Fully Equipped: for Loving God’s Word

— Four suggestions


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Gideons Testimonies

Franklyn Passmore III

Franklyn Passmore III

Preaching and Teaching

A few words to pr/teachers:

Reading the Bible

Four Principles

  1. Know the Big Picture
  2. Be sensitive to the form of the writing
  3. Allow the writer to speak for himself
  4. The Response








  • God brought them out of Egypt and made a new start with the whole nation
  • by giving them the law and making the covenant at Mt. Sinai
  • Within days they had broken his covenant and refused to trust him



King David

King David

Babylonian Siege of Jerusalem

Babylonian Siege of Jerusalem
  • Even David’s own desendents fell into extreme sin and God allowed the entire nation to be taken away into captivity





2. Be sensitive to the form of the writing

Practical session: Luke 18:18-30

  1. Read the passage through and divide into stories
    • Put a line across the page and give it a short title (Assumption: Luke has put these stories together to make a point!) Download pdf: Luke18.pdf
  2. Underline any significant word or theme
  3. What does each story teach us about the Kingdom? Why is it shocking?
  4. Is there a contrast between Old Creation (law)explain that law is old and following Jesus is the replacement & New Creation?

Luke 18:18-30

Luke 18:18-30

Notes on eye of needle

3. Allow the writer to speak for himself

  1. For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.
  2. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
  3. Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another,

4. The Response

Four Principles

  1. Know the Big Picture
  2. Be sensitive to the form of the writing
  3. Allow the writer to speak for himself
  4. The Response

Four ways of achieving these goals

  1. Ask the Spirit
  2. Read and Read the passage/book
    • the shape of a book — printout and highlight e.g. my notes on Romans
    • hear it as a letter or a story
  3. Know the Bible
  4. Learn from others

Bruce’s Testimony