A Prayer we would All Love to Receive
—Ephesians 3:14–21 (Part 7 of series)
- Andrew Fountain – June 4, 2023
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That all of us would know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,
so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.
1. The Epic Poem that Opens Ephesians
- One long sentence, v.3 all the way to v.14!!
- Exquisitely constructed jewel of a sentence
- Poetic in its structure
2. Paul’s Prayer —For Us!
- Paul takes the three core parts of the epic poem and turns them into a prayer
- 1. Past, 2. Present and 3. Future
- 2:1–10 An new identity (with a card!)
- 2:11–22 Christ has broken down the walls, and taken the hostility on himself
- 3:1–13 God has now revealed the secret, hidden through the ages, that the unity of his people will break the power of darkness
A Prayer we would All Love to Receive
- The First Prayer
- The Second Prayer
- The Third Prayer
- Praise
Prayer for a foundation for living a new life
- Power
- Love
- Strength to grasp these truths
Outline of 3:14–19
- I kneel before God and pray:
- That he would give you
- power in your inner being
- Christ’s love and presence in your hearts
- That you would grasp the truth of
- The immeasurable greatness of the God who promises these things
- his love that surpasses knowledge
- As a result you will be filled up with God
Prayer (say aloud with me)
Dear Father
I pray that you would grant ........
- To be strengthened with your power in their inner being
- For their roots to go deep into your love, and love to be their foundation
Outline of 3:14–19
- I kneel before God and pray:
- That he would give you
- power in your inner being
- Christ’s love and presence in your hearts
- That you would grasp the truth of
- The immeasurable greatness of the God who promises these things
- his love that surpasses knowledge
- As a result you will be filled up with God
Job 11
- But oh, that God would speak
and open his lips to you…
- Can you find out the deep things of God?
Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?
- It is higher than heaven—what can you do?
Deeper than Sheol—what can you know?
- Its measure is longer than the earth
and broader than the sea.
Eph 3:19b
“…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Prayer (say aloud with me)
Dear Father
I pray that you would give ........ some idea of
- the breadth and length and height and depth of your power and love
- and to know your love for them that surpasses knowledge
- and to be filled with all your fullness
Outline of 3:14–19
- I kneel before God and pray:
- That he would give you
- power in your inner being
- Christ’s love and presence in your hearts
- That you would grasp the truth of
- The immeasurable greatness of the God who promises these things
- his love that surpasses knowledge
- As a result you will be filled up with God
Three parts to Paul’s prayer:
- Power
- Love
- Understanding the truth of how these belong to us
Newlife Church
- Our goal is to see God’s kingdom come in Toronto, demonstrating
- the love of the Father,
- the truth of Jesus Christ,
- and the power of the Holy Spirit.