Myths about Christianity Pt2

— Some common misunderstandings people have


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Some common myths/misunderstandings

  1. The Christian life is dull/boring & God hates pleasure
  2. If there’s a God of love, how come there’s so much suffering in the world?
  3. The Bible is a lot of old myths with no archeological support or scientific basis
  4. The Bible is full of contradictions
  5. There’s no proof for God like there is for scientific facts
    ● Faith is blind and has nothing to do with evidence.
  6. Christianity hasn’t done anything particularly good for the world—most wars are caused by religion
    ● Most wars are caused by religion and so the last thing we need is people who believe strongly that they are right
  7. Christians actually have the nerve to believe theirs is the only true faith!
    ● Christians are more intolerant of other people than non-Christians.
    ● Christians despise Mormons, JW’s, and other cult members.

1. Christian life dull & boring

Grumpy Old Man

1. The Christian life is dull/boring & God hates pleasure

Pleasure = Money and Sex?

Sex and Money

1. The Christian life is dull/boring cont’d

  1. A limited definition of pleasure
    • Material posessions and sex
    • But Jesus gives his followers a gift of supernatural life within them
    • This gives a joy and satisfaction that is invisible
    • So it can look from the outside like there is no fun

2 Suffering

Evacuating residents carry their belongings through floodwaters in Pakistan.

2. If there’s a God of love, how come there’s so much suffering in the world?

3 Bible = Myths & Legends

Myths & Legends

3 Archeology: Jericho

Aerial view of Jericho, looking south

  1. The Bible is a lot of old myths with no archeological support or scientific basis

4 Bible full of contradictions


  1. The Bible is full of contradictions

5 No Proof for God


  1. There’s no proof for God like there is for scientific facts
    • The idea that “faith is blind and has nothing to do with evidence.”

6 Wars are caused by religion

World War II soldiers training

  1. Christianity hasn’t done anything particularly good for the world—most wars are caused by religion

7 The only truth?


  1. Christians actually have the nerve to believe theirs is the only true faith!
    • Christians are more intolerant of other people than non-Christians.
    • Christians despise Mormons, JW’s, and other cult members.
      • This all depends on whether Jesus really does have the answer?

So what is Jesus’ answer

Updated on 2010-08-31 by Andrew Fountain