Andrews blog

The final two days -- Sunday & Monday

Seeing an Elephant, our last Sunday, some thoughts about Sri Lanka (and Sri Lankan driving tips) and finally the trip back home.

The Mountains and back home to Trincomalee - Days 9 - 11

Growing strawberries in the mountains, the tea factory, plus lots more pictures. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)

A trip to the mountains (days 7 & 8)

They said to me “You are the first missionary to preach in our village since the British built it 160 years ago”. Many of the children had never seen a white face before. But before we come to that, there was the city, the ocean and the wedding.

Sat, Sun & Mon (days 4-6)

Saturday was a quieter day with less on our schedule. We were given the afternoon off and a man from the church with a three-wheeled “auto” gave us a tour of the city of Trincomalee.

Day three

Today we drove to one of the areas hardest hit by the war, and then by the Tsunami, and then by drought.

Around a third of the crops are lost to elephants, so during the last few months before the harvest, a man is posted to sleep up a tower in the fields. If he hears an elephant he will light a branch and try to scare it away because elephants do not like fire.

Day two in Sri Lanka

The second day got off to an early start. Anne and the others went to visit some of the pre-schools to meet the children and teachers, and to do some teaching.

I was taken in a three-wheeler to the Bible School to teach the pastors. The military are everywhere and our vehicle was stopped on the way and we were questioned.

First full day in Sri Lanka

There was no time to recover from jet-lag, we set off first thing in the morning for one of the orphanages. By the way, the time difference between here and Canada is 9.5 hours, so the timing of these posts might seem a little odd.

Here is the outside view of the main building:

Arrived in Sri Lanka

Just arrived at the pastor’s house where we are staying in Trincomalee, NW Sri Lanka after 30 hours travel in total. Passed a wild elephant on the way!

Praise God for a safe trip. (The roads are crazy—lots of small motorbikes with large loads and 3-wheeled taxis.) Time for some sleep!

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