Myths about Christianity

— Some common misunderstandings people have


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Some common myths/misunderstandings

  1. You have to take part in rituals
  2. God only welcomes “good” people
  3. I need a priest
  4. Some places are “holy”
  5. It’s about giving money
  6. Christians are Hypocrites
  7. There are so many brands of Christianity

The purpose of rituals

Tim Hortons Coming Soon...

  1. You have to take part in rituals
    • rituals were part of the way God taught the nation of Israel to worship him 3,000 years ago
    • however, the rituals were like acted out pictorial lessons
      • we do that kind of thing now, e.g. at weddings it is traditional for them to arrive separately but leave together
    • for example, the ritual of burning sweet incense was a picture prayer and how God enjoyed it when they talked to him
    • Many of the rituals were to teach them about what God would do for them in the future, when he sent Jesus
      • E.g. the picture of their guilt being transferred to a lamb prepared them for Jesus who would take away our guilt
    • When Jesus came, he specifically said that he fulfilled all the rituals
    • Just like a “Tim Horton’s Coming Soon”
      • But it would be totally inappropriate to keep the sign up
    • similarly for a married couple to always insist that when ever they went anywhere they should arrive separately...

God only welcomes “good” people

  1. Then Levi held a great banquet in his house for Jesus, and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others sitting at the table with them.
  2. But the Pharisees and their experts in the law complained to his disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
  3. Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
  4. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
  1. God only accepts people who are “good”
    • Jesus said “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners (Luke 5)
      • explain
    • So actually the opposite is true: God is not interested in those who are self-righteous, but those who need him
    • Nobody has done too much wrong for God to love them

I need a priest


  1. I need a priest
    • Just like there were rituals 3,000 years ago, there were priests
    • People couldn’t come to God directly because of God’s purity
    • They needed an intermediary who was on the one hand pure enough for God’s presence, and on the other was human so as to relate to us
      • The priests of course were not really pure, it was another picture
    • The reality that the priests pointed to was the ultimate priest
      • God himself in the form of Jesus, who actually took on human form
    • He fulfilled the requirement of an intermediary: pure as God, yet human as us
    • So we can simply pray to God directly, through the help of Jesus
      • “For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human” [1Tim 2:5]
    • Now it wrong to have priests and Jesus forbade them among his followers

Some places are “holy”

Notre-Dame Cathedral Montreal

  1. Some places are “holy”
    • Some people think that if they want to pray, it is better to go into a church building
    • Never in the Bible was a place special in and of itself
    • Places were only ever special if God showed his presence there, and only for as long as his presence was there
    • God has said that right now he is present every time we gather together
      • It makes absolutely no difference if it is gym, a cave or out of doors
    • but even if we were meeting in a church building, the moment we leave it is just another building

It’s about giving money

Pile of Money

  1. It’s about giving money
    • throughout history there have been people who have thought they can buy their way into God’s favour
      • But in the Bible it is the opposite: Jesus and his followers were deeply offended when people tried to gain God’s favour with money
    • God makes it clear that he owns everything and needs nothing
      • However, when people want to freely and willingly give to God’s work, he is pleased
      • God loves people to be generous, because he himself is generous, and will give back more than is given

Christians are Hypocrites

How to Get Rich

  1. Christians are Hypocrites
    • Many people have had a bad experience with someone who claimed to be a Christian
      • Maybe a parent or authority figure
    • Some point to TV preachers who are always asking for money are accurate representatives of Christianity
    • Jesus said to his followers “Freely you have received, freely give”
      • but since the beginning there have been people who have tried to turn Christianity into a business
    • not everyone who asks for money is wrong—there is nothing wrong with donations to cover expenses
      • but unfortunately many times it has obscured the message
    • the term “Christian” has been badly abused
      • If you ask “was that person following the teachings of Jesus Christ?”
      • The answer is usually “NO!”
      • So if we are talking about genuine “Christ-followers” and not those who merely call themselves “Christians” then there is not a problem with hypocrisy

So many brands of Christianity

Read the Bible

  1. There are so many brands of Christianity. No one agrees on anything.
    • Sadly there have been many who have turned Christianity into a political tool
      • or as a way of making a name for themselves
    • As mentioned above, the problem is the word “Christianity”
      • Better to say Christ-follower
      • This is not what Jesus taught
      • Among those who try to carefully follow the teachings of Jesus and his disciples, there is not nearly as much disagreement

What Jesus taught

Updated on 2010-08-29 by Andrew Fountain