First full day in Sri Lanka

There was no time to recover from jet-lag, we set off first thing in the morning for one of the orphanages. By the way, the time difference between here and Canada is 9.5 hours, so the timing of these posts might seem a little odd.

Here is the outside view of the main building:

The Girl's Orphanage
The Girl’s Orphanage

Inside there are classrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and dormitories. You can see a tiny child asleep at the bottom left of the picture:

The Girl's Dormitory (with tiny child)
The Girl’s Dormitory (with tiny child)

Ruth Fountain (my sister-in-law) had a lot of Christian songs to teach the pre-school teachers who work in the various orphanages, and Anne helped her. Here is a short video of them learning the songs:

I’ll fill in some stories about the rest of afternoon another time, but I was asked if I could preach in the evening. When we got there I was told there would actually be two meetings, (the first for youth) and would I mind preaching at them both.

The road to the church was interesting:

The dirt road leading to the church
The dirt road leading to the church

Of course I had to preach with a translator, who seemed to do a good job, but I couldn’t understand why it took three times as long to say it in Tamil than in English—maybe he was adding a bit of value to the sermon!

Andrew preaching at the church
Andrew preaching at the church
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