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Prayer Meeting tonight, Games on Friday and an exciting reason to be on time this Sunday

Our meeting will be very different this Sunday morning, and I’m so excited about what God has in store for us.
Instead of the usual praise/worship followed by a sermon, we are having “Word Team” where the talks are interspersed with the songs.

Vivien, Javier & Moyo will take it in turns to share Scriptures and their stories, and we’ll respond to each one in turn with a song of praise.
It is modelled after 1 Cor 14:26. “When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson…”

This will start right at 11am, so please honour our speakers by being on time to support them as they share their hearts.

Prayer Meeting this Wednesday

Monthly prayer meeting for the whole church

  • Recently our Sunday studies in Hebrews have been about the need to persist in prayer, not to give up but to grow stronger.
  • A number of our church family are facing big struggles right now.
  • This month we want to build each other’s faith and together draw near to our Lord.


Games Night this Friday

Games night at Mark’s - come and bring a friend!

  • Open to everyone, this is a great opportunity to build relationships, and introduce non-christian friends.


  • Date:
  • Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
  • Place: Mark’s Apartment
    400 Walmer Rd apt 2211 (West Tower) buzzer: 1706),
    See on Google Maps
  • More info

This Sunday

Praise and worship will be led by Dan, Heather, Rebeca & Mark, and Vivien, Javier & Moyo will be speaking on the Scriptures that God has laid on their hearts.

This Sunday morning we’re at our regular location, St Joseph’s College.

Our prayer team will ready to pray for people after the sermon.

Last Sunday’s sermon: “How to Get Motivation to Persist in Trusting God through Hard Times — Hebrews 10-12 (pt.15)”

  • From Abraham and Moses to the ‘Stanford Marshmallow Experiment’, the challenge of persisting is a common human experience.
  • The Bible gives us three ways that not only help us endure, but turn it from a negative to a positive experience.
  • Click on this link to re-read the handout from Sunday and strengthen your faith and motivation.
  • Remember the three images:
  1. Joy (jump of joy/marshmallows)
  2. Develop your faith muscle (weightlift)
  3. Training (workbook).
How to Get Motivation to Persist in Trusting God through Hard Times — Hebrews 10-12 (pt.15)
“How to Get Motivation to Persist in Trusting God through Hard Times — Hebrews 10-12 (pt.15)”

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You can give your church offering through online banking by doing an e-transfer to [email protected]
You’ll get a tax receipt, as usual, at the end of the year.

Save the Date

Don’t forget to put these exciting events in your calendar

This Sunday

This Sunday morning we’re at our regular location, St Joseph’s College
and also online at

  • Praise and worship led by Dan, Heather, Rebeca & Mark
  • Vivien, Javier & Moyo will be sharing on the Scriptures that God has laid on their hearts.
12:30–1:30 Refreshments