
Spring Walk at the Brickworks

Sat, 2010-05-22 - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Newlife Church Toronto will be hosting an afternoon walk at the Brickworks, which is in the Don Valley area of Toronto.

  • The scheduled meet time is 3pm in the parking lot of the Brickworks.
  • If interested contact me to let me know if you are planning to attend, so that we can wait for you :)

Movie Night

Fri, 2010-04-23 - 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Location: Danforth Baptist Church (see below)

Admission: any age group, $5 donation suggested by the film maker if you could afford it

Picnic in the Park

Sun, 2009-08-30 - 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm

Just along Winchester Street from where we meet is Riverdale Park. Here is a picture from our last picnic:

We are having a picnic here immediately after church this week. Please check our Picnic Information Page for the details. It is important to read the information about bringing food.

Cherry Beach - Labour Day Weekend

Mon, 2009-09-07 - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

We are planning another outing at Cherry Beach, scheduled for Labour Day: Monday September 7th at 2pm. If you can, please bring snacks and other beach necessities, such as swim wear - the water is now much warmer! This is an open invitation, so feel free to invite others.


Picnic in the Park

Sun, 2009-07-05 - 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm

Just along Winchester Street from where we meet is Riverdale Park:

Riverdale Park (picture by )

We are having a picnic here immediately after church this week. Please check our Picnic Information Page for the details. It is important to read the information about bringing food.

Newlife 20s go tobogganing


A group from Newlife and King's Family churches went tobogganing at Riverdale Park. The video is on YouTube at this link.

Young Adults go skating


Phil White has only been in Canada for a week and wanted an authenitic Canadian experience, so five of the Newlife young adults went skating.

Philip is from England and is with us for four months as an exchange student. He is studying sculpture at OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design). Back home he is part of Winchester Family Church. His parents are missionaries with Newfrontiers and he lived in China till he was twelve years old. It is great to have him with us for this semester.

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