Andrew Fountain - A Psalm that will change your life
- Artist: Andrew Fountain
- Title: A Psalm that will change your life
- Album: Newlife Church, Toronto
- Year: 2019-08-25
- Length: 29:32 minutes (11.91 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (VBR)
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A Psalm that will change your life Psalm 90 starts out as one of the most depressing scriptures:
- “You live 70 yrs and die. If you live to 80 it will just be pain, and so on...”
- But by an extraordinary twist, which you need the handout to really see, everything is turned on its head.
- Make sure you view the handout here:…les/Psalm90-text.pdf
Sermon Outline - A Psalm that will change your life
Download a PDF of the handout here: Psalm 90 handout
Psalm 90
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God
- Introduction/summary:Lord, you have been our dwelling place
God is faithful—we can trust all our days and years to himthrough generation to generation. - Before the mountains were born,or you had formed the earthfrom everlasting to everlasting you are God.
- The Problem:You turn man back to dust
Can an infinite God really care about mankind?and say “Return, O children of man.” - For a thousand years in your eyes is like yesterday that went byor like a watch period in the night.
- You sweep them away to death’s sleep They are like the new grass grown up in the morning
- In the morning it is fresh and grows up, by the evening it is withered and dry.
- A. The effect of God’s anger:Yes, we are consumed by your anger,
we are consumedand by your wrath we are terrified. - B. Our deeds are shown to GodYou have set our iniquities before you,
law and justiceour secret sins in the light of your presence. - C. Days and years ofAll our days pass away under your wrath,
trouble & oppressionwe finish our years with a moan. - The length of our days is seventy years, or if we have strength, eighty;yet their best is but trouble and oppression;for they quickly pass and we fly away.
- D. God’s angerWho knows the strength of your angerand your fury is what causes fear.
- E. True wisdom: counting correctlyTeach us to count our days aright,
and days measured out for himthat we may gain a heart of wisdom. - D’. God’s compassionRelent O Lord, How long?
this is the turning point (all grace)and have compassion on your servants! - C’. Days and years ofSatisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
singing and gladnessthat we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days. - Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble.
- B’. God’s deeds are shown to usMay your deeds be shown to your servants,
graceand your splendour to their children. - A’. The effect of God’s delight:May the delight of the Lord our God rest upon us,
we are blessed and establishedand establish the work of our hands for us,yes, establish the work of our hands.
(Andrew Fountain 2015-04-16)
- I’m so encouraged by this Psalm.
- To start with it seemed difficult to understand. Very negative and discouraging.
- We’ll see why it’s actually the opposite
So far so good. No problems with that.
- Here is the problem:
Can an infinite God really care about mankind?We are at opposite ends of the spectrum of strength!
- Do you ever feel like this about God?
- v.7 starts with “we” and begins to tell our story
- If you thought the first few verses were not that encouraging...
- How does this relate to us?
- Bring to God what you would like him to establish in your life
- count it out to him
- measuring them out to him
- offer it to him
- Two kinds of lives
- Living every moment for ourselves
- Joyfully allowing God to define how our days are spent
Updated on 2019-08-04 by Andrew Fountain
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