Funeral service for Roy Morrison
Fri, 2013-01-11 - 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Roy has gone to be with the Lord
Denise Morrison’s husband Roy went to be with the Lord yesterday at the age of 77 years. He was powerfully saved as a young man and served God faithfully. Roy was a great man of prayer and saw many remarkable answers, including some wonderful healings. In the last couple of years he has gradually declined in health but Denise has cared lovingly for him and he died peacefully in St. Michael’s hospital.
- There will be a very short service from 1:00–1:30pm on Friday 11th (tomorrow)
- in St James’ cemetery chapel on Parliament (East side between Bloor and Wellesley).
- Denise would like to invite as many of you as are able to come.
- Here is a map:
I was a guest at their wedding back in 2002 and here are a couple of pictures I took: