
Women's Breakfast

Sat, 2015-01-24 - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join us for our monthly ladies’ breakfast! This is a time when we share some food, listen to a short talk, and have a great time of discussion. These are always excellent mornings, and those who attend are always belssed by the fellowship and by what is shared. We hope to see you there!


  • Saturday 24 January
  • 10:30am
  • Anne Fountain’s, 360 Sackville Street, Toronto, M4X 1S4

Women's Social: Afternoon Tea in the Evening

Mon, 2014-12-15 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This month, the ladies of Newlife will be gathering for a social on Monday 15 December for some Afternoon Tea in the evening!

We have enough people signed up to bring food, so all we need is you to be there! As usual, we encourage you to invite/bring a friend: this will be a great occasion to do so, as we are simply gathering to socialise and hang out together!


  • 7pm
  • Monday 15 December
  • Anne’s house, 360 Sackville Street, Toronto, M4X 1S4

Women's Breakfast

Sat, 2014-09-27 - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Ladies, make sure you can make our monthly breakfast!

-Time: 10:30am
-Date: Saturday 27 September
-Location: Andrew & Anne's, 360 Sackville Street, Toronto, M4X 1S4
-Please bring $2 to contribute towards the food!

See you then!

Men's Evening

Fri, 2014-09-19 - 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

This month, the men will be gathering for a Game's Night!

-Time: 7:30pm
-Date: Friday 19 September
-Location: The Game's Room, Tafari & Bimbo’s (Dundas & Sackville)
-225 Sackville Street, Unit 507, buzzer 3370 or 3371

We hope to see you there!


Sun, 2014-07-27 - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

We will be heading to Riverdale Park (2 minute walk from St. Martin's) for a post-meeting BBQ.

The last BBQ was great, with plenty of food and lots of conversation, so make sure you come along!

As with the last BBQ, there will be an online sign-up for food items so please keep an eye out for this!

Women's Movie Night

Fri, 2014-07-25 - 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

This month, the women will be gathering for a night of film fun!


  • Time: 6:30pm
  • Location: The Fountains
  • 360 Sackville Street, M4X 1S4

Please bring along some food and snacks to share!

Film TBD, but please make sure you come along to spend some quality time with the ladies of Newlife!

Men's gathering

Fri, 2014-07-18 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

This month, we will be helping out a member of the Newlife community by helping her paint the walls in her house!

We will be meeting at 7pm at the house (please contact Tafari for the address), and plan to paint until about 10pm. We can grab a coffee afterwards.

Canada Day BBQ

Tue, 2014-07-01 - 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

The Fountains are hosting a BBQ to celebrate Canada Day!

All welcome!

  • Downtown East (Carlton & Parliament) at Andrew & Anne Fountain's home
  • Women's Breakfast

    Sat, 2014-06-28 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    It's the last Saturday of the month, which means it's time for the Women's Breakfast!

    We will be meeting at 10:00am at the Fountains, and Anne will be sharing on the topic of grace.

    These are always great times together for the women of Newlife, so make sure you come along!

    Please bring $2 to contribute towards food.

    Women's Breakfast

    Sat, 2014-05-31 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Ladies! Join with the women of Newlfe for a morning of food, fellowship and thought-provoking discussion.

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