Sunday Afternoon Meeting at St. Martins

Sun, 2009-06-21 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

When I was a student, I managed to persuade one of my unsaved university friends to come to church with me and hear a gospel message. Afterwards I asked him what he thought.

He said “It seems there are two kinds of people, those born again and those not, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to get from one group to the other”. Unfortunately the rather bad gospel message had given no help whatsoever to a person wanting to become a Christian.

My goal is for this Sunday is that all of us will be very clear what is means to become a Christian.

  • We are meeting as usual at 3:00 at St. Martin's School. Click here for a map to St. Martin's School.
    • The meeting starts at 3:00pm and should be done by 4:45pm.
    • Before the meeting, 2:10-2:25pm, there will be a prayer time at the Fountain’s house.
      Everyone is welcome to this and then to help us get set up for the meeting
    • Everyone is invited back to the Fountain’s home afterwards for refreshments.