43:54 minutes (30.22 MB)
- A method for daily Bible readings that you can try out for yourself, which will help you to more clearly hear God speak to you through the Bible.
31:05 minutes (21.43 MB)
- Let Mark's presentation of Jesus engage you, captivate you, and change your life!
38:41 minutes (26.59 MB)
- Does God deliberately harden people's hearts to stop them repenting?
- Why did Jesus frequently accuse the disciples of unbelief?
- These are some of the questions that come up as we read through Mark, and lead to some powerful opportunities of hearing Jesus speak to us.
35:58 minutes (24.76 MB)
- The center of Mark holds the core of Jesus' teachings, but it is not what anyone was expecting.
- Even today there are many who think they are followers of Jesus but don't understand this idea.
- First and foremost the challenge is to us, to follow Jesus in this surprising way.
47:23 minutes (32.61 MB)
- Most of Mark's Gospel is very easy to understand, but here are a couple of passages that give people problems:
- Jesus' instructions about praying in faith seem confusing,
- and his predictions about the end of the age are hard to make sense of.
36:45 minutes (25.31 MB)
- Let us read the last three chapters,
- and feel what it was like for Jesus, the one who paid our ransom,
- and be filled with love and adoration for him.