Welcome to Newlife Church. We are a new and growing multicultural church in the heart of downtown Toronto. For the latest news and lots of...
What kind of church are we?
We believe in...
- The one true God who lives eternally in three persons—the Father, the Son and the Holy...
Where & when do we meet?
On Sunday mornings at 11am we meet at St. Joseph’s College at 74 Wellesley St West (just west of Bay).
We have three homegroups meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings in different parts of the city. See our homegroups page for more information.
Most recent Sermon Videos
Visit hebrews.info for the Hebrews teaching series
Hebrews Part 15: How to Get Motivation to Persist in Trusting God through Hard Times — Hebrews 10–12 (pt.15)
Hebrews Part 14: Stories of Trusting God for what is not yet Visible — Hebrews 11 (pt.14)
Hebrews Part 13: What is your reality? — Hebrews 11:1–3 (pt.13)
Hebrews Part 12: Washed Clean, Forever, by a Single Offering — Hebrews pt.12 (10:1–23)
Hebrews Part 11: A New Place to Meet with God: Hebrews 9 — Heb pt.11
Hebrews Part 10: The Beautiful, Balanced and Brilliant Structure to the Book of Hebrews — Heb pt.10
Hebrews Part 9: The Amazing O.T Background to the New Covenant Meal — Hebrews pt.9
Hebrews Part 8: The Most Important 8 Verses in Hebrews, and maybe the Bible —The New Covenant. Heb pt.8 (8:6–13)
Hebrews Part 7: Intro to The Central Message of Hebrews – Heb pt.7 (ch.5–7)
Followup Teaching on: Can a Christian Fall Away? Hebrews pt.6 (6:1–12 & 8:9–12)
Hebrews Part 5: Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness. Hebrews pt.5
Hebrews Part 4: Can a Christian Permanently Fall Away? Hebrews pt.4 (6:1–12 & 10:26–39)
Hebrews Part 3: Jesus our Sympathetic Priest, giving confidence and support to our prayers. Hebrews pt.3 (4:12–5:10)
Hebrews Part 2: Making an Effort to Rest —The very core of being a Christian! Hebrews pt.2 (ch 3–4)
Hebrews Part 1: Jesus is Better than Everything! —The Message of Hebrews pt.1
A Biblical Understanding of Shame Part 2: Undoing it! (John 4 & Luke 15)
Every Part Needed—Discovering and Using your Gifts in the Body of Christ (Eph 6 & Rom 12)
Compelling reasons why you should develop a habit of giving thanks (Col 3 & 4)
Healing Shame Part 1: Introduction to a Biblical Understanding of Shame
God Saves and Uses Messed-Up People (Genesis 20)
Evangelism Part 8: New Creation in Christ: the Effect of being Joined to Jesus (1 Cor 15; Rom 6:5–14)
Evangelism Part 7: How did Jesus Express the Gospel message? —since he hadn’t yet died (Luke 14, Mark 8, John 10)
Evangelism Part 6: The Three Steps to Becoming a Christian (John 1 & Matt 10,11)
Evangelism Part 5: How the Cross and Resurrection changed Everything — Col 2:8–19
Evangelism Part 4: Truth that Brings Life — Col 1:1–11
Evangelism Part 3: What is Faith? (Acts 17)
Evangelism Part 2: Evangelism: the Journey to Jesus—A Helpful Example in John 4:43–54
Evangelism for Timid Christians (Journey to Jesus) — John 3 & 4
The Father Heart of God part 2: Three Steps (John 16 & 17; Rom 5 & 8)
Testimonies of Answered Prayer (Col 4:2–4)
The Father Heart of God (Part 1)
Knowing How Much you are Loved by God (Ephesians 3:14–21)
“The Lord is my Shepherd” brought to life with David’s Own Stories (Psalm 23)
Is Tithing for Today, and if not, how much should we give now in the New Covenant? (2 Cor 8 & 9)
Pentecost and being Filled with the Spirit (Acts 1:8; Eph 5:18)
When God Speaks like a Mother (Is 49 & 66; Matt 23)
Exploring the Deep Encouragement in one of the Richest Psalms: Psalm 103
A New Revelation of Love
What the Bible says about Blessing
Baptism: Leaving the Old and Entering the New
Chesed—A Word for Love Stronger than Any Other (Is 54:10; Ps 136 +)
The Life of the Resurrection in Us Today (John 20, 1 Cor 15, Col 3)
Old Testament Devotions Part 1: Reading the Old Testament in our Devotions
Mark in a Month Part 6: Loving and Worshipping the One Who Ransomed us
Mark in a Month Part 5: Two Difficult Passages in Mark (11:23–24 & ch.13)
Mark in a Month Part 4: The Unexpected Message at the Center of Mark
Mark in a Month Part 3: Making Sure our Hearts are not Hard, and our Ears are Ready to Hear
Mark in a Month Part 2: Daily Reading through Mark - The Big Story and Structure
Mark in a Month Part 1: Hearing God Speak to you Personally Through the Bible
What God Loves to Do
Setting up Stones to Remember what God has Done
A Different Take on How to Please God
Visit ephesians.ca for the Ephesians teaching series
Ephesians Part 26: Pulling Together the Overall Message of Ephesians that will Change your Life
“I Will be With You!” - The most important thing to know in the coming year
Connecting Deeply with Jesus as a Human
Ephesians Part 25: How to Put On God’s Armour
Ephesians Part 24: You’re Taller and Stronger than You Think You Are
Ephesians Part 23: Slaves and Masters — on Earth and in Heaven
Ephesians Part 22: How do we Honour Parents with Problems?
Ephesians Part 21: What does it mean that we are the Bride of Christ?
Ephesians Part 20: Wives and Husbands - Addressing the Difficulties with this Passage
Ephesians Part 19: Understand the Will of the Lord
Ephesians Part 18: Singing: the link with being filled by the Spirit
Ephesians Part 17: The Seven Walks that Shape Ephesians —Walk in the Light
Ephesians Part 16: Two Big Threats to Love, and How to Overcome Them
Ephesians Part 15: You can Choose!
Ephesians Part 14: The Ephesians Sermon you Almost Never hear Preached
Ephesians Part 13: Jesus’ Gifts to the Church and the Tragedy of Misunderstanding them
Ephesians Part 12: Pleasure and Delight in God
Replacing your Inner Bully with the Gentle Voice of Jesus
Ephesians Part 11: Jesus’ Defeat of the Powers of Darkness
Ephesians Part 10: Why be Part of a Church?
Ephesians Part 9: Deepening our Relationship with Father, Son & Spirit
By This We Know Love
Ephesians Part 8: God-like Behavior in Seven Steps (Eph 4:1-6)
Ephesians Part 7: A Prayer we would All Love to Receive
Ephesians Part 6: The Secret: Hidden through the Ages and Now Revealed
Ephesians Part 5: The Sum is Greater than the Parts
Ephesians Part 4: A New Identity Card from Ephesians 2
Ephesians Part 3: God Joined with Us, in a Love Stronger than Death
Ephesians Part 2: Paul’s Easter Prayer — For Us!
Ephesians Part 1: The Epic Poem that Opens Ephesians
An Overwhelming Experience of Joy and Peace
The Power of Finding our Identity in Scripture
Joined to Jesus—A Truth that can have a Massive Impact if we get it
The Truth behind Sabbath—Rarely Taught, but Transformational
Guidance Part 5: Signs: Unusual Events/Coincidences
Guidance Part 4: Extraordinary/Supernatural Direction
Guidance Part 3: The Three Steps for Finding God’s Will
Guidance Part 2: Does God direct us, and if so, how?
Guidance Part 1: How NOT to find a wife, and other stories
New Year’s Resolutions — What does the Bible say?
The Unseemly Birth Circumstances of the Messiah — The Coming of Jesus, pt.5
The Christmas Story in the Four Gospels — The Coming of Jesus, pt.4
John’s version of the Christmas Story (usually missed) — The Coming of Jesus, pt.3
God Takes a Human Body— The Coming of Jesus, pt.2
Prophecies and Preparations for Jesus’s Coming pt.1
What does it mean to Walk in the Spirit?
A Different Way of Reading the Parable of the Lost Son
“Victory over Condemnation (Romans 8:31-39)
God’s Joy over You (Luke 15 and the Lost Sheep)
Kingdom pt.3 ‘Your Kingdom Come’ – What are we to do?
Kingdom pt.2 The Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom pt.1 Having a Passion for the Kingdom
Three Parables that Challenge our Beliefs about Prayer
O.T. pt.60 Fitting Together the Old Testament Stories
How we Grow—A Surprising Answer from Colossians
From Feeling Stressed to Peace & Confidence
Is the Last Supper Missing in John? —How and Why
O.T. pt.59 How Passover became Breaking Bread, and how to Celebrate it
O.T. pt.58 The New Covenant brings a New Commandment — Love
O.T. pt.57 Elijah is Suicidal—God’s Response and the New Covenant pt.3
O.T. pt.56 Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant Pt. 2
O.T. pt.55 Living in the Freedom of the New Covenant
O.T. pt.54 Understanding O.T. Prophecies of the Future (Prophets pt.4/4)
O.T. pt.53 Problems with Prophecies Against Other Nations, and some Good Answers (Prophets pt.3)
O.T. pt.52 Read & Understand the Prophets pt.2 (Isaiah 5)
O.T. pt.51 When God doesn’t seem to keep his promises (part 2)
O.T. pt.50 When God doesn’t seem to keep his promises (part 1)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Jesus is Risen! and what that means for you and me
The Truth of the Resurrection: Part 1: Convincing Evidence for the Truth above all other Truths
O.T. pt.49 The God who Carries us – Isaiah 46
A Living Sacrifice — Gaining a clear understanding of one of the key texts in Romans
O.T. pt.48 Three Men and an Arrogant Emperor - Daniel 3 and its relevance for us today
O.T. pt.47 The God Who Offers Secure Attachment
O.T. pt.46 Why the Story of Naaman is so Disruptive and Challenging
O.T. pt.45 Stories of God Responding to Prayer
O.T. pt.44 The Psalm with No Hope: Psalm 44 - when God doesn’t even seem to be listening
O.T. pt.43 A New Beginning - Directions for this New Season of our Lives from Joshua 4 & 5
O.T. pt.42 Circumcision — A topic you rarely hear explained
O.T. pt.41 Be Strong and Very Courageous (Josh 1)
David Campbell: O.T. pt.40 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the Coming of the Messiah
O.T. pt.39 A Story in 5 acts, of Attack and Discouragement turning into Joy
O.T. pt.38 The Golden Thread — The Story of the Dragon’s Attacks from Genesis to Revelation
Important things to know about the Birth of Jesus
O.T. pt.37 Jesus’ shocking words about the O.T. —The Camel & Eternal Life
O.T. pt.36 Profiting from the Prophets
O.T. pt.35 Psalm 20 — Poetry with Power
O.T. pt.34 The Beauty and Power of Old Testament Poetry
O.T. pt.33 Stories of God’s Creativity and Love of Beauty
O.T. pt.32 Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it (Psalm 81)
O.T. pt.31 The Presence of God, Then and Now
O.T. pt.30Trusting God in Hard Times (Isaiah 55)
O.T. pt.29 Stories of Endurance and the Motivations that Got People Through
O.T. pt.28 Can God be Trusted in the Darkest Situation? (Isaiah 37)
O.T. pt.27 Hints of the Trinity and Jesus in the Old Testament
Trusting Jesus in the Storms
A Surprising Invitation to a Banquet
The Silver Trumpets
O.T. pt.25 Jesus our Sympathetic Priest
O.T. pt.24 Misunderstanding Holiness – Part 3: Tying it All Together
O.T. pt.23 Holy – Answering Problems with Correctly Understanding this Word (pt.2)
O.T. pt.22 Holy – The most Misunderstood Word in the Bible
O.T. pt.21 Roadblocks when Reading the Old Testament
O.T. pt.20 Stories of God’s Compassion & Grace
O.T. pt.19 Why are we told to fear God if love casts out fear?
The Empty Tomb
O.T. pt.18 The Rest of the Story of Israel—Past and Future
O.T. pt.17 The Story of Israel and the Heart of God
O.T. pt.16 The Exodus theme through the Bible
O.T. pt.15 Why Idolatry is such a big theme in the Old Testament
Anne Fountain: O.T. pt.14 The Bible and Archaeology
O.T. pt.13 New Creation (3) —How to live in the New Creation while still in the Old
O.T. pt.12 New Creation (2) —How it started with a New Eden
O.T. pt.11 New Creation (1) —The Big Story of the Bible
O.T. pt.10 Chesed—A Word for Love Stronger than Any Other (Is 54:10; Ps 136 +)
O.T. pt.9 “I will be with you!” – The Era from Abraham to Joseph
O.T. pt.8 Jesus, the Light of the World
O.T. pt.7 Has Jesus done away with the Law?
—Answering the problems that come up
O.T. pt.6 The Covenants—the Backbone of the Old Testament
O.T. pt.5 Making Sense of the Flood
O.T. pt.4 Old Testament Shadows and Types
O.T. pt.3 The “Fall” and The Big Story
O.T. pt.2 Creation
O.T. pt.1 Why Study the Old Testament?
Celebrating Thanksgiving
When Thanksgiving Leads to Victory
Giving Thanks Always and for Everything
What the David and Goliath story is really about
John pt.37 Meeting Jesus in the pages of John
John pt.36 From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesus Restored Peter
John pt.35 A Meal on the Beach with Jesus
John pt.34 What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb
John pt.33 How Jesus’ Resurrection Directly Empowers Us
John pt.32 Jesus’ Burial, with some Insights from Archeology
John pt.31 Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion
John pt.30 What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate
John pt.29 Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denied and Abused
John pt.28 Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Love —John 17
John pt.27 The High Point in the whole of Jesus’ Teachings
John pt.26 Safe and Sent — Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17
John pt.25 John 17: The Greatest Prayer in the Bible
John pt.24 Do This… so that Your Joy may be Full
John pt.23 What does the Promise of the Spirit of Truth mean for us?
John pt.22 My peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be troubled or be fearful
John pt.21 The Flow of God’s Energy—Jesus Explains how to be Connected to the Vine
John pt.20 The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New Dimension of Connection to God
John pt.19 Let not your Hearts be Troubled—Jesus Reveals Surprising Things about the Father
John pt.18 The God who will Love You to the End and Wash Your Feet
John pt.17 Jesus’ last days of teaching: Why so few really ‘got’ him. Can you?
John pt.16 How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? —The Good Shepherd in Action
John pt.15 The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of the Good Shepherd
John pt.14 How the Man Born Blind challenges you and me
“The Lord is my Shepherd” brought to life with David’s Own Stories
Immanuel: Experience empathy from Jesus who is truly With Us and understands our weakness
John pt.13 Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us into Darkness
John pt.12 If Anyone is Thirsty
John pt.10 What on earth does it mean to ‘feed on Jesus’? and why this is one of the most important things you can ever learn
John pt.9 New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by some radical claims
John pt.8 A Challenging Story about the Journey of Faith
John pt.7 The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your Deepest Need
John pt.6 God’s Love for Humanity
John pt.5 Born from Above
John pt.4 Anger and Love in the Temple
John pt.3 A Different Take on turning Water into Wine
John pt.2 Why the very first believers were so drawn to Jesus
John pt.1 The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 verses of John
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Sermon Video
Recent Sermon Videos
Darryl Dash: God’s Gracious Face (Numbers 6-22-27)
How We Should Bring our Complaints to God (Psalms 54 & 142)
Cyril Guerette: Guard your Heart: Proverbs 4:23
David Campbell: The True Meaning of Worship — Romans 12:1–2
Bruce Smith: “This Christianity stuff is killing me” (Mark 9:42–48)
Cyril Guerette: Complete in Christ (Col 2:1-10)
David Campbell: Enoch, Hero of Faith (Hebrews 11)
Peter Madasi: Singing Praise to God
Andy Balzer: Boundaries in the Bible: A Short Overview
Cyril Guerette: Empowered by the Spirit (Eph 3:14–21)
Chris McLean: Communicating Hope through Encouragement (Heb 10:24–25)
David Campbell: Christmas According to Paul
Bruce Smith: “Wake up!” (Revelation 3:1-6)
Peter Madasi: Seeking God’s Kingdom
Andy Balzer: My Journey with Jesus - Learning to Trust Again
Vera + Luke: Update on God’s work in Poland + Being a Christian in the Workplace
Andy Balzer: “Delight in the Lord” — What does that mean? Psalm 37:4
David Campbell: The Desperate Dad (Mark 9:14-29)
Andy Balzer: Do I Need to Give All my Money Away? (Mark 10:17-31)
Andy Balzer: Samson the Trainwreck: Used by God
Dan Smith: Who is the person God uses?
Chris McLean: Is God getting you out or growing you up?
Chris McLean: Don’t Waste Your Life
Andy Balzer: How do we discern God’s will?
Dan Smith: “One me, Two me, Old me, New me” revisited
Andy: “Blessed are the poor in Spirit” (Mat 5:3)
Jeanine: “If God had not been on my side...” (Gen 31)
Ruth: God uses broken people (Luke 22)
Bruce Smith: Peter, give me one good reason why I should hang in there when life is rough
Chris McLean: Our Lavish God
Dan Smith: Thanksgiving
Dan Smith: Contentment
David Campbell: The Glory of the Lord — then and now
Peter Madasi: Idols of the Heart
Darryl Dash: Worship and Belong
David Campbell: The Holy Spirit and the Birth of Jesus
Gil Virgo: The Naked Truth
Chris McLean: What Storms Reveal
Bruce Smith: Living the Faith at Home
Chris McLean: Loved People Love Best
David Campbell: Personal Freedoms and Love – How New Testament Churches Handled Contentious Issues
Mark: The Silent Life of Greatness
Peter: The Test of Faith
Moe Bergeron: The Story of Barzillai
Darryl Dash: Evangelism—Jesus’ Way
Gil Virgo: The Attractive One-ness of God and His Church
Why I love Jesus
David Campbell: Knowing God’s Power (Eph 1)
Chris McLean: It’s What God Says about you that Counts
Jithin & Igor: Word Team
Stephen Fountain: When Life Plans Change (Genesis 37:12-36)
Darryl Dash: Gospel Refresh
God’s Gift of Everything
David Campbell: A Guide to Spiritual Warfare
David Campbell: God’s Presence with us in the Wilderness — ‘The Thin Silence of God’
Anne Fountain: Finding the Proverbs 31 Woman
Chris McLean: How we Ought to Live (in light of our new identity)
Moe Bergeron: A Love Born in Heaven
Darryl Dash: When the Wolves Come
Don Garlington: Ebenezer: Remembering how the Lord has helped us
Bread & Wine: the Body of Christ United
Chris McLean: Faithful Friends in a Time of Aloneness
David Campbell: A Frightened World needs a Fearless Church
Braden: Why we can approach God with confidence
Darryl Dash: Making Scripture the primary influence in our lives
Vera Ivakina: Saying Yes to what Jesus is inviting you into, big or small
Series: Foundations of our faith
- What God is like
- God and the Spirit World - How pagan thought has crept into Christianity
- How the World got Broken
- How the cross and resurrection changed everything
- New Life in Christ, renewed by the Spirit
- Loved by God
- Jesus’ Design for the Christian Life
- The End of the World and the Age to Come