Sunday Afternoon Church

Sun, 2010-03-07 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Stephen and Cindy Best - Special Guest Speaker this Sunday
Stephen and Cindy Best

  • This Sunday, Stephen Best will be our special guest speaker
    • Stephen leads The River Run Fellowship in Peterborough, Ontario
    • He is know to many of us as “Josh Best’s Dad”
    • Stephen and his church provide spiritual and financial accountability for Newlife church (under the name of the Fellowship Christian Centre).

Christianity Explored

  • We began this series last Tuesday at the downtown and Scarborough homegroups.
  • If you missed it, then it is not too late to join us for this great series based on Mark’s Gospel.
  • More details about the course and what we will be covering each week are here on our website

Christianity Explored at Newlife Church

Here’s a photo from last Sunday’s hockey game:

Celebrating Canada's Victory - Newlife Church Sunday evening together
Celebrating Canada’s Victory

On Sunday afternoon we are meeting at our usual location of St. Martin's school.

2:00-2:25pm Help get set up for the meeting
2:25-2:45pm Prayer time at the School (first room on the left when you go in the door)
3:00pm Meeting at St. Martin’s School, see here for directions
-Stephen Best will be preaching
-Dan and Heather will be leading worship
4:45pm Everyone is invited back to the Fountain’s home for refreshments