Christianity Explored

Who is Christianity Explored for?

Christianity Explored is for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a group of other people. Whether you have previous experience of Church, Christians and the Bible, or none at all, this course is for you. Everyone is welcome--from the most sympathetic Sunday schooler to the convinced atheist. We will respect your background, culture and beliefs. Tell us as little or as much about yourself as you feel comfortable.

What goes on?

The course is normally run in several groups of 6-9 people, and after briefly discussing the course material from the week before, there is a talk or video on the theme for that week. Then the groups discuss any questions that have arisen, and the evening ends at 9pm. Of course, if you'd like, you're welcome to stick around a bit longer to discuss any further issues you might have. And you can ask any questions you want, at any time during the course.

How long does the course last?

10 weeks.

Can I pull out if I want to?

Of course you can.

How much does the course cost?


Do I have to bring anything?

No, all course materials are provided. You can bring your Bible if you like, but don't worry if you don't own one.

Am I going to get preached at?

Each evening includes a talk (or video) designed to explain an aspect of Christian belief and to stimulate discussion. Hopefully you'll find it challenging and amusing. The group leaders will facilitate discussion and try to answer questions.

Do I have to speak in the group?

Not if you don't want to. You are welcome to come and just sit and listen.

How is Christianity Explored different from other courses?

The focus on Mark's Gospel, with its emphasis on who Jesus was, what his aims were, and what it means to follow him, makes Christianity Explored quite different.

Why is the course run?

As Christians, we count it a real privilege to explain the truth and relevance of the Christian message. We don't have all the answers but believe that we have exciting news to share about Jesus Christ.

Topics of Study

Week Topic
1 Introduction
2 Jesus—Who Was He?
3 Jesus—Why Did He Come?
4 Jesus—His Death
5 What is Grace?
6 Jesus—His Resurrection
7 What is a Christian?
8 Continuing as a Christian
9 Choices—King Herod
10 Choices—James, John and Bartimaeus
  • bonus session: Exploring Christian Life: Church; The Holy Spirit; Prayer; The Bible