Audio by artist anne_fountain

Anne Fountain - What Joshua had for Breakfast

34:29 minutes (13.85 MB)
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Anne Fountain - Hannah's Prayer: There's more happening than we think when we pray

39:48 minutes (15.95 MB)


Anne Fountain - For such a time as this: The story of Esther

46:22 minutes (18.63 MB)
  • The story line of Esther is engaging, gripping, and full of expected twists and turns.
  • More than anything else we see God’s hand in every detail (in a book which does not even mention him by name).
  • Just as God was with Esther, he is with you “for such a time as this”

Anne Fountain - The Bible and Archeology

42:33 minutes (17.09 MB)
  • Archeology shows us that Bible history and world history are the same.
  • We don’t need evidence from archaeology to prove to us that God is real but it can be a great encouragement to see where things match up.