Cabbagetown Festival Planning


  1. Creating awareness of us in the community
  2. Pre-evangelism (breaking down barriers)
  3. Evangelism
  4. Connecting with Christians looking for a church

Types of activity

  1. Worship music
  2. Free giveaways / refreshments (food and drink)
  3. Visual communications (banners/posters etc.)
  4. Literature
  5. Talking to people


  • We will have a prayer time on Friday evening

Detailed Ideas and Responsibilities

1. Worship Music

  • Luke + band will do one set and Richard & Tricia a second
  • We need to get set up in advance to be ready to start on time
    • Please come at 9:00 if you are going to be part of the worship

2. Free Refreshments / Give aways

  • Everything we give away we use a servant evangelism card ( Keith)


Anne Prepare cookie recipies done
Anne Make cookie labels todo
Anne Bake cookies todo
Susanna Bake cookies todo
Tricia Bake cookies todo
Fri Eve Wrap and label todo

Water bottles with the church info on them

Keith buy water from Costco todo
Andrew design labels todo
Andrew print labels todo
Fri Eve Stick on labels todo

Newlife Buttons

Heather? Design buttons done
Grace Get button making equipment done
Fri Eve Make buttons if not done already todo

3. Visual Communications

Toronto Needs Hope display

Grace design and make displays todo
Fri Eve any other work that needs doing on the displays todo
Andrew Newlife posters/banner todo
Andrew Newlife T-shirts for helpers to wear todo
Anne Iron-on T-shirt transfers todo

4. Literature

  • note that all food/drink will come with a connections card
Andrew print lots more invitation cards todo
Andrew “Evangelism” packs for unbelievers interested in God todo
Andrew “Values” packs for Christians interested in Newlife (a cut down visitor pack) todo
Fri Eve laminate cards, assemble packs todo

5. Talking to People

Andrew contact all the people who signed up, plus any others todo