Passionate about Christ—the Hidden Treasure

—Part 5: Colossians 1:23–2:7

  • Andrew Fountain – Oct 16, 2016

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Truth that brings life

Truth that brings life

  • “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith” (2:6–7)
  • “…bearing fruit and growing” (1:6)

Quick overview

From the bottom up:

4:2–18 Among outsiders

3:18–4:1 In our extended family

3:8–17 Among Christian Community

2:20–3:7 Inner Spiritual life

2:8–19 Core of the Truth: Union with Jesus

1:24–2:7 How this Truth comes to Us

1:9b-23 Jesus & the Big Picture

1:1–9a This Truth Changes Us

Outline of 1:23–2:7

  • Paul’s passion to communicate the truth (23–25)
    • The truth: hidden treasure revealed (26–27)
  • Paul’s passion to communicate the truth (28–2:1)
    • The truth: hidden treasure revealed (2–3)
  • Paul’s passion to communicate the truth (4–7)