 - Overview of... |
2011-04-10 |
Don Garlington |
It's all how you look at it |
audio /notes |
It's all how you look at it |
2011-04-03 |
David, Denese & Rob |
John 11, Gen 32 & Ps 131 |
audio /notes |
Word-Team Videos for April 3, 2011 |
2011-03-20 |
Scott Dalton |
Restoring God's Plan |
audio /notes |
Restoring God's Plan |
2011-03-06 |
Joji, Mike, Luke & Anne |
Scriptures that have spoken to us |
audio /notes |
Scriptures that have spoken to us |
2011-02-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Purpose of Worship |
audio /notes |
The Purpose of Worship |
2011-02-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Paul, consumed with the New Creation |
audio /notes |
Paul, consumed with the New Creation... |
2011-01-30 |
Keith Brooks |
Jesus is Lord |
audio /notes |
Jesus is Lord |
2011-01-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
John-6 2 |
Eating Christ's Flesh and Drinking His Blood Pt.2 |
audio /notes |
Eating Christ... |
2011-01-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
John-6 1 |
Eating Christ's Flesh and Drinking His Blood |
audio /notes |
Eating Christ's Fles... |
2010-12-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Happiness, Thankfulness and God's Inexpressible Gift |
audio /notes |
Happiness, T... |
2010-11-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
What the humanity of Jesus means for us |
audio /notes |
What the humanity of Jesus means f... |
2010-11-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
How does Someone become a Believer? - Stories of Trust |
audio /notes |
How does somebo... |
2010-11-07 |
Richard Bristow |
Why Church? |
audio /notes |
2010-10-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Halloween - What is the Christian's response? |
audio /notes |
Halloween - What is the Chri... |
2010-10-17 |
Keith Brooks |
Is is Arrogant to Claim that Jesus is the Only Way? |
audio /notes |
Is it Arrogant to Claim that Jesu... |
2010-10-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Thankfulness and Faith |
audio /notes |
Thankfulness and Faith |
2010-04-11 |
Don Garlington |
Death and Resurrection |
audio /notes |
2010-04-04 |
Richard Bristow |
The Cross |
audio /notes |
2010-03-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Baptism |
audio /notes |
2010-03-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 6 |
Healing and Sin |
audio /notes |
2010-03-07 |
Stephen Best |
Jesus |
audio /notes |
2010-02-28 |
Keith Brooks |
Anxiety (Psalm 131) |
audio /notes |
2010-02-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 5 |
Healing and the Gift of Faith |
audio /notes |
2010-02-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 4 |
Healing in Practice |
audio /notes |
2010-02-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 3 |
Examples of Healing |
audio /notes |
2010-01-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 2 |
A Model for Healing |
audio /notes |
2010-01-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts 1 |
Gifts of the Spirit |
audio /notes |
2010-01-17 |
Andrew Fountain |
2010 Foundations 3 |
The Truth shall set you Free |
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2010-01-03 |
Andrew Fountain |
2010 Foundations 1 |
The free gift of everything |
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2009-12-03 |
Graham Bretherick |
Anxiety |
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2009-12-03 |
Graham Bretherick |
Anger and Depression |
audio /notes |
2009-11-29 |
Richard & Tricia Bristow |
Forgiveness |
audio /notes |
2009-11-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Singing Praise to God |
audio /notes |
2009-11-15 |
Keith Brooks |
How we can know and show that Christianity is true? |
audio /notes |
2009-11-08 |
Andrew Fountain |
Benefiting from the Bible |
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2009-11-01 |
Andrew Fountain |
Stories of Fulfilled Prophecies |
audio /notes |
2009-10-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 7 |
Love and Law |
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2009-10-18 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 6 |
Practical Love |
audio /notes |
2009-10-11 |
Richard & Tricia Bristow |
God's Father Heart |
audio /notes |
2009-10-04 |
Don Garlington |
Seeking the Kingdom |
audio /notes |
2009-09-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 5 |
Love and the Spirit |
audio /notes |
2009-09-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 4 |
Holiness and Purity |
audio /notes |
2009-09-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel |
Love Truth and Power in Evangelism |
audio /notes |
2009-09-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Gospel |
Forgiveness of Sin - the Woman who Loved Jesus |
audio /notes |
2009-08-30 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 3 |
Holiness and Love |
audio /notes |
2009-08-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 2 |
A Spirit Filled People |
audio /notes |
2009-08-16 |
Andrew Fountain |
Living Right 1 |
Our Identity as a Holy People |
audio /notes |
2009-08-09 |
Keith Brooks |
Spiritual Disciplines |
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2009-08-02 |
Keith Brooks |
Persistence in Prayer (Luke 11) |
audio /notes |
2009-07-26 |
Richard Bristow |
The Parable of the Sower |
audio /notes |
2009-07-19 |
Andrew Fountain |
Belonging and Rejection |
audio /notes |
2009-07-12 |
Richard Bristow |
Kingdom |
Kingdom of God - My New Identity |
audio /notes |
2009-07-05 |
Keith Brooks |
The Return of the Lost Son |
audio /notes |
2009-06-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 7 |
The Power of the Spirit |
audio /notes |
2009-06-21 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 6 |
What does a person do to become a Christian? |
audio /notes |
2009-06-14 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 5 |
Gods Right to Our Allegiance |
audio /notes |
2009-06-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 4 |
How to Give your Testimony |
audio /notes |
2009-05-31 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 3 |
Presenting the Gospel to Pagans |
audio /notes |
2009-05-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
The Gospel 2 |
The Preaching of Peter |
audio /notes |
2009-05-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Delighting in God 2 |
Experiencing the Presence Of God |
audio /notes |
2008-11-02 |
Roger Bye |
Bold because they have been with Jesus |
audio /notes |
2008-08-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Evangelism 1 |
What it means to repent - Acts 17 |
audio /notes |
2008-07-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
Thankfulness |
audio /notes |
2008-07-13 |
Clyde Matava |
Evangelism 1 |
Stirring up Personal Evangelism |
audio /notes |
2008-06-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
Colossians - Part 8 |
audio /notes |
2008-05-18 |
Clyde Matava |
A Portrait of Worship |
audio /notes |
2008-05-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
Living as Part of the New Body |
audio /notes |
2008-04-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
Power over Sins of the Flesh |
audio /notes |
2008-04-06 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
United with Christ: the Heart of the Gospel |
audio /notes |
2008-02-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Colossians |
Truth that brings life |
audio /notes |
2008-01-13 |
Andrew Fountain |
What Holiness Really Means |
audio /notes |
2007-12-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Romans 6-The Two Worlds |
audio /notes |
2007-11-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Vision for Newlife Church |
Loving one Another |
audio /notes |
2007-09-02 |
Clyde Matava |
Making Much of Jesus |
The Glory Of the Church |
audio /notes |
2007-09-02 |
Andrew Fountain |
Vision for Newlife Church |
Vision for Newlife Church |
audio /notes |
2007-05-27 |
Andrew Fountain |
Why Psalm 90 is not in the least bit depressing |
audio /notes |
2007-05-20 |
Andrew Fountain |
Luke |
Why Jesus' commands are not legalism |
audio /notes |
2007-05-06 |
Roger Bye |
The good news of the Kingdom |
audio /notes |
2007-04-22 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
The Kingdom and Healing |
audio /notes |
2007-03-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Understanding the story of David and Goliath |
audio /notes |
2007-03-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
Learning Christ |
audio /notes |
2007-03-04 |
Andrew Fountain |
Luke |
Temptation - Luke 4 |
audio /notes |
2007-02-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
The Shape of Church |
audio /notes |
2007-02-11 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
The Body of Christ |
audio /notes |
2007-01-28 |
Andrew Fountain |
Even when it doesn't seem like it, God still cares about you |
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2006-12-10 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
Healing |
audio /notes |
2006-11-26 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
The Acts of the Holy Spirit |
audio /notes |
2006-11-12 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
The Gift of the Spirit |
audio /notes |
2006-11-05 |
Andrew Fountain |
Luke |
God became a man in order to save us |
audio /notes |
2006-10-29 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
Desiring the Gifts |
audio /notes |
2006-09-24 |
Andrew Fountain |
Christ Stills the Wind and Waves |
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2006-07-23 |
Andrew Fountain |
Who are you following |
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2006-07-09 |
Dwaine Senechal |
True Greatness |
audio /notes |
2006-07-09 |
Andrew Fountain |
Desperate Households |
Talking to each other |
audio /notes |
2006-06-25 |
Andrew Fountain |
Spiritual Gifts |
Spiritual Gifts in the Church pt.1 |
audio /notes |
2006-05-07 |
Andrew Fountain |
Idolatry and Control |
audio /notes |