Father God Delights in YOU!

Scriptures reveal how much Father God delights in us – and reveal His true character of love and forgiveness.

Father God loves me with an everlasting love. I have never NOT been loved by Him.

Father God loves me so much that He gave His only Son to die for me so that I might know His love.

Father God loves me so much that He wants to express His love and affection to me.

Nothing can separate me (not even my faults) from Father God’s love for me.

Father God loves me just as much as He loves His Son, Jesus

Even when I have sinned, Father God loves me and asks me to sit beside Him with Christ

Father God wants me to overflow with His love

Even when I am wounded, Father God sees me as beautiful and takes pleasure in me.

Father God’s thoughts toward me are always good and filled with hope for me.

I am beautiful, handsome and pleasant in His eyes.

My love for Him fills Father God with ecstasy and joy

Father God is so pleased with me being His child that He will never leave me. He wants to meet all my needs.

Father God likes being with me so much that He made His home with me.

God is not ashamed to be my Father.

Father God has forgiven my iniquity and remembers my sin no more.

Father God has redeemed me and forgiven all my sin.

Father God forgives and cleanses me from all my sin.

Father God calls me His child.

Father God has adopted me.

Father God is FOR me.

Father God fills me with power, love and a sound mind.

Father God wants to hold and comfort me when I am afraid.

Excerpt from Jack Frost teaching